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Novel building Integration Designs for increased Efficiencies in Advanced Climatically Tunable Renewable Energy Systems

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - IDEAS (Novel building Integration Designs for increased Efficiencies in Advanced Climatically Tunable Renewable Energy Systems)

Reporting period: 2020-11-01 to 2023-04-30

The IDEAS project has created innovative building integrated renewable energy systems (RES) which exceed current RES efficiencies, generating electricity, heat and cooling and optimised for public and commercial buildings in different climatic conditions. The research aim was achieved to create a novel building integrated RES maximizing the output tuneable for different climatic conditions through novel luminescent and geometric concentrator techniques leading to current solar system efficiencies being exceeded electrically. Thermal enhancement was achieved using enhanced organic phase change materials (PCM) with a passive biomimetic heat transfer mechanism for heat storage and discharge. An electrically driven multi-source heat pump system was then used as the main energy source at building scale (waste heat from the system, air and ground and solar), to provide the input to an integrated underfloor heating and hot water system, and to manage the thermal energy storage. This building-integrated RES uses advanced control techniques to maximize performance and electrical and thermal/cooling self-sufficiency in the building. The technology was optimized and demonstrated for use in commercial and public buildings.
In WP1 a range of luminescent species and nanoparticles were synthesised for LDS layers and a model was developed to design the optimum LDS layer. Characterisation and fabrication of these layers were completed and implemented in the largescale WP1 solar systems. A further model was developed to design and optimise CPC geometries for these systems. Finally, four optimised novel solar systems were fabricated, two designed for and installed in Ferrara and two designed for and installed in Mayo. These systems have been characterised extensively and publications imminent. Further funding is being sought for this work.
WP2 achieved six tasks: selecting suitable PCMs for thermal storage in buildings, fabricating a Biomimetic concept, developing three numerical models for advanced Photovoltaic-Thermal (PVT) systems simulation and design optimization, validating the models through experiments, and characterizing novel designs for enhanced performance and efficiency.
WP3 explored the functionalities in the smallscale IDEAS prototype and supported the design and optimisation of the large-scale prototypes in Italy and in Ireland. A database representing the system behaviour with more than 100 parameters/min has been created, shared with all the partners to support their analysis, and used for the calibration of the TRNSYS numerical model, which was implemented to analyse the behaviour of the prototype in different weather conditions. Novel TRNSYS types were also developed.
WP4 focused on the design, and development of a control system for the integrated IDEAS system and implementation in the demo sites. An optimised, demandside management system enabled, operation of an integrated multi-carrier energy system was developed creating a multi-criteria RES/storage planning tool. The novel control system has been implemented in the demo sites in Ferrara and in Mayo for WP5.
WP5 focused on the largescale implementation of the IDEAS systems in Ferrara Italy and Mayo, Ireland. While the implementation faced a number of issues from COVID, cost increases and lack of availability of installers. Both demo sites were successful in the implementation of this novel system. Data collection is ongoing and dissemination of the technologies continues. These demos are an important legacy of the IDEAS project and will be a focus for communities and researchers in the coming years.
WP6 is based on user engagement and undertook a desk analysis and through a user-driven participatory approach focus groups were set up (technicians, installers, architects, engineers, apartment block administrators and households). Drivers and barriers to adoption of IDEAS systems and potential market demand was assessed through online surveys.
In WP7, a Techno-Economical evaluation of the IDEAS systems in buildings under different climatic conditions was undertaken. MatLab Simulink model allowed numerical analysis of different scenarios, components and operating conditions and compared to commercial PVT. Financial parameters (LCOE, NPV and IRR) were assessed. IDEAS system presents better energy performance and cost savings for households than for office buildings. Life Cycle Assessment comparing the performance of each RES was examined and compared against commercially available RES in order to facilitate an analysis of their environmental burdens however as a prototype it was found to have higher environmental burdens than their commercial counterparts.
In WP8 dissemination and exploitation of the results was undertaken through diverse platforms as well as academically through journal and conference publications. Three dissemination workshops were conducted with the local communities in Mayo and Ferrara. A partnership was developed with RES4BUILD (H2020 funded) where the synergy between the two projects' outcomes was explored through Horizon Results Booster Services (HRBS) and a portfolio dissemination plan was developed. A second distinct exploitation activity was skill development in pitching complex academic results to potential investors through appropriate communication strategies like elevator pitches. The various project partners attended the skill development workshop and an IDEAS elevator pitch was generated and presented before the HRB service provider who provided feedback which was incorporated and the training module officially completed. This strategic plan for exploitation is well-positioned to attract further research and industrial funding.
IDEAS strongly contributes to the achievement of targets stated in the Energy Performance in Buildings Directive Recast (Directive 2010/31/EU)28 which was adopted by the EU Parliament and Council. Through IDEAS, an innovative building integrated component was developed exceeding current RES efficiencies. Using IDEAS, CO2 emissions can be reduced aiding our global battle with climate change and as electrical energy will be generated at point of use, it will lead to reduced losses in distribution networks. IDEAS has developed an important zero carbon technology that is prioritised in the European SET-Plan, which established a strategic plan to accelerate the development and deployment of cost-effective low carbon technologies. The project specific objectives fully comply with the expected impacts which will be of benefit to many stakeholders such as property owners, RES installers, and planners, building contractors, engineers, communities, local authorities and government. The benefits deriving from the project will be perceived at different levels: Society and environment: Climate change remains as one of the most serious threats facing humanity, and the development of technologies developed in this project will support the EU meeting its legally binding Carbon Budgets and emission goals. Ultimately, consumers will benefit from lower embedded carbon buildings, which are cheaper to maintain because of lower fuel consumption.
Government and policy makers: These beneficiaries need viable solutions for mitigating CO2 emissions in a cost effective manner whilst safeguarding energy security, construction competitiveness and renewable energy manufacturing productivity.
IDEAS project technical concept