Periodic Reporting for period 3 - MEGANTE (MEasuring the Gravitational constant with Atom interferometry for Novel fundamental physics TEst)
Reporting period: 2022-02-01 to 2023-07-31
The main aim of MEGANTE is to realize independent precision measurements of the Newtonian gravitational constant G using atom optics techniques at the state-of-art. The target relative accuracy is 10 ppm or below, striving to approach the ppm level, thus surpassing the state-of-art measurements based on torsion balance and simple pendulum. In addition, due to the different physical regime these determinations will be realized, high precision tests of gravity will be performed, in particular:
1. Verification of the Newton’s law of gravity at short distance (~10 cm).
2. Precision test of the gravitational red shift.
3. Search for dark energy signature due to Chameleon scalar fields.
In particular, the design of the source mass has been optimized by means of a dedicated computer simulation of the experiment, which will then be employed to extract the value of G from the experimental data. Furthermore, a trade-off study on several source mass materials has been carried out in order to identify the best solution in terms of signal-to-noise ratio and systematics effects on the G measurement.
At the same time, new concepts to enhance the precision of gravity and gravity gradients measurements in atom interferometers have been studied. More specifically, a novel high-power laser system to efficiently manipulate the Rubidium atoms in free-fall has been studied and realized and is currently being tested.
MEGANTE will get to the root of the problem making use of a completely different experimental strategy, based on a gravity-gradient compensation scheme. More specifically, the source mass field can be constructed in a way that the acceleration sensed by atoms is varying linearly with height. This constant gravity gradient can be
precisely compensated by properly changing the absolute frequency of the laser employed to realize the interferometer sequence. The obtained compensation point is almost independent by the spatial features of the atomic samples, thus genuinely relaxing the geometric constrains. In this way a determination of G at 10 ppm level is at hand and it looks feasible. Towards this final result, the project has defined a suitable source mass configuration (geometry and material employed) together with an optimized experimental sequence. Next goal will be to obtain the first interferometric signals in the new devoted infrastructure, performing also some preliminary G determinations.