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NEw Clinical Endpoints in primary Sjögren’s Syndrome: an Interventional Trial based on stratifYing patients

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EAB cooperation report that will summarize the Experts profiles and their roles.

An Ethical Advisory board (EAB) will be defined and formalized in a EAB collaboration report. It will include the list of members, their role and frequency of the meetings.

A shortlist of candidate blood biomarkers for stratifying pSS patients to be further evaluated in Task 4.6.

Using the pSS subsets identified in D4.2 to identify blood-based biomarkers characterising these subsets. Blood-based biomarkers may be derived from, but not limited to serum/plasma, whole blood or peripheral mononuclear cells, and the biomarkers may be proteins, metabolities and/or RNA. Priority will be given to biomarkers that are relatively easy to measure accurately and reproducibly using widely available molecular technology.

Initial Exploitation plan

A preliminary exploitation plan will be createdwhen the project begins and updated yearly. The plan will summarize the strategy and the concrete actions put in place by the NECESSITY Consortium for the optimal protection and exploitation of the results generated by the project

A comprehensive dataset on a tranSMART platform with clinical and biological data from well-characterised pSS cohorts and clinical trials.

We will integrate the available datasets from the pSS cohorts and clinical trials available for the NECESSITY project onto a tranSMART platform. It will involve creation and harmonization all the descriptive terms for the clinical and biological data of these datasets

Set of inclusion criteria for the WP6 clinical trial by identifying patients' subsets being the most responsive to treatment based on ESSDAI, ESSPRI and other major outcomes.

Identification of patients’ subsets being the most responsive to treatment based on major clinical outcomes, by analysis of data form all previous clinical trial data available at the time of analysis

Communication Policy

A communication Policy will be put in place to ensure that: i) all innovation related activities are captured, assessed, and the IP protected and ii) all NECESSITY Partners will comply with the rules of IMI2 JU Grant Agreement and the IMI2 JU Communication Guide regarding the dissemination activities and the protection of foreground generated within the project

EAB second report on ethical issues

The EAB will be held at month 26 of the project and minutes prepared.

A list of clinical phenotypic subsets of pSS with differential clinical and/or biological responses to therapies.

We will identify clinically and biological meaningful subsets of pSS patients through interrogating the combined dataset of D4.1 using mathematical and statistical modelling

A Shortlist of blood-based biomarkers derived from novel technologies.

Similar to D4.3, but this deliverable focus on biomarkers identified using novel technologies which are more exploratory in nature but may enable deeper understandings of the pathobiology of the pSS subsets.

A shortlist of histological parameters to monitor inflammatory and athropic changes in the salivary glands

We will provide a list of validated parameters, such as percentage of infiltrated area, average infiltrating size. Those will be tested across independent laboratories and used on available samples to generate correlations with measured areas of atrophy.

Final version of the protocol of the NECESSITY trial

The summary of the definitive protocol will be available on

EAB first report on ethical issues

The EAB will be held at month 12 of the project and minutes prepared.

EAB third report on ethical issues

The EAB will be held at month 48 of the project and minutes prepared

Initial Dissemination and Communication plan.

A preliminary dissemination and communication plan will be createdwhen the project begins and updated yearly. The plan will summarize the strategy and the concrete actions put inplace by the NECESSITY Consortium for the optimal dissemination and communication of the resultsgenerated by the project

A shortlist of candidate blood biomarkers identified within PRECISESADS to be further evaluated in Task 4.6. and 4.7.

Similar to D4.3 but data will be based on dataset from the PRECISESADS cohort.

Mid-term Exploitation plan

A mid-term exploitation plan will be created at M36. The plan will revise and improve the strategy and the concrete actions put in place by the NECESSITY Consortium for the optimal protection and exploitation of the results generated by the project.

Mid-term Communication and Dissemination plan

A mid-term dissemination and communication plan will be createdat M36. The plan will revise and improve the strategy and the concrete actions put inplace by the NECESSITY Consortium for the optimal dissemination and communication of the results generated by the project.

First version of the protocol of the NECESSITY trial finalized

A first version of the complete NECESSITY trial protocol meeting requirements for submission to health authorities

A shortlist of histological parameters to monitor disease progression and lymphoma development in the salivary glands

We will validate a series of parameters, able to predict in repeated longitudinal biopsies from the same patients the development of lymphoma. Items considered will include morphometric measurements of lymphoepithelial areas and histological features of the germinal centres.

Identification of a consensual salivary gland US scoring system to be used in the WP6 clinical trial.

Definition of a consensual Scoring of salivary gland US

Second workshop sharing opinions of patients, experts and health authorities

Same as above but with updated inputs from WP1-WP7 on the clinical development plan. Finalize study protocol based on HA, patient group & payer feedback.

First workshop on clinical protocol development sharing opinions of patients, experts and health authorities

Advance identification of and signed contracts for external participants; Admin logistics (location, contracts, timing). Creation of materials from draft clinical outputs (from WP1-WP7). Plan information to be included in briefing package to be shared with HAs, patient groups & payers. Plan timing for HA/payer/patient group consultation and feedback.


The NECESSITY website will be accessible on the internet at month 6 and it will be revised and improvedduring the whole course of the action. Part of the website will be password-protected and dedicated to internal communication.


