Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Sensa (Effortlessly Diagnosing Sleep Apnea with the Sensa Platform)
Reporting period: 2018-04-01 to 2018-09-30
The adverse effects of poor sleep quality on health, well-being and productivity have far-reaching societal and economic consequences. RAND Europe recently published a report analyzing the economic costs of insufficient sleep across Japan, Germany, UK, Canada and the USA. The conclusion is alarming: up to $680 billion is lost each year across the five countries due to insufficient sleep and poor sleep quality. A recent survey in Australia estimated also the overall financial and non-financial cost of inadequate sleep is $45.21 billion every year, or $1,822 per inhabitant. The researchers argue that these costs warrant substantial investment in preventive health measures to address the issue through education and regulation.
It is therefore a matter of public health to tackle with this issue, as well as an unprecedented economic opportunity.
This unique sensor measures mandibular movements using proprietary miniaturized AI-powered technology. Unlike many companies on the sleep market, Sensa will also be medical-grade certified (CE marked, class 2a). Validated on 500 subjects, the Sensa algorithms present best-in-class level of precision when compared against gold-standard polysomnography.
Importantly, Sensa offers also evolutive personalized recommendations for a better sleep to each and every user as well as, when necessary, therapeutic solutions best suited to the user’s individual sleep patterns. This technology is designed to help in a profound way the 30% people around the globe complaining about their sleep.
Sensa brings together the best of both worlds, with excellent balance between user-friendliness and diagnostic performance for clinicians.
The Belgium-based company Neoma Labs is currently looking for investors to develop sustained growth.
This unique sensor measures mandibular movements using proprietary miniaturized AI-powered technology. Unlike many companies on the sleep market, Sensa will also be medical-grade certified (CE marked, class 2a). Validated on 500 subjects, the Sensa algorithms present best-in-class level of precision when compared against gold-standard polysomnography.
Importantly, Sensa offers also evolutive personalized recommendations for a better sleep to each and every user as well as, when necessary, therapeutic solutions best suited to the user’s individual sleep patterns. This technology is designed to help in a profound way the 30% people around the globe complaining about their sleep.
Sensa brings together the best of both worlds, with excellent balance between user-friendliness and diagnostic performance for clinicians.
The Belgium-based company Neoma Labs is currently looking for investors to develop sustained growth.