Train@Ed delivered in important areas of experienced researcher development in the EU: Firstly, it provided a highly visible research opportunity for experienced researchers, with secure employment for three years. A lack of personal research funding for junior researchers, particularly those which bridge industry and academia, had been repeatedly highlighted by reports on researcher careers in the EU, and by researchers themselves. By emphasising the links with industry and the transferable skill training provided, this programme complemented opportunities through ERC grants. Secondly, Train@Ed addressed a major gap in opportunities for early career researchers to collaborate with industry. The ERA progress report (2013) noted there was a relative lack of researchers employed in industry in Europe, with the net result that many PhD graduates are ‘ill-prepared for the labour market” and innovation in industry is compromised. In Train@Ed, researchers had the opportunity to spend time in the industry of their choice, gain understanding of the needs of industry, tackle the challenges the industrial research sector faces, and gain the skills and experience for effective industrial collaboration. Thirdly, Train@Ed complied with best practice in supporting researcher careers. Our selection and recruitment process was fully transparent: selection was based entirely on merit, and we encouraged participation of traditionally under-represented groups. Assistance in visa applications, with relocation expenses (including relocation of families), and funded provision of health care and pension contributions also removed identified barriers to researcher mobility. Once appointed, the researchers entered a world-class research programme with supportive line management from an established academic (UEDIN) and a non-academic advisor. All experienced researchers developed a personalised career development plan (in collaboration with their advisors), which included transferable skill development and public engagement opportunities as well as training in state-of-the-art research techniques and equipment.
Objective: Train@Ed was a research fellowship programme for 19 experienced researchers (around 4 -6 years after gaining their primary degree) which provided researchers with an international, interdisciplinary and inter-sectoral mobility experience.
Objective: The Train@Ed programme educated experienced researchers in research excellence and transferable skills. The Train@Ed Fellows had an employment contract with UEDIN for a research fellowship for up to three years.
Objective: The Train@Ed fellows pursued research and transferable skill training at UEDIN, and also spent some time in the industry of their choice.
Objective: The values of the scheme aligned with those held by Horizon 2020: Excellent Sciences, Industrial Leadership and addressing Societal Challenges. The Train@Ed values also aligned with those of the Marie-Skłodowska Curie Actions: i.e. provide excellent, innovative research training and career progression, knowledge exchange and mobility opportunities.