Development and preliminary validation of the Sjögren's Tool for Assessing Response (STAR): a consensual composite score for assessing treatment effect in primary Sjögren's syndrome

Author(s): Raphaele Seror, Gabriel Baron, Marine Camus, Divi Cornec, Elodie Perrodeau, Simon J Bowman, Michele Bombardieri, Hendrika Bootsma, Jacques-Eric Gottenberg, Benjamin Fisher, Wolfgang Hueber, Joel A van Roon, Valérie Devauchelle-Pensec, Peter Gergely, Xavier Mariette, Raphael Porcher, NECESSITY WP5 - STAR development working group;
Published in: Ann Rheum Dis ., 2022, Page(s) ahead of print, ISSN 0003-4967
Publisher: BMJ Publishing Group

Variability in primary Sjögren’s syndrome is driven by interferon alpha, and genetically associated with the class II HLA DQ locus

Author(s): Diana Trutschel, Pierre Bost, Xavier Mariette, Vincent Bondet, Alba Llibre, et al, Milieu Interieur, ASSESS investigators, and NECESSITY consortium
Published in: Arthritis Rheumatol., 2022, ISSN 2326-5205
Publisher: American College of Rheumatology
DOI: 10.1002/art.42265

Association Between Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase Gene Overexpression and Risk of Lymphoma in Primary Sjögren's Syndrome

Author(s): Pierre-Marie Duret, Cedric Schleiss,Lou Kawka,Nicolas Meyer, Tao YeAlain Saraux, Valérie Devauchelle-Pensec, Raphaele Seror,Claire Larroche, Aleth Perdriger,Jean Sibilia, Laurent Vallat, Luc-Matthieu Fornecker, Gaetane Nocturne,Xavier Mariette, and Jacques-Eric Gottenberg
Published in: Arthritis & Rheumatology, 2023, ISSN 2326-5205
Publisher: Wiley Periodicals LLC
DOI: 10.1002/art.42550

Automation of dry eye disease quantitative assessment: A review.

Author(s): Brahim, I, Lamard, M, Benyoussef, A-A, Quellec, G.
Published in: Clin Experiment Ophthalmol., 2022, ISSN 1442-9071
Publisher: Wiley Press
DOI: 10.1111/ceo.14119

Salivary gland epithelial cells from patients with Sjögren’s syndrome induce B-lymphocyte survival and activation

Author(s): Elodie Rivière, Juliette Pascaud, Nicolas Tchitchek, Saida Boudaoud, Audrey Paoletti, Bineta Ly, Anastasia Dupré, Hua Chen, Alice Thai, Norm Allaire, Bernd Jagla, Michael Mingueneau, Gaetane Nocturne, Xavier Mariette
Published in: Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, Issue 79/11, 2020, Page(s) 1468-1477, ISSN 0003-4967
Publisher: BMJ Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2019-216588

Comorbidities in the UK Primary Sjögren's Syndrome Registry

Author(s): Jessica Tarn, Dennis Lendrem, Michael Barnes, John Casement1 and Wan-Fai Ng
Published in: Front Immunol, Issue 16643224, 2022, ISSN 1664-3224
Publisher: Frontiers Media S.A.
DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.864448

TRACTISS Study research group (2023). Serum and tissue biomarkers associated with CRESS and STAR response to B-cell targeted therapy in TRACTISS trial of Sjogren's syndrome.

Author(s): Elena Pontarini,Elisabetta Sciacca,Farzana Chowdhury,Sofia Grigoriadou,Felice Rivellese, William J. Murray-Brown, Davide Lucchesi,Liliante Fossati-Jimack,Alessandra Nerviani, Edyta Jaworska,Giulia Maria Ghirardi,Chiara Giacomassi,Paul Emery,Wan Fai Ng Nurhan Sutcliffe,Colin Everett, Catherine Fernandez, Anwar Tappuni,Raphael Seror,Xavier Mariette,Raphael Porcher,Giulia Cavallaro,Alfredo Pulvirenti
Published in: Arthritis & Rheumatology, 2023, ISSN 2326-5205
Publisher: Wiley Periodicals LLC
DOI: 10.1002/art.42772

Revisiting the JOQUER trial: stratification of primary Sjögren’s syndrome and the clinical and interferon responseto hydroxychloroquine

Author(s): Alexis Collins, Dennis Lendrem, James Wason, Jessica Tarn, Nadia Howard‑Tripp, Iris Bodewes, Marjan A. Versnel, Jacques‑Eric Gottenberg, Raphaele Seror, Xavier Mariette, Wan‑Fai.
Published in: Rheumatology International, 2021, ISSN 1559-0836
Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Ltd
DOI: 10.1007/s00296-021-04927-y

Selection of study endpoints and patients for clinical trials in primary Sjögren's syndrome

Author(s): Suzanne Arends, Liseth de Wolff, Liselotte Deroo, Gwenny M Verstappen, Arjan Vissink, Frans G M Kroese, Dirk Elewaut, Isabelle Peene, Hendrika Bootsma
Published in: Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology, 2022, ISSN 0392-856X
Publisher: Pacini Editore SpA
DOI: 10.55563/clinexprheumatol/yagocb

Current and future therapies for primary Sjögren syndrome

Author(s): Seror R, Nocturne G, Mariette X.
Published in: Nat. Rev Rheumatol., 2021, ISSN 1759-4804
Publisher: Springer Nature
DOI: 10.1038/s41584-021-00634-x

Juvenile Sjögren's Syndrome: Clinical Characteristics With Focus on Salivary Gland Ultrasonography

Author(s): Daniel S. Hammenfors, Valéria Valim, Blanca E. R. G. Bica, Sandra G. Pasoto, Vibke Lilleby, Juan Carlos Nieto‐González, Clovis A. Silva, Esther Mossel, Rosa M. R. Pereira, Aline Coelho, Hendrika Bootsma, Akaluck Thatayatikom, Johan G. Brun, Malin V. Jonsson
Published in: Arthritis Care & Research, Issue 72/1, 2019, Page(s) 78-87, ISSN 2151-464X
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
DOI: 10.1002/acr.23839

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