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This deliverable part of subtask 412 will summarize lessons learned from the participating partners in the testing phase in order to provide the next phase revision phase with necessary information regarding implementation for water management and to ensure development and improvement from a perspective of users and developers For this phase it will focus on barriers andor enablers for users elaboration with actual data and usability
Functional and Technical analysis of existing systems and applications with description of standards, connections and data.This deliverable will lead to a report with the following topics: 1- Research into references architectures and standards for open urban platforms, like Synchronicity, IRIS, Ruggedised and other EU H2020 initiatives 2- Description of available components for reuse within the Scorewater Platform 3- Analysis and translation of specifications in WP1 to match the components of the Scorewater platform 4- Analysis of data sources to manage within the Scorewater Platform and the functional and technical requirements for the platform architecture 5- Description of platform specific capabilities for sustainable water management, domain specific data models, communication protocols with existing systems, open APIs and security and privacy measures. 6- Implementation reference guidelines for the case studies. Output of task 3.1.
Reference guidelines for the implementation of the SCOREwater platform to enable reuse and further developmentThis deliverable based on input from tasks 11 31 32 and 33 will lead to a report with 1Functional and technical guidelines to collect and share standardized information from heterogeneous data sources eg sensor measurements building information geospatial information meteo data2A description of open standards security measurements IDM APImanagement privacy and ownership 3A description of technological and standardization needs barriers and solutions based on the gained experiences related to the development and design of the SCOREwater platform 4A connection to experiences from TM Forum on building open ecosystems and business frameworks This deliverable will provide input for demonstrations in WP4 and tasks 51 53 83 and 86
Public Awareness Campaign GuidelineThe main aim of the reports is developing a Public Awareness Campaign Guideline to reduce the consumption of antibiotics the discharge of oils and greases and the flushing of wet wipes to the sewers of Barcelona and to promote healthier dietary habits Subtask 425 The report will contain a review of scientific data related to health and environmental habits and water pollution and urban wastewater systems functioning b review of gender stereotypes and sexism issues in urban wastewater management campaigns c collection of recommended habits to avoid water pollution and correct operation of urban wastewater systems d general model of campaigning for better urban wastewater management e individual and community involvement toolkit and finally f SCOREwater Resilient sewer systems using sewer sociology facts and figures section to contribute to inform wastewater management campaign designing
Handbook for training for other end-usersHandbook for training for other endusers will contain step by step process descriptions for external endusers and guidance how to analyse their challenges and resources to reach their goals The handbook will include selfassessment tool which users can apply to evaluate their progress and inspirational stories of how internal stakeholders developed and used the technologies The experiences from the demonstration cases will be used to create example infographics animations and vlogs This deliverable will be produced digitally for easy dissemination and for high enduser uptake Task 63
Lessons from adapting resilience indicators to flooding and storm-water managementThis deliverable reports on the adaption of tools developed in the H2020 project Smart Resilience for identifying, visualizing and evaluating/acting upon data addressing resilience in critical infrastructures. These tools will be adapted to stormwater management and tested by stakeholders in Gothenburg, using sensor data. The task will aid in implementing, adapting and evaluating their uses, identifying best practices and salient social and organizational enablers. Task 5.2
Assessment of baseline conditions for all demonstration casesThe assessment focuses on organizational conditions (Stakeholder organizations etc.) in for example existing processes and ability to use data, regulatory context and how well the methods and techniques can be implemented in the different cities. It is summarized in a report and carried out through interviews and/or focus groups. This deliverable will then serve as a base for continued work. Output of subtask 4.1.1.
