CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
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This action represents a continuous activity over the entire duration of the project. The ERA chair will take effort on popularization of science in selected public media, including press releases and articles in newspapers/magazines with the assistance of the press offices of the Academy of sciences, or creating stand-ups for public radio and television broadcast. A short video-spot for social media will be produced. This deliverable summarizes all the public media presentations over the entire duration of the project to one report.
The PAB establishedThe project advisory board (PAB) will be established straight from the beginning of the project implementation to allow monitoring of the project from its very early stages. The PAB will have an advisory role to play within the selection procedure of the ERA chair (one member of the PAB is member of the Selection committee, all others will review the CV and any other materials of the preselected candidates).
Researchers nightDissemination and popularization of science will be covered by the participation in the annual Researchers Night event organized by the HIPC The project will provide uptodate information about the topics pursued about the accomplishments and highlights in the form of brief and illustrated summaries suited for a broad audience
Student exchange programNew programs on nanocatalysis related topics will be grounded University students will be attracted to perform research at HIPC through visits to the Institute work in dedicated student labs and on small projects and summer schools Educationaltraining programs for undergrad and PhD students will be codesigned with existing and new collaborating academic institutions including the other departments of the Institute Mentoring and tutoring of high school students will take place in various forms such as visits and lectures by staff at high schools visits of high school students and teachers to HIPC including work on small research projects and in the dedicated student labs The student exchange program will continue over the entire duration of the project Information on this topic will flow into the Annual project progress report
ERA Chair - OPEN SCIENCE involvementThe ERA chair will contribute by active participation to the pupil education and awareness raising programs of the institute and of the Academy of Sciences like OPEN SCIENCE and NANOSCHOOL for talented pupils.
Building international relationsThe number of newly established international cooperation (exchanges, joint publications, visits, formalized contracts, etc.) of HIPC in the field of nano catalysis initiated by the ERA Chair project will be reported reported. Further changes will be reported in the Project progress reports.
Scientific achievements /conferences / scientific journalsContinuous effort will be done on dissemination of the project results presentations at national and international meetings, seminars at scientific institutions and in peer review journals. Priority will be given to publishing in journals which have a clear open access policy and provide gold open access, or at least green open access. The information on these scientific achievements will be an integral part (Annex) of the Project progress reports. This deliverable summarizes all the dissemination activities of the entire duration of the project to one report.
Summer schoolsA part of training in nanocatalysis for selected students will be work in dedicated student labs and on small research projects and participation in summer schools where also training in complementary skills will be provided These training programs will be codesigned by students in collaboration with other academic institutions The summerschools will continue over the entire duration of the project Information on this topic will flow into the Annual project progress report
international workshop on nanocatalysisAn international workshop on nanocatalysis will be organized annually as part of the J Heyrovsk Chair project in collaboration with national and international partners aiming to also involve industrial partners The meetings to be held at one of the facilities of the Academy of sciences
ERA-Chair - PEXED partner eventThe ERA Chair will organize one event within the PEXED PopularizationExperimentalEducation scheme at HIPC
Public dissemination for broader audienceThe ERA chair will take any opportunity to disseminate the knowledge about the ERA Chair project for broader audience through national events, or awareness rising days organized by the EC. These actions represent a continuous activity over the entire duration of the project and are an annex of the periodic reporting. This deliverable summarizes all the dissemination activities of the entire duration of the project to one report.
A PhD curriculum in Nanocatalysis will be established with one of the major universities. PhD students will be trained and supervised at HIPC and a Student lab will be created, where PhD students praticipate in education and training of undergraduates and highschool students.
