Periodic Reporting for period 1 - PFC-AMY (Functional networks underlying emotion processing)
Reporting period: 2018-09-03 to 2020-09-02
In the second step, we determined which brain regions are functionally coupled with the amygdala during emotion regulation. A myriad of neuroimaging studies has investigated the neural underpinnings of emotion regulation. However, single studies usually provide limited insight into the function of specific brain regions. Hence, to better understand the interaction between key regions involved in emotion generation and regulation, we performed a coordinate-based meta-analysis on functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies that examined emotion regulation-modulated connectivity of the amygdala using psychophysiological interaction (PPI) analysis. We analyzed fifteen PPI studies using the activation likelihood estimation (ALE) algorithm. Overall, convergent connectivity during emotion regulation independent of regulation strategy and goal between the amygdala and the left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (vlPFC) emerged. A more focused analysis testing for effective coupling during the down-regulation of emotions by using reappraisal specifically, revealed convergent connectivity between the amygdala and the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC), the left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (vlPFC) and the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC).These prefrontal regions have been implicated in emotion regulatory processes such as working memory (dlPFC), language processes (vlPFC) and the attribution of mental states (dmPFC). Our findings suggest not only a dynamic modulation of connectivity between emotion generative and regulatory systems during the cognitive control of emotions, but also highlight the robustness of task-modulated prefrontal-amygdala coupling, thereby informing neurally-derived models of emotion regulation.
• First investigation of emotion regulation at ultra-high magnetic field (7T)
• First assessment of test-retest reliability of a well-established emotion regulation task
• Region- and voxel-wise test-retest reliability between 3 sessions
• Reliability of ROIs within 4 neuronal networks of emotion regulation and generation
• Assessment of the reliability of rs-fMRI connectivity within 4 neuronal networks of emotion regulation and generation
• First coordinate-based meta-analysis on PPI studies examining emotion regulation
• Indication of the robustness of task-modulated prefrontal-amygdala coupling
• Indication of highly reliable networks involved in emotion regulation
Scientific impact. The current findings will inform theoretical, biological and psychological models of emotion regulation, extend previous models and help formulate testable hypotheses about the role of different brain regions in emotion regulation.
Societal impact. The findings of the project are fundamental for the development of personalized prevention and intervention programs that aim to foster well-being, resilience and coping with negative emotions in daily life and thus help to improve interchange between individuals and support a respectful and positive society.
Clinical impact. The findings of the project could be directly transferred in a clinical setting. The demonstration of high test-retest reliability of fMRI data in the field of emotion regulation will impact the clinical assessment of emotion regulation ability in affective disorders and provide first evidence for an useful indicator for individual characteristics of brain functions. Our findings thus support the role of prefrontal and temporal regions as promising candidates for the study of individual differences in emotion regulation as well as for neurobiological biomarkers in clinical neuroscience research.