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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

All AtlaNtic Cooperation for Ocean Research and innovation

Description du projet

Coordination de la recherche et de l’innovation dans le bassin atlantique

La déclaration de Belém, initiative phare de recherche et d’innovation de l’Atlantique Sud, signée par l’UE, le Brésil et l’Afrique du Sud en 2017, vise à renforcer la coopération en matière de R&I dans le bassin atlantique. Grâce au lancement d’une plateforme pluripartite équilibrée sur le plan géographique et sexospécifique, le projet AANChOR, financé par l’UE, concevra et déployera conjointement des activités de collaboration à long terme, concrètes et ascendantes, en tirant parti des initiatives en cours, en renforçant la coopération internationale entre l’Europe et les pays de l’Atlantique Sud et tropical et en jetant des ponts avec des initiatives parallèles concernant l’océan Atlantique Nord. AANChOR apportera un financement de démarrage pour les premières étapes de développement des actions pilotes conjointes retenues et identifiera les mécanismes et les outils de financement existants appropriés pour assurer leur viabilité à long terme.


The main ambition of AANChOR is to promote the implementation of the South Atlantic Research and Innovation Flagship initiative and the Belém Statement (BS), signed by the EU, Brazil and South Africa in 2017, to upscale research and innovation cooperation within the Atlantic basin, from Antarctica to the Arctic. AANChOR will pursue this ambition by providing the EC and the BS Implementation Committee (to be established by signatories of the Statement) with a framework to identify and contribute to the implementation of concrete long-term collaborative activities, reinforcing international cooperation between Europe and tropical and South Atlantic countries and connecting with the challenges and research needs of the North Atlantic Ocean. AANChOR will be responsible for launching a multi-stakeholder platform to identify collaborative activities, building on national and international ongoing initiatives such as the All Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance and addressing activities aimed at reinforcing capacity building, promoting academia-industry knowledge transfer for an enhanced ocean innovation, developing common standards, enhancing citizen awareness and ocean literacy and converging and aligning R&I infrastructure initiatives. To contribute to the implementation of the identified joint activities, AANChOR will provide seed money for the first development stages of selected joint pilot actions and support the identification of the most appropriate existing funding mechanisms and tools for further development of the selected activities. AANChOR will also define long term measures for the sustainability of the cooperation framework beyond the lifetime of the CSA. Recognising the evolving nature of the BS implementation, flexibility has been incorporated into the structure of the CSA allowing its activities adjustment wherever needed. The consortium brings together partners from 5 European Countries, 2 Latin American countries and 2 African countries.

Appel à propositions


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Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 615 480,76
1249 074 Lisboa

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Continente Área Metropolitana de Lisboa Área Metropolitana de Lisboa
Type d’activité
Public bodies (excluding Research Organisations and Secondary or Higher Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 615 480,76

Participants (19)