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Fabricating Functional Components in Room Temperature

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - FUNCOMP (Fabricating Functional Components in Room Temperature)

Reporting period: 2018-11-01 to 2020-04-30

In this Proof-of-Concept project the primary goal was to confirm the benefits and competitiveness of the materials, methods and technology developed in ERC Advanced Grant project “Printed Electroceramics with Ultimate Compositions” with GA No. 291132. This has been done via demonstrations of electrical components utilising new ultra-low sintering temperature ceramics. Due to the low sintering temperature the components can be realized on polymer, metal foil or even paper substrates. During the project a several advancement in materials and fabrication technology has been achieved. In addition to Market analysis and IPR strategy made for the developed components and technologies, several new ultra low temperature co-fired ceramic (ULTCC) materials with fabrication temperatures between 120 – 600 °C, low permittivity substrates, new type of composites called “upside-down composites” and room-temperature densified 2D printed ceramic materials and components are develop and presented here. The findings of the Proof-of-Concept project No. 812837 are showing strong potential of these materials and technologies.