Periodic Reporting for period 3 - LRC (Laser Resonance Chromatography of Superheavy Metals)
Reporting period: 2022-06-01 to 2023-11-30
Our efforts include the prediction and experimental exploration of optical transitions and spectral lines that can serve as fingerprints for multi-messenger astronomy in the search for superheavy elements in the universe.
As relativistic and many-body effects become more important with increasing proton number, and nuclear charge distribution affects optical transitions, experimental exploration of these lines is essential to advance our understanding of atomic structure and to study the effects of nuclear shells and deformations on the stability of radionuclides at the top of the Segré chart.
In addition, we calculated the interaction potentials of Lu+-He and Lr+-He systems both in the ground state and metastable states. The interaction potential for the Lr+ in the metastable state could not be studied previously by the PI and collaborators because open-shell systems challenge scaler relativistic calculations performed in [G. Visentin et al., FCHEM 8 (2020)].
Moreover, the theoretical proof-of-principle for the LRC method was published in [M. Laatiaoui et al., PRL 125 (2020) 023002] and [M. Laatiaoui et al., PRA 102 (2020) 013106] and has attracted widespread attention [D. Garisto, Physics 13 (2020) 110,]. In 2021 “” listed our work among the few most important achievements in 2020 in the field of atomic and quantum physics [D. Eidemüller, Jahresrückblick Atom- und Quantenphysik 2020,].
Experimentally, the main project equipment such as the laser system, cryocooler, mass spectrometer and several vacuum pumps were purchased, tested and validated for operation. Electrodynamic simulations were performed for the LRC drift tube, mass filter, and ion optics using the SIMION software package.
Designs were made for the assembly frame, many vacuum chambers, and ion optics, and vacuum parts were ordered from the host institute's mechanical workshops. The design of the drift cell took more time than anticipated, as it consists of nested vacuum chambers and needed many refinement stages.
Meanwhile the drift tube has been fabricated, Cu-coated, assembled with the miniature ion guide and buncher and is now ready for final integration into the setup. Different offline ion sources are available including a laser ablation source and a 223Ra recoil source, with the latter being best suited for optimizing and quantifying the transmission efficiency through the whole apparatus. A transmission efficiency as high as 40% was achieved starting from the QMF structure onward. A 10-Hz Nd:YAG laser operating at 532 nm was used for the ablation studies. 27Al+, 63Cu+, 65Cu+, and 175Lu+ ions were successfully produced for mass calibration.
The next steps are the installation of the drift tube and the first LRC experiments on Cu+ and Sc+ ions.
Our way of spectroscopy combines the advantages of high sensitivity - as in resonance ionization-based techniques - with the "simplicity" of optical probing as in fluorescence spectroscopy. We envisage laser probing of fusion product ions as emitted by gas traps behind in-flight separators, and exploit the ion transport properties for the detection of resonant optical pumping. The investigations in superheavy elements are unique and out of reach for other experimental installations worldwide. Starting with singly charged lawrencium, which is available with a modest production yield, we will search for the 1S0-3P1 ground state transition in 255Lr+ to initiate optical pumping in this ion. By finding the right laser frequency for pumping, we will change the ratio of ions in the excited metastable state to those in the ground state. The result should be easily measurable since ions in the different states have different mobilities and therefore drift through the apparatus to the detector at different velocities, cf. [M. Laatiaoui et al., PRL 125 (2020) 023002] and [M. Laatiaoui et al., PRA 102 (2020) 013106]. The technique is fast because the ions are probed as is, without further delays or preparation steps. In addition, broadband initial level searches as well as hyperfine spectroscopy can be performed with the same setup.
Although we focus on Lr+, the LRC approach provides unprecedented access to laser spectroscopy of many other monoatomic ions throughout the periodic table, especially transition metals including high-temperature refractory metals and elements beyond lawrencium. Other ionic species such as triply charged thorium are also expected to be within reach of the LRC approach. In addition, the method allows optimization of the signal-to-noise ratio, facilitating ion mobility spectrometry, state-selected ion chemistry, and other applications.