Implementation of administrative measures / institutes research strategiesThe ERAChair Project will sizably contribute to the formulation of the Institutes short to longterm research strategies Clear target hereby is in combination with the other synergistic efforts ultimately put HIPC into a very strong position for national and international research funding Further the capabilities of the ERAChair will help to implement structural changes in the Institute Those will reshape and improve the support structure and the research environment of HIPC in various ways i by introducing best practices in science and human capital management ii by enhancing the openness of the researchers of the Institute for exchange of ideas and to facilitate more effective and broader cooperation within the Institute as well as at the national and international level iii by developing more transparent and streamlined administrative managerial and advisory structure at the Institute level to create an efficient support system for the research activities of the departments The overarching goal is to significantly enhance the scientific impact of HIPC and to position the Institute at the cutting edge of Czech research performing organizations and fully integrate and anchor HIPC as an equal respected and valuable research partner within the European landscape of excelling research Institutes Detailed information on these issues will form an obligatory part of the Project progress reports
Inauguration of the Nanocatalysis labThe inauguration of the lab will be a public festive event with the reconstruction of the laboratory facilities completed, with all the instrumentation in place, and all the staff being hired.
Research program in NanocatalysisTee ERA Chair will draft a Research program for the new department of nanocatalysis for the period of the project. It will describe the scientific merit of the work, indicate the the needed resources in terms of funding, instrumentation, and laborforce. It will contain a clear timeline and specify the expected scientific outcomes. This plan will be reviewed annually, and its updates will be included into the Project progress reports.
2. EventsSummarizes the Scientific events organized by the ERAChair in the second year of the project implementation ie seminars workshops invited lectures It includes also participation of the ERAChair and of the team members in international conferencesThis report will contain also the list of the public events organized coorganized and attended by the ERAChair including short annotation of the presentations
Selection of the team membersThe selection procedure for team members mirrors that of the ERA-Chair (transparency, broad advertisement, compliance with theCode etc.) with some minor modifications. The two stage procedure is based on a broadly (internationally) and sufficiently long advertised vacancy and consist of a (A) Remote evaluation phase – comprising the analysis of the CVs of the candidates, the publication lists and past achievements, and eventually the motivation and recommendation letters (the remote evaluation phase may also include phone or video interviews); (B) Interview and scientific presentation – the candidate is offered the possibility to present his/her scientific results in a short presentations in front of the interested audience of the HIPC (catalysis departments); at the same time, will the candidate be invited for an obligatory interview in a closed session of the selection committee (SC). Up to five members of the team might be selected. The ERA Chair has hereby a determining role and a veto-vote.
5. EventsSummarizes the Scientific events organized by the ERA-Chair in the last year of the project implementation, i.e. seminars, workshops, invited lectures. It includes also participation of the ERA-Chair and of the team members in international conferences.This report will contain also the list of the public events organized, co-organized and attended by the ERA-Chair. including short annotation of the presentations.
1. EventsSummarizes the Scientific events organized by the ERA-Chair in the first year of the project implementation, i.e. seminars, workshops, invited lectures. It includes also participation of the ERA-Chair and of the team members in international conferences. This report will contain also the list of the public events organized, co-organized and attended by the ERA-Chair. including short annotation of the presentations.
4. EventsSummarizes the Scientific events organized by the ERA-Chair in the 4. year of the project implementation, i.e. seminars, workshops, invited lectures. It includes also participation of the ERA-Chair and of the team members in international conferences.This report will contain also the list of the public events organized, co-organized and attended by the ERA-Chair. including short annotation of the presentations.
3. EventsSummarizes the Scientific events organized by the ERAChair in the third year of the project implementation ie seminars workshops invited lectures It includes also participation of the ERAChair and of the team members in international conferencesThis report will contain also the list of the public events organized coorganized and attended by the ERAChair including short annotation of the presentations
2. Selection of team membersShould the procedure described under D21 fail to identify and recruit all five team members it will be repeated every 6 month untill all the empty positions are filled This procedure also applies to fill the vacancy if one of the team members decides to leave
A dedicated WEB pages will be created to increase the visibility of the ERA-Chair project. The project accomplishments will be highlighted on the main webpage of HIPC and crosslinked to the WEB-page of the ERA-Chair project. Those accomplishments will be further promoted by using social media and academic and professional networks such as ResearchGate, Academia, Mendeley, LinkedIn, GoogleScholar, blogs in news media.
Public Engagement Day / Nanocatalysis DayThe first public Engagement day (Nanocatalysis day) will introduce the project to the scientific audience and broader public in context of the dissemination and awareness rising activities of the HIPC and of the Academy of Sciences. It will continue to be held annually.
