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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

The desire of explore to reach new frontiers

Description du projet

Mettre le public en contact avec le monde de la science et la recherche à Saragosse

La septième Nuit européenne des chercheurs de Saragosse a permis de sensibiliser le public au travail des scientifiques. Elle a permis de faire intervenir des chercheurs et de créer une équipe de supporters. Le projet Wanderlust, financé par l’UE, organisera la huitième édition de la Nuit européenne des chercheurs de Saragosse dans l’optique de mettre le grand public en contact avec les chercheurs et leurs travaux. L’équipe du projet a choisi le festival Wanderlust car il est synonyme de connaissance par le voyage, de découverte de nouveaux endroits et de rencontre de cultures différentes. Cet événement soutiendra les chercheurs et les formera à discuter de leur travail avec le public. Wanderlust fera participer les citoyens, en suscitant leur intérêt avant même l’événement en question, et organisera une foire scientifique visant à impliquer les enfants et à leur faire comprendre que «la science est amusante».


"Wanderlust is the Zaragoza European Researchers Night 8th edition design to aproach researchers to general public. We chose Wanderlust because it means travel, it menas the desire to know more, to reach new places, to be inspired from different cultures. We think it is a metaphore, and it represents the spirit of the researchers life, and it easy connect with people. It also a good approach to the european dimension of the research, and it is easy researchers identificate themself with the project. The event will be a ""fiesta"" of outreach in Zaragoza. The last year we have increase awareness of public, we increase visitors, researchers involve and we managed to create a group of stakeholdes who support the project. The key of the susccess of our event is the know how of ESCIENCIA who manage the project in Aragon from 2011, becouse it is a SME speciallize in science communication. We support researchers to deseign their activities, we train them how to speak to public, and we work both with enthusiastic public and science reluctant public in our project. The wanderlust is a perfect claim to address public at large. It is an easy way to citizens to become part of the event. The feeling of explore is a common point for most public. We are working with Educational deparments of Spannish, Aragon and Zaragoza governments. We have already signed letter of endorsement of Aragon and Zaragoza. The project has a Science Fair as a point ot reach pupils. It is an effective way to rise awareness prior to the event, to involve schools and communicate ""science is fun"" to young people. In the three last edition we have pool the participants and the remark the Science Fair as ""Fun and Challenged"". The European Researchers Night in Zaragoza will take place in the Center of the city, in the whereabouts of CaxiaForum one of the most emblematic and futuristics buildings of Zaragoza. We will make aware of the night 375.000 people and 16000 will take part in activities."


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 120 000,00
50720 Zaragoza

Voir sur la carte


L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.

Noreste Aragón Zaragoza
Type d’activité
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 283 310,00