"The Fellow has improved the previous work from the Fellow's dissertation and developed a new iterative refinement algorithm using arbitrary dynamic precision that solves a linear system with least mantissa cost compared to other state-of-the-art iterative refinements. This work has been accepted in Elsevier Parallel Computing (Journal) :
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167819120300569?via%3Dihub . As another research work, the Fellow has received ""reject and resubmission"" (e.g. similar to major revision) decision from IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (one of the best journals in machine learning area) for a research work exploring the application of mixed precision arithmetic to a kernel method machine learning algorithm. A revised draft has been recently submitted, and it is currently under review. The Fellow disseminated his MSCA project by presenting the work at a Workshop ( ""Adaptive Mixed Precision Kernel Recursive Least Squares"", in Adaptive Many-Core Architecture and Systems Workshop: https://www-users.york.ac.uk/~mt540/graceful-ws/ ) and a Summer School ( ""Transprecision Techniques for Linear Solvers and Non-linear Regressions"" in NiPS Summer School : https://www.nipslab.org/summerschool2018/ ). The transprecision techniques developed from this project can be exploited by IT industries concerning energy and power consumption (e.g. Apple, Google and etc), since the transprecision techniques can save energy required for linear solvers and machine learning applications."