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EKOGRID™, the first technology to clean water and underwater sediments with electrokinetic oxidation

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - EKOGRID (EKOGRID™, the first technology to clean water and underwater sediments with electrokinetic oxidation)

Reporting period: 2018-01-01 to 2018-04-30

The presence of pollutants in soil, freshwater, groundwater and seawater threatens wildlife and ecosystems and raises concerns for public health. Discharge from urban wastewater treatment, waste disposal, industrial effluents and losses from farming, are the main sources of such pollution. Contamination with hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents and similar products pose a major threat to water resources. Water pollution indeed not only puts biodiversity at risk and disrupts the fragile equilibrium that exists underwater, but also affects economic activities, such as fisheries, aquaculture and tourism. Current water and seabed remediation methods such as “Pump and Treat” and “Dig and Dump” significantly disturb the site operations and environment and as most of them are ex-situ methods they require costly and polluting transportation means, becoming less cost-effective. Eko Harden developed the Electro Kinetic Oxidation Grid (EKOGRID), as a more sustainable in-situ ground, ground water and sediment remediation method, without needing major installations or disturbance to the activities on the contaminated sites. The overall objective of the project is to complete development of the EKOGRID control unit and demonstrate the complete system, proving its commercial readiness.
During the project, Eko Harden completed a detailed analysis of the technical and business potential of EKOGRID. The company prepared a detailed product development plan, identifying all the steps necessary as well as analysing the potential risks. The market was also analysed in depth, looking at the market landscape, customer segments, competitors, and barriers. A business model and commercialisation plan was also prepared. During Phase 1, Eko Harden also determined what support would be needed from third parties both to complete the product development and operate commercially.
EKOGRID is less disruptive and more convenient to use and manage than traditionally used remediation methods. The pollutants re remediated in situ, not transported and relocated. Hence there is no need for excavations and heavy truck traffic, which are sources of substantial secondary pollution such as dust, noise, and exhaust gases. The solution does not use any chemicals and therefore causes no harm to flora and fauna. The extremely low energy demand offers the opportunity to use alternative energy sources, such as wind and solar power.