Deepened policy briefDeepened policy brief The deliverable will summarize the outcomes regarding regulatory social organizational market and technical challenges for innovation management at an early stage of the project The outcomes will be used to inform external actors such as the commission and local governments towards innovation management with regard to the water sector Task 86
Summarize relevant findings from evaluation phase, regarding technologies for water managementThis deliverable part of subtask 412 will summarize relevant findings from the evaluation phase mainly focusing on usability and user experience and thus also include a summary of deliverables 4244 This deliverable will conclude the iterative evaluation carried out in task 412 and provide valuable input to for example task 53 and 63
Risk Management PlanRisk Management Plan (RMP ). This deliverable will detail challenges for delivering quality products in due time and with given resources that have arisen in the preliminary stage of the project. The RMP will also describe how these challenges will be managed through the structure developed in the risk mitigation procedures outlined in the proposal. Task 8.5
Results from SARS-CoV-2 surveillanceResults from SARSCoV2 surveillance from sewage samples collected in Barcelona Responsible ICRA participants EURECAT
Final version of data-driven models report for a water-smart societyThe D25 corresponds with the final report of the datadriven models Therefore this report enhances the previous version D24 including the last changes performed in the datadriven models which are driven by a thorough analysis of the datadriven models exploitation in the large scale demonstrators WP4 The D25 corresponds with the outcome of task 22 and 23
Synergetic activities and their outcomesThe deliverable will be based upon synergetic activities carried out in cooperation with the other projects financed under the same call
1st version of data-driven models report for a water-smart societyThe goal of D2.4, which corresponds with the outcome of task 2.2 and 2.3, is to provide the first report describing designed and trained data-driven models. This description also includes the data pre-processing techniques used to split the information, detect and correct outliers, eliminate unrepresentative features and feature engineering.
Final version of streamlined model evaluation environmentThe final version of model evaluation environment is used to evaluate the models and algorithms based on real data Pitfalls and noticed shortcomings compared 1st version D26 version are documented to allow innovative improvements Task 24
Lifestyle habits surveyThe principal purpose of this document is to report the design development and exploitation of results of the Lifestyle habits survey subtask 424 The document will contain a literature review on the relationship between health and environmental habits and water pollution and urban wastewater system functioning b ethical considerations c study design and questionnaire based on previous research and the pollutants monitored in the task 42 d pilot and survey sampling design e statistical exploitation plan design f summary of the principal results and finally g dissemination and communication strategy
Requirement specification (hardware, software, standards)This report includes a review of types of sensors and their communication protocols, and data driven models commonly used in the water sector. The review will come from scientific papers and grey literature, including outcomes generated by former financed EU projects.
Plan for synergies with other projectsOpportunities for synergies will be identified either in terms of a common scope of work or in terms of complementarities.
A framework for specifying how to develop users’ needs and requirements in an iterative processThe deliverable provides a framework for the process to specify stakeholders’ needs and requirements in WP4 and the collection and analysis of data from the demonstration cases, with regard to organizational and social enablers for development and use of SCOREwater technologies. Task 5.1
Citizen empowerment through citizen science for water measurementThis deliverable will be a report with the lessons learned describing how 500 citizens were involved in measuring extreme precipitation flooding and drought This will form the end result of subtask 443
Lessons from testing and revising technologies for water managementThis deliverable will analyse users and technical experts experiences from prototyping implementing testing and provide recommendations for further development work in revising the platform and the resilient management tools Preliminary analyses regarding innovation management challenges will be carried out Subtask 532
Functional and Technical Guidelines for implementation of Privacy Enhancing Technologies within the SCOREwater PlatformThis deliverable based on task 31 32 and 33 will lead to a report with1A description of security and privacy methods and protocols covering sensor integrity communications data storage and sharing 2An analysis of legal hinders to utilize data3A description of anonymization techniques such as kanonymity generalization and perturbation This deliverable will provide input for demonstrations in WP4 and tasks 51 and 53
Recommendations for future development of technologies for water managementThe deliverable focuses on generating lessons learned from testing and revision including technical standardization behavioral legal and organizational issues including organizational dimensions on standardization issues It will identify best practices and salient social and organizational enablers and their significance beyond the case studies to be used for exploitation in WP6 guidebook and replication and for dissemination in WP7 It will identify best practices and salient enablers and their significance beyond the case studies These barriers and how they are addressed will be used for exploitation in WP6 guidebook and replication and for dissemination in WP7 Finally deepened analyses will be made in relation to innovation management challenges Subtask 532
