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Modelling Emerging Transport Solutions for Urban Mobility

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - MOMENTUM (Modelling Emerging Transport Solutions for Urban Mobility)

Période du rapport: 2020-11-01 au 2022-04-30

Disruptive technologies and emerging mobility solutions, such as MaaS (Mobility as a Service), CAVs (Connected Automated Vehicles), shared mobility services and DRT (Demand Responsive Transport), are bringing radical changes to urban mobility. In order to design the right policy mix to exploit the full potential of these new transport systems, cities need tools to understand and measure these disruptive changes and evaluate the impact of different policies under a range of possible alternative futures.
The overall goal of the project MOMENTUM was to develop a set of new data analysis methods, transport models and planning support tools to capture the impact of these new transport options on the urban mobility ecosystem.
The MOMENTUM project has generated a great number of outcomes with very high scientific, policy making and marketable value. These are summarised as follows:
1. A catalogue of the “Challenges and Opportunities for Transport Planning and Modelling of New Mobility Options and Urban Mobility”. The findings of this work have been presented in several workshops and forums, and have contributed to the content of more than three scientific papers. The work includes:
a) An analysis of the State-of-Play in Emerging Mobility Solutions. This comprises the identification of the current alternative mobility options, their characteristics (e.g. deployment strategies), and the opportunities and risk they open for sustainable urban mobility. This analysis also includes a description of current disruptive changes experienced by urban transport and the related policy measures.
b) The identification of needs for new tools and techniques for modelling and planning emerging mobility solutions. There is a broad consensus that the current data analytics and modelling methods applicable to traditional transport modes are not fully adapted to the characteristics of new mobility options. Gaps and room for improvement as well as the way forward to adapt existing models are discussed in this assessment work.
c) A set of alternative futures in relation to the evolution of these innovations. The impacts of new mobility solutions on cities, and more precisely, on transport planning tools and techniques, are assessed in order to identify the envelope of all possible future requirements that transport models and decision support tools are expected to satisfy.
2. A comprehensive data repository containing mobility related data for the four MOMENTUM participating cities: Madrid, Thessaloniki, Leuven, and Regensburg. This consist of a variety of data sources, collected from conventional and non-conventional data sources, with the potential to provide new insights on urban travel behaviour and emerging mobility services. More than 80 data sources were collected and structured around five categories: transport supply, transport demand, maps & cartography, socio-demographic, and travel times.
3. A set of data analysis methodologies for the characterisation and analysis of users and uses of emerging transport services from a variety of data sources. These were applied to enhance the understanding of the sociodemographic and economic features associated with the adoption and use of shared mobility services in the MOMENTUM cities. This characterisation has given rise to the publication of more than five scientific papers and contributions to several transport conferences.
4. New modelling approaches to assess the impact of emerging mobility concepts and solutions. Based on the previous work, MOMENTUM has developed different models to be used depending on data availability and the aspects to be modelled. These have been grouped in four categories: demand, supply, fleet management, and environmental impact. The models are available at the gitHub MOMENTUM repository. In addition to these models, a workflow for their integration in state-of-the-art traffic simulation software was developed. In the project, this integration was particularised for the Aimsun Ride and Aimsun Next simulation models. This work has been included in several scientific papers.
5. An interactive Decision Support Tool (DST) which integrates the MOMENTUM data analytics and modelling techniques. The solution assesses the impacts of emerging mobility options and support cities in the design of deployment strategies for these new services. The MOMENTUM DST has three different levels that represent different degrees of complexity and results as far as data input and output (it is available at Several demonstration sessions have been organised to show the functionalities of the tool. As a result, other cities outside of the project have shown interest and tested the tool.
6. An assessment methodology for the evaluation and testing of the MOMENTUM toolset. The MOMENTUM tools were implemented for the simulation of a series of case studies defined for each MOMENTUM city. The proposed methodology was applied to assess the potential of the MOMENTUM tools to: i) support the design and assessment of the policy measures aiming to incentivase or regulate the deployment and use of emerging mobility services; and ii) to support collaborative decision making. This was done through a series of working sections with a community of practice putted in place for each city.
7. A series of documents with guidelines and recommendations for the use of the project results in other cities and, in particular, for its exploitation in the development of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan.
MOMENTUM has advanced the state-of-the-art in: i) the analysis of travel behaviour by combining data fusion and machine learning techniques to extract mobility patterns from heterogeneous and sparse data sources; and ii) the modelling of new transport solutions. MOMENTUM has proposed a methodology for combining data-driven, agent based, and classical aggregated approaches to capture the mobility patterns associated to new mobility options and their impact on the whole mobility ecosystem.
MOMENTUM has also advanced the state of the art of policy instruments for mobility planning. The new data collection methods, models, decision support tools, and policy recommendations will empower cities to formulate more flexible and resilient policies that perform well under a range of fast changing uncertain scenarios. User-friendly decision support tools will facilitate the impact assessment and comparison of the different alternative policies. These have already been shown with the first practical experiences of the project:

The interaction between policies makers, modellers and other stakeholders in the project's community of practice have helped to close the gap between policy makers and modellers, and have allowed participating cities to make progress in data driven policy making and the use of advanced modelling.
The MOMENTUM solutions have helped in the design and planning of the deployment or expansion of different new services (shared mobility and demand responsive transport) in the MOMENTUM cities.
The MOMENTUM partners have been contacted by the Centre for Budapest Transport (BKK) for support in the use of the project’s tools for the design of the strategy expansion of its public bikesharing system. Also, the MOMENTUM toolset was applied with the collaboration of the MOMENTUM partners in the Municipality of Manchester to design the new bikesharing system of the network.
Data, models and decision support tools. Experts opinion
Mobility related scenarios. Experts opinion
Modular approach for the organisation of new models
Exogeneous scenarios