Periodic Reporting for period 1 - LifeCall (LifeCall Wearable EKG Heart Health Monitoring, Analysing and Warning System)
Reporting period: 2018-03-01 to 2018-08-31
The continuous heart health monitoring with a user-friendly interface, medical institution standard remote monitoring featured on affordable price for individuals and governments will likely to create a significant impact on decreasing the global health spending and reducing the death rates due to the cardiac arrests.
The feasibility study has given us the chance to explore the functional expectations from customers view, refined business plan, market requirements, size, marketing price, distribution channels and network, financial projections and competitors’ analysis in detail.
• Elaborated market reviews for developing marketing tools/methods and strategy and competitor analysis
• Assessing the functional expectations by conducting customer surveys
• Improve the implementation schedule
• Research of the clinical study prerequisites and identifications
• More knowledge on legal, ethical requirements
• Refined the strategic business plan
• Evaluated financial projections; requirements, pricing strategies and sales revenue models
Following the refined plan in the feasibility studies, LifeCall team is working on implementing the designated new features and development studies in parallel to establish the partnerships.
• No electrodes, simply conductive fabric application
• No visible wires or cables
• Features alarm settings via mobile phones
• Improved Ultra-low power intelligent, power saving algorithms
• Wireless battery charging
• High data security and reliable data communication with ultra-low power
LifeCall will consist of high-tech and user-friendly features with various marketing options to have main impacts and expected results of:
1) To allow patients to have better medical history data which healthcare providers will also benefit from long term accurate ECG data acquisition.
2) Many unexpected heart failures will be monitored, action will be taken before fatal results.
3) People at risk of cardiac arrest and elderly can have better quality of life and be more independent.
4) Users will reduce the frequency of visits for regular ECG checks, as regular check-ups can be tracked remotely by doctors. This will decrease the health expenses.