UNI will be able to put the monitoring and pollution control of the WestLink construction and the water body recipient at direct display with the construction site just outside its windows an excellent opportunity to connect the physical and digital world Citizens will be invited to perform monitoring of Kvillebcken and Mlndalsn and the resulting data will be uploaded to the SCOREwater platform Citizens will be able to explore the basics of sensor technology learn about different types of sensors vibration touch sound movement light and temperature and experiment with these by connecting sensors to a computer and programming how to use them Through the SCOREwater platform citizens have the opportunity to interact with real data by monitoring Kvillebcken and Mlndalsn we create interactive learning from data analysis application of data visualization of data Through our public visualization lab and the SCOREwater platform we can highlight the extent of environmental impact and create a unique public engagement
Share lessons learnedTo share and discuss the lessons learned formats presentations and general programs are created for local events so that we can organize the same events and tell the same message in each country Through these events we also want to stimulate and activate public engagement by workshops We share results of those workshops with the other countries and through the website to all our target audience This deliverable is done through both task 72 and 73
Deployment of sensors around the Amersfoort Railway Station, including selection and formal permit for monitoringThe deliverable will be an integrated and deployed sensor network around the Amersfoort Railway Station and a brief report of the sensor selection and installation procedure. More specific, the report will summarize: 1) Obtaining formal permits for linking the physical to digital world 2) Selection of sensor measurement sites 3) Data characteristics for the deployed sensors and their measurements
WebsiteA project website will be published which can be used for the communication between the SCOREwater partners, to publish news and present the projects for the public and to our target audience. On this website visitors can find general information about SCOREwater, the separate projects, news and results. The website is also used to create and build up a database with people interested in the SCOREwater projects, separated in different groups (general and for the several cities). Task 7.3
Input to testing phase regarding implementing technologies for water managementThis deliverable (part of subtask 4.1.2) will summarize lessons learned from the participating partners in the implementation phase in order to provide the next phase (testing phase) with necessary information regarding implementation for water management and to ensure development and improvement from a perspective of users and developers. For this phase it will focus on barriers and/or enablers for implementation in real environment in the three cities, lessons regarding deployment of sensors, set up of models etc).
Serious gamingThis deliverable is a serious game in the form of an app which can be installed in tablets A serious serious game previously developed at ICRA will be adapted to include a new minigame which aims at enhancing public awareness of proper oil and grease separation proper disposal of wet wipes and educated antibiotics consumption Another adaptation is that information from players will be collected to evaluate the success of the serious game in raising awareness
Organize eventsOrganize events (FC, TP, OTHER, PU, M15). Initiate local events to share and discuss the adaptive deployment of sensors, algorithms and models and the set-up of processes for using the platform and the data. UNI will implement programs for public audience as well as schools in Gothenburg.
European HackathonWith a European Hackathon organized as a side event of a FIWARE Summit we want to create a 24hour competition to stimulate innovation and create new tools by ITprofessionals with in the FIWARE community companies and Universities The challenge of this Hackathon the data which can be used and lessons learned will be available on a specific page on the SCORE water website In consultation with the FIWARE community FIWARE tools and a FIWARE Lab will be used for this Hackathon We want to attract the target audience for this Hackathon through the network of SCORE water and the FIWARE community which participate at the Summit itself or online The goal is 6 teams who will participate at the Summit hopefully to receive 2 new tools which can be worked out A jury existing of SCOREwater and FIWARE members will judge the different tools SCORE water wants to activate a city to create the winning tool so that it can be used in that city After that this tool will be available for other European cities Output of task 72
MarketplaceSCOREwater wants to share new results, ideas, data and business model innovation to companies, cities and other organizations, so that they can use them for their own needs in creating new smart water tools. Therefor we are creating a marketplace on the website for a good presentation of those parts and also give information about people and organizations for more information about the named parts. Task 7.3
Sharing experiences and demonstration casesSharing the first experience and demonstration cases around the first prototype(s) (TP, OTHER, PU, M12). Prototype content for public outreach in collaboration with, specifically the technology designers in WP1, WP2 and .WP3 for the technology programme theme and WP4 large-scale demonstrators for the life below water programme theme.