J. Jašík, S. Valtera, M. Vaidulych, M. Bunian, Y. Lei, A. Halder, H. Tarábková, M. Jindra, L. Kavan, O. Frank, S. Bartling and Š. Vajda
Published in:
Faraday Discussions, Issue 242, 70-93 (2023), Advance Article, 2023, Page(s) 70-93, ISSN 1359-6640
Royal Society of Chemistry
A. Mravak, S. Vajda, Vlasta Bonačić-Koutecký
Published in:
J. Phys. Chem. C, Issue 126, (2022), 2022, Page(s) 18306-18312, ISSN 1932-7447
American Chemical Society
Yang Liu, Avik Halder, Soenke Seifert, Nicholas Marcella, Stefan Vajda, Anatoly I. Frenkel
Published in:
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, Issue 2021, 13, 45, 2021, Page(s) 53363–53374, ISSN 1944-8252
ACS Publicatons
Charles T. Campbell, Núria López, Stefan Vajda
Published in:
The Journal of Chemical Physics, Issue 152/14, 2020, Page(s) 140401, ISSN 0021-9606
American Institute of Physics
T. Stryšovský, M. Kajabová, R. Prucek, A. Panáček, K. Simkovičová, Š. Vajda, Z. Bastl and L. Kvítek,
Published in:
Journal of CO2 Utilization 77, 102617 (2023), Issue 77, 2023, Page(s) 102617, ISSN 2212-9839
Avik Halder, Mai‐Anh Ha, Huanchen Zhai, Bing Yang, Michael J. Pellin, Sönke Seifert, Anastassia N. Alexandrova, Stefan Vajda
Published in:
ChemCatChem, Issue 12/5, 2020, Page(s) 1307-1315, ISSN 1867-3880
Wiley - VCH Verlag GmbH & CO. KGaA
Damien Alloyeau, Vincenzo Amendola, Catherine Amiens, Pascal Andreazza, Joost M. Bakker, Francesca Baletto, Stephan Barcikowski, Noelia Barrabés, Michael Bowker, ORCID logo Fuyi Chen, Emmanuel Cottancin, Wolfgang E. Ernst, Riccardo Ferrando, Georg Daniel Förster, ORCID logo Alessandro Fortunelli, ORCID logo Didier Grandjean, Hazar Guesmi, Graham J. Hutchings,
Published in:
Faraday Discussions, Issue 242, 2023, Page(s) 106-128, ISSN 1359-6640
Royal Society of Chemistry
K. Simkovičová, M. I. Qadir, N. Žilková, J. E. Olszówka, P. Sialini, L. Kvítek, and Š. Vajda
Published in:
Catalysts, Issue 12, 516 (2022), 2022, Page(s) 516, ISSN 2073-4344
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
Avik Halder, Cristina Lenardi, Janis Timoshenko, Antonija Mravak, Bing Yang, Lakshmi K Kolipaka, Claudio Piazzoni, Sönke Seifert, Vlasta Bonačić-Koutecký, Anatoly I. Frenkel, Paolo Milani, and Stefan Vajda
Published in:
ACS Catalysis, Issue 2021 11 (10), 2021, Page(s) 6210-6224, ISSN 2155-5435
American Chemical Society
Muhammad I. Qadir, Marcileia Zanatta, Jose Pinto, Isabel Vicente, Aitor Gual, Emily F. Smith, Brenno A. D. Neto, Paulo E. N. Souza, Sherdil Khan, Jairton Dupont, Jesum Alves Fernandes
Published in:
ChemSusChem, Issue 13/20, 2020, Page(s) 5580-5585, ISSN 1864-5631
Wiley - V C H Verlag GmbbH & Co.
