Periodic Reporting for period 1 - VILT-DEV (Virtual Instructor-Led IT Developer Training Program)
Reporting period: 2018-03-01 to 2018-08-31
O’clock presented a project which addressed a major worldwide problem related to the digital transformation: the lack of qualified web developers. O’clock wanted to make it possible to train massive numbers of web developers by using its virtual classroom concept.
The goal was to conduct a feasibility study to see if it would be possible to open a new O’clock school outside of France.
The initial project quickly moved towards "Eddi", a global digital teaching platform, aimed at any entity that wants to offer a training programme. O’clock is no longer looking to open a new school, but rather to market the Eddi solution as a SaaS, in France and abroad.
Our study showed that the most appropriate country is Estonia, a small, very digital-oriented country and also member of the European Union.
- Participated in the 2018 edition of EdTech Boston: networking, evaluation of ideas compared to the realities of EdTech in the United States
- Conducted its first feasibility study for 22 countries: data collection to precisely map out potential countries and identify the five most promising where Eddi could be marketed (United States, Canada, Ireland, Belgium and Estonia)
- Conducted a second, more thorough market analysis of the five countries so as to narrow it down to between one and three.
The conclusions of the study indicated marketing the Eddi solution in France first, and then expanding to a country that is a member of the European Union. Estonia came out on top. Following that, conquering the North American market is envisioned, beginning with Canada and in particular, Quebec.