Periodic Reporting for period 1 - PANORAMIX (PANORAMIX: Platform for the operAtion aNd Optimization in ReAl-time of MIXed autonomous fleets .)
Reporting period: 2018-02-01 to 2018-05-31
Due to the reasons above, the business opportunity for PANORAMIX relies on the need of an efficient mobility management service to operate and optimize AVs and human-driven vehicles as a fleet and to provide OnDemand and/or fixed routes services. Therefore, our project idea will mainly consist of consolidating the PANORAMIX platform by adding the hybrid and mixed management features and implementing on-demand routes.
During Phase 2 our main objectives are to integrate customer insights in the final platform design and develop the mixed fleet platform features. The final version will be validated with key early adopters and a commercialization and dissemination plan will be defined in order to reach the market right after the end of the implementation of the Phase 2. With the aim carrying out these activities on Phase 2, we have developed a technical feasibility plan, a business plan and performed a Freedom to Operate analysis.
Technical Feasibility Study: During the technical feasibility the technical requirements to add the hybrid, agnostic and on-demand routes features have been identified and we developed the final design of the software architecture. This will be validated again at the beginning of Phase 2 with key stakeholders, in order to ensure that our specifications respond to real market needs. We also defined the initial Use Cases for the validation during Phase 2 and we started the discussions with potential partners to deploy the pilots. Additionally, the API management strategy is now available, and an initial work plan structure and timeline has been defined.
Commercial Feasibility Study: During the commercial feasibility study we updated our initial market research to identify the main customers, geographical segments, competitors, channels and stakeholders and identify the key features to enter the market. We put special focus on analysing the competitors and we carried out a freedom to operate to ensure we will be able to commercialize our product.
Financial Feasibility Study: During the financial feasibility study we defined the pricing strategy and the commercial objectives. We also developed three different commercial scenarios for a 5-year period after the completion of the Phase 2 and estimated the funding requirement. Additionally, we established an initial hiring plan towards the Phase 2 and next five years.We also performed a risk analysis in the three areas ( technical, commercial and financial).
PANORAMIX brings to the market the first vehicle agnostic platform allowing mobility service providers to operate hybrid (autonomous and human-driven vehicles) and mixed fleets (different brands and types of vehicles) and optimize the whole transport system by answering real-time demand in combination with fixed routes. Customers can benefit from a turnkey or an integrated solution, using the relevant web and mobile application provided by Bestmile’s Marketplace, or respectively the PANORAMIX Core engine’s capabilities to power their own web and mobile applications.