Avik Halder, Anh T. Ngo, Xiangyi Luo, Hsien-Hau Wang, J. G. Wen, Pedram Abbasi, Mohammad Asadi, Chengji Zhang, Dean Miller, Dongzhou Zhang, Jun Lu, Paul C. Redfern, Kah Chun Lau, Rachid Amine, Rajeev S. Assary, Yun Jung Lee, Amin Salehi-Khojin, Stefan Vajda, Khalil Amine, Larry A. Curtiss
Published in:
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Issue 123/46, 2019, Page(s) 10047-10056, ISSN 1089-5639
American Chemical Society
Stanislav Valtera1, Juraj Jašík1, Mykhailo Vaidulych1, Magda Zlámalová2, Ladislav Kavan2, Štefan Vajda1*
Published in:
Journal of Chemical Physics, Issue 156, 114302 (2022), 2022, Page(s) 114302, ISSN 1089-5639
American Chemical Society
J. Vijayakumar, T.M. Savchenko, D.M. Bracher, G. Lumbeeck, A. Béché, J. Verbeeck, Š. Vajda, F. Nolting, C.A.F. Vaz, A. Kleibert
Published in:
Nature Communications, Issue 14, 2023, ISSN 2041-1723
Nature Publishing Group
Yang Liu, Nicholas Marcella, Janis Timoshenko, Avik Halder, Bing Yang, Lakshmi Kolipaka, Michael. J. Pellin, Soenke Seifert, Stefan Vajda, Ping Liu, Anatoly I. Frenkel
Published in:
The Journal of Chemical Physics, Issue 151/16, 2019, Page(s) 164201, ISSN 0021-9606
American Institute of Physics
Bing Yang, Xin Yu, Avik Halder, Xiaoben Zhang, Xiong Zhou, Gilbère J. A. Mannie, Eric Tyo, Michael J. Pellin, Soenke Seifert, Dangsheng Su, Stefan Vajda
Published in:
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, Issue 7/17, 2019, Page(s) 14435-14442, ISSN 2168-0485
American Chemical Society
Avik Halder, Sungsik Lee, Bing Yang, Michael J. Pellin, Stefan Vajda, Zhanyong Li, Ying Yang, Omar K. Farha, Joseph T. Hupp
Published in:
The Journal of Chemical Physics, Issue 152/8, 2020, Page(s) 084703, ISSN 0021-9606
American Institute of Physics
J. Jašík, A. Fortunelli and Š. Vajda
Published in:
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 24, (2022), Issue 24, 2022, 2022, Page(s) 12083-12115, ISSN 1463-9084
Royal Society of Chemistry
Rodrigo Webber, Muhammad I. Qadir, Eduardo Sola, Marta Martín, Elizabeth Suárez, Jairton Dupont
Published in:
Catalysis Communications, Issue 146, 2020, Page(s) 106125, ISSN 1566-7367
Elsevier BV
Ž. Lavrič, J. Teržan, A. Kroflič, J. Zavašnik, J. E. Olszówka, Š. Vajda, M. Huš, M. Grilc, B. Likozar
Published in:
Appl. Catal. B 343, 123455 (2023), Issue B 343, 2023, Page(s) 123455, ISSN 2212-9839
S. A. Kadam, S. Sandoval, Z. Bastl, K. Simkovičová, L. Kvítek, J. Jašík, J.E. Olszówka, S. Valtera, M. Vaidulych, J. Morávková, P. Sazama, D. Kubička, A. Travert, J. A. van Bokhoven, A. Fortunelli, A. Kleibert, M. Kalbáč, and Š. Vajda
Published in:
ACS Catalysis, Issue 13, 2023, Page(s) 13484–13505, ISSN 2155-5435
American Chemical Society
Borna Zandkarimi, Geng Sun, Avik Halder, Soenke Seifert, Stefan Vajda, Philippe Sautet, Anastassia N. Alexandrova
Published in:
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Issue 124/18, 2020, Page(s) 10057-10066, ISSN 1932-7447
American Chemical Society
M. P. de Lara-Castells, C. Puzzarini, V. Bonačić-Koutecký, M. A. Lopez-Quintela, and S. Vajda,
Published in:
Chem. Phys., Issue 25, 15081-15084 (2023), Editorial,, 2023, Page(s) 15081-15084, ISSN 1463-9076
Royal Society of Chemistry
Jonathan Albo, Muhammad I. Qadir, Mario Samperi, Jesum Alves Fernandes, Imanol de Pedro, Jairton Dupont
Published in:
Chemical Engineering Journal, Issue 404, 2021, Page(s) 126643, ISSN 1385-8947
Elsevier BV
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