CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.
Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .
Dedicated HEARTLAND+ Website
A literature review with contributions from each ESR in the context of HEARTLAND
Paper for peer review (herbage)Paper for peer review The effect of establishment method and fertiliser type on herbage produced
Paper for peer review (soil)Paper for peer review on Soil management effects on nutritional quality of the sward
Paper for peer-review: Micronutrient compositionPaper for peer review Micronutrient composition of swards under mixed grazing management
Paper for peer review: Catchment ChallengePaper for peer review on the outputs from the Catchment Challenge workshops the barriers and solutions to adoption of sustainable and healthy management practices
Paper for peer-review (sward effect on animals)Paper for peerreview on the effect of sward composition and slurry treatment under beef and sheep cograzing on animal performance parasite burden and entericmethane emissions
Articles: Bord BiaTwo articles for Bord Bia publications
Paper for peer-review (fertilizer and/or seedbed and/or soil managements effects )Paper for peerreview on the effect of fertilizer andor seedbed andor soil management on soil functions andor nutritional quality of the sward
Paper for peer review (solution spaces II)Paper for peer review on the solution spaces for sustainable farm management including a sensitivity analysis to quantify the resilience of the optimised system
Paper for peer-review (swards under mixed grazing)Paper for peer review Herbage from swards under mixed grazing management
HEARTLAND Farm Management PlanHEARTLAND Farm Management Plan including recommendations for soil quality sward quality and biodiversity animal nutrition and ecosystem service decisionmaking for improved environmental and human health
Paper for peer-review on ‘The effect of soil and sward effects on meatPaper for peerreview on The effect of soil and sward composition and thenutritional and sensory qualities of beef and lamb
Paper for peer-review (solution spaces)Paper for peerreview on the solution spaces for animal production systems that positively contribute simultaneously to food security and climate change mitigation while maintaining the other soil functions
Paper for peer-review (quality and nutrient)Paper for peerreview on the effect of sward composition and slurry type under beef and sheep cograzing on beef and lamb quality and nutrient content
Scientific abstractsTen scientific abstracts submitted to scientific conferences
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