Periodic Reporting for period 1 - WORM_SLEEP (Sleep homeostasis in Caenorhabditis elegans)
Reporting period: 2018-06-01 to 2020-05-31
More in detail, the smaller-scale objectives were: characterizing a type of sleep where studying the effects of deprivation would be feasible without interfering with the survival of the animal, studying its genetic and neural bases, and finally investigating possible sleep deprivation approaches, in order to subsequently study the effect of sleep deprivation on brain dynamics.
The next step was to measure adult sleep in various available mutants which have previously shown to be defective in developmentally timed or stress-induced sleep, so to assess whether the same genes are also able to modulate adult sleep. The results were mixed. First, very importantly, mutants which are defective for stress-induced sleep did not show reduced adult sleep compared to wild type worms, nor a change in the duration of the immobility periods. This is crucial as it shows that the quiescence analyzed it is not caused by stress the animals might have been exposed to during the experiments. Second, some other mutants showed a specific modulation in the duration of the immobility periods. This seem to link a specific molecular pathway, previously implicated in the regulation of developmentally timed sleep, in adult sleep too. Also, it hinted at the involvement of a specific interneuron, RIS, previously known as the main regulator of developmentally timed sleep, in the regulation of this type of sleep too.
Therefore, I took advantage of an imaging line previously developed in the lab, expressing both the calcium indicator GCaMP and the red fluorescent protein wCherry specifically in RIS. Given the presence of two fluorescent signals, one stable and one that is modulated by neural activity, this line allows single-neuron calcium imaging in freely moving animals (where the stable signal, i.e. the cherry fluorescence, serves for movement artifacts correction). I imaged the activity of RIS throughout different ages - in pre-lethargic L4 larval stage, during L4 lethargus (i.e. the last instance of developmentally-timed sleep in the worm’s life cycle), adulthood – with or without sensory stimulation which would cause periods of sleep deprivation and subsequent rebounds. To analyze such data, I also completed a new analyzer tool to extract signal throughout subsequent frames and from different cellular compartments (as the calcium indicator was expressed in the cytoplasm of the neuron).