Preliminary policy briefPreliminary policy brief The deliverable will summarize the outcomes regarding regulatory social organizational market and technical challenges for innovation management at an early stage of the project The outcomes will be used to inform both external actors such as the commission and internally to coordinate further project work Task 86
SCOREwater IdentityCreating a new identity (new logo and description of the colours and font styles which can be used in all communication) for SCOREwater. Based on the new identity we create several formats for newsletters, presentations and other communication tools, so that all communication can be recognized despite of how is making it. This is part of task 7.3 and will be set up in the beginning of the project and communicated to the whole project team.
Input to implementation phase regarding prototyping technologies for water managementThis deliverable (part of subtask 4.1.2) will summarize lessons learned from the participating partners in the prototype phase (Wp 2 and 3) in order to provide the next phase (implementation phase) with necessary information regarding implementation for water managemen and to ensure development and improvement from a perspective of users and developers. For this phase it will focus on barriers and/or enablers for the first versions of techniqies regarding data analytics, development of the platform etc.
Hackathon for SmartWaterToolsInitiate a Hackathon in Amersfoort, Barcelona and Gothenburg to create Smart Water Ideas based on lessons learned, data and products of SCORE water. This Hackathon aims to stimulate public engagement within citizens in each city. The online challenge is different in each city, so that we are able to get a variety of ideas by citizens for livable cities in the future. Ideas which we can also use in other European Cities. We want to reach the target audience with a social media campaign and through the network we have built up during the SCORE water project. Participants have two weeks to hand in their ideas at a specific page on the website of SCORE water, which will be judged by a jury in each city. We are aiming at 20 ideas in each city. The winning ideas will be promoted on the SCORE water website. Output of task 7.2.
Communication action planCreating a communication action plan for SCOREwater with the several channels, activities, events and communication tools we want to communicate results, news and lessons learn from the SCOREwater projects to a big target audience (general and in the separate cities). The target audience is based on the network of the several partners of SCOREwater (described in the general agreement). Due to several activities (mainly through social media) we build up the database and reach a big European audience with all newsletters, communication tools and events. Task 7.3
The deliverable is a data driven hydrological model of the railway station area that is integrated with monitoring data Deliverable 418 will form the end result of subtask 441
Integration of hydrological and groundwater models in the SCOREwater platformThe deliverable will be integration of existing data in to the SCOREwater platform for two geographic areas, namely the Railway Station are and the Schothorst area. More specific, the following items will be connected and produce data to the platform: 1) Existing monitoring networks on weather 2) Rainfall data 3) Flood alarms
Integrated map-based information for water quality and quantityThe data from sensors deployed by SCOREwater will be connected to the Gothenburg City information system for water which visualize the existing monitoring sites.The deliverable is an application (app) that adds on a information layer to the existing GIS information system. The app will allow user´s to select sensor readings and decision support from the developed models.
Description and main achievements for the case study of BarcelonaThis is a demonstrator type of deliverable showing the capabilities from the case-study of Barcelona.
Integration of existing ICT modules in the SCOREwater platformThe existing Amersfoort Open Data Platform will be integrated in and updated to the SCOREwater platform. We will connect existing ICT-systems and data solutions to the SCOREwater Platform (e.g. HydroNET, used by the majority of Dutch water managers). This deliverable will use the input from tasks in from WP3, like the architectural guidelines, standards and Data Market. The result of this deliverable will be: 1- An integrated data management platform (SCOREwater platform) to support the demonstration projects that incorporates the existing open data platform 2- A connection from the SCOREwater platform to internal systems and data sources in the City of Amersfoort 3- A connection from the SCOREwater platform to data sources and information products from 3rd parties like HydroNET 4- A integration of sensors and data streams into the SCOREwater platform to support the demonstrations projects The results of this deliverable provide input for tasks 5.1, 5.3, 6.1, 8.3 and 8.6.
