Periodic Reporting for period 1 - BRONC (Behavioral demand-driven dynamic reorganisation of cortical networks revealed by simultaneous wide-field optical imaging and optogenetic stimulation mapping in task-performing mice)
Reporting period: 2018-11-01 to 2020-10-31
1. Esmaeili V=1,*, Tamura K=1,* (=1, equal contribution; *, co-corresponding), …, Petersen C*. Divergent sensory processing converges in frontal cortex for a planned motor response. bioRxiv DOI: 10.1101/2020.10.06.326678.
2. Esmaeili V, Tamura K, …, Petersen C. Cortical circuits for transforming whisker sensory information into goal-directed licking. Curr Opin Neurobiol 65: 38-48 (2020).
1. Mayrhofer JM, …, Tamura K, Petersen C. Distinct contributions of whisker sensory cortex and tongue-jaw motor cortex in a goal-directed sensorimotor transformation. Neuron 103: 1–10 (2019). Data repository:
Presentations (selected)
1. Tamura K, …, Petersen C. Cortical signal flow during sensorimotor transformation in a whisker detection and delayed lick task. Barrels XXXIII. (Online. Oct 21 – 23, 2020). Selected for short talk.
2. Tamura K, …, Petersen C. Global changes in cortical processing through learning of a delayed response behavior. NEURO2020 (Online, July 29 - Aug 1, 2020). Poster Movie (LBA-037).
3. Tamura K, …, Petersen C. Learning-induced changes in global cortical processing for a delayed response behavior. 12th FENS Forum for Neuroscience (Online, Jul 11-15, 2020), ePoster. FENS Virtual Forum Grant.
4. Tamura K, …, Petersen C. Changes in global cortical processing induced by learning of a delayed response behavior. 22nd SSN Annual Meeting (Bern, Switzerland, Feb 22, 2020), Poster.
5. Tamura K, …, Petersen C. Optical measurement and perturbation of global cortical processing for context-dependent behavior. Neuroscience 2019 (Chicago, USA. Oct 19-23, 2019), Selected for Nanosymposium (Oral). SfN Trainee Professional Development Award.
6. Tamura K, …, Petersen C. Revealing context-dependent global cortical processing by wide-field calcium imaging and optogenetic stimulation mapping. NEURO2019 (Niigata, Japan. Jul 25-28, 2019). Selected for Short Talk.
7. Tamura K, …, Petersen C. Global cortical processing for context-matched behavior revealed by optogenetic stimulation mapping and wide-field calcium imaging. EMBO|EMBL Symposium (Heidelberg, Germany. Apr 10-13, 2019). Selected for Short Talk.
8. Tamura K, …, Petersen C. Context-driven global cortical processing revealed by optogenetic stimulation mapping and wide-field calcium imaging. 21st SSN Annual Meeting (Geneva, Switzerland. Feb 1, 2019). Poster.
9. Tamura K, …, Petersen C. Context-dependent changes in global cortical processing revealed by wide-field calcium imaging and optogenetic stimulation mapping. BMI Symposium (Lausanne, Switzerland. Dec 3-4, 2018). Poster.