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European Researchers' Night Apulia 2018-2019 - Discovering the fascinating world of research

Description du projet

Promouvoir la recherche dans les Pouilles

La région italienne des Pouilles accueille quatre universités publiques comptant plusieurs milliers de chercheurs permanents ainsi que des institutions de recherche publiques et privées. Le projet ERN-Apulia, financé par l’UE, organisera la Nuit européenne des chercheurs (NEC) en 2018-2019 dans les Pouilles, en planifiant et en mettant en œuvre des événements préparatoires pour permettre aux chercheurs de rencontrer les citoyens et de sensibiliser le public au rôle et à l’impact de la recherche dans la société. ERN-Apulia mènera des activités spécifiques concernant les TIC, les sciences de la santé et de la vie, la recherche sur les particules élémentaires et l’astrophysique, la robotique et la préservation du patrimoine culturel. Le projet se concentrera sur les étudiants et les enfants en vue de les encourager à se lancer dans des carrières scientifiques. Il expliquera également les possibilités offertes par l’Espace européen de la recherche, H2020, le programme Actions Marie Skłodowska Curie et les principes de la Charte européenne du chercheur.


ERN-Apulia targets to bring Apulian population closer to the research world and viceversa. Apulia is an Italian region with about 4.1 million inhabitants (approximately 7% of the whole Italian population), with 4 public universities having a total of about 2750 permanent researchers in addition to those from the Public and Private Research Institutions. Thus, ERN-Apulia has a large capacity of potential contributors and beneficiaries, which increases the overall impact of the planned initiatives.
Our main objectives are:
- to plan and implement preparatory events (during the year) and two ERN (2018 and 2019) where researchers meet the society, with particular attention to students, industrial and professional organizations, municipalities and public administrations;
- to increase public awareness and recognition of the importance and impact of research in daily life, with specific examples from ICT to health and life sciences, from elementary particle to astrophysics research, from robotics to the preservation of cultural heritage, etc;
- to stimulate curiosity and interest and explain the fascinating world and the opportunities in research, especially to the youngest as a mean to encourage them to embark scientific careers;
- to establish a tight connection among population/institutions and researcher to continue during the year;
- to prepare and publicize dissemination materials along with scientific games and site visits (including laboratories and sites of cultural interest) to be available during the whole year for the general public;
- to explain the spirit and opportunities of the European Research Area, the H2020 agenda, the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions and the principles of “The European Charter for Researchers”;
- to reach a number of followers close to 500,000, a number of participants larger than 200,000 (among all the various initiatives) and a number of participants to the ERN larger than 100,000.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 30 000,00
73100 Lecce

Voir sur la carte

Sud Puglia Lecce
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 30 000,00

Participants (8)