Integration of Smart water data models (compliant with FIWARE-models), smart algorithms and data-driven models in the SCOREwater PlatformThis deliverable based on input from tasks 11 and task 33 will lead to the development of1Standard data models and protocols proposed by Task 11 that will be implemented in and adapted for the SCOREwater platform2Validation of these adaptations in order to ensure the interoperability with third parties 3A report with functional and technical guidelines to collect and share standardized information from heterogeneous data sources eg sensor measurements building information geospatial information meteo data with attention to open standards security measurements IDM APImanagement privacy and ownershipThis deliverable will provide input for demonstrations in WP4 and tasks 51 and 53
Implementation of the SCOREwater platform based on existing components, tailored by the specification delivered by WP1This deliverable based on input from tasks 11 22 31 and 33 will lead to the development of the SCOREwater platform and include1Analysis and integration existing components of CIVs City Innovation Platform 2Implementing components to manage large volumes of data and information coming from vertical solutions municipal systems external platforms and different data sources 3Enhancing the platform with specific capabilities for sustainable water management in accordance with the SSCEIP reference architecture domain specific data models communication protocols open APIs and security and privacy measures 4Implementing security and privacy by design measures including stateoftheart methods and protocols covering sensor integrity communications data storage and sharing and anonymization techniques5Connecting the SCOREwater platform to existing local platforms using open standards and reusing existing data connections to IoT and other monitoring networks eg using HydroNET of HR This deliverable will provide input for WP4 and task 53
Integration and connection of sensors and algorithms to the SCOREwater Platform, including processing, storage and transformation to Open APIsThis deliverable based on standardization issues defined in tasks 11 32 431 and 44 will lead to1Support for the integration of sensors as identified in WP12Support for the smart algorithms and datadriven models as designed throughout WP23Integration of water monitoring technology into the SCOREwater platform including handling the collection of legacy monitoring technologies from pilot cases and from the new nonintrusive sensors in the platform 4Implementation of security measures to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the water data 5A technological and interoperability validation of the sensors and algorithms integration in the SCOREwater platformThis deliverable will provide input for demonstrations in WP4
Implementation of the SCOREwater Data Market to support new business models for suppliers and providersThis deliverable, based on input from task 3.3, will lead to the development of:1.Implementation of an API-management solution to enable the SCOREwater Data Market;2.Development of the SCOREwater Data Market as a one stop shop for data and solutions, providing documentation, (code) examples, showcases and the opportunity to subscribe to APIs, including the supporting tools like throttling, billing, whitelisting and rate limiting. 3.Supporting tools to enlist, present and find all data (open, closed, shared) and solutions (apps, visualisations, models) in the SCOREwater Data Market, based on their metadata (DCAT, CKAN catalogue). This deliverable will provide input for task 5.1, 5.3, 6.1, 8.3 and 8.6.
SCOREwater project partners
Published in:
SCOREwater project partners
Published in:
SCOREwater project partners
Published in:
Published in:
M.Escolà Casas, N.S.Schröter, I.Zammit, M.Castaño-Trias, S.Rodriguez-Mozaz, P.Gago-Ferrero and Ll.Corominas
Published in:
Environment International, 2021, ISSN 0160-4120
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Ribalta M, Mateu C, Bejar R, Rubión E, Echeverria L, Varela Alegre FJ, Corominas L
Published in:
Sustainability, Issue issue 13, no. 7: 4013, 2021, ISSN 2071-1050
MDPI Open Access Publishing
M.Ribalta, R. Bejar, C. Mateu, E. Rubión
Published in:
Urban water journal, Issue Volume 20, 2023 - Issue 1, 2022, Page(s) Pages 1-14, ISSN 1744-9006
Taylor & Francis Online
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