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We Value Nature

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - We Value Nature (We Value Nature)

Reporting period: 2020-05-01 to 2022-04-30

The planet faces multiple environmental crises, most notably relating to biodiversity, climate and pollution. Loss of biodiversity, global warming and pollution levels have all surpasses safe planetary boundaries. The European Green Deal seeks to address these crises within the EU and in the EU’s interaction with the rest of the world. This requires a transformative change in our societies and economies, and more specifically in the way we do business.

We Value Nature – conceived in advance of the European Green Deal – aimed to address this need for transformative change, and thereby tackle the decline in natural capital, that is, the stocks of natural assets (such as biological diversity, clean water, soil carbon) upon which economies and societies depend.

The overall objective of We Value Nature was to establish, support and energise the European networks of businesses and other organisations working on these issues, and develop and collate resources to accelerate mainstreaming and operationalization of natural capital by businesses across Europe, in particular through uptake of natural capital assessment, natural capital accounting and nature-based solutions

We Value Nature has achieved much in this respect, through development and delivery of training and other resources and events to energise the network. However, much remains to be done to accelerate the transition and bring on board a critical mass of businesses, and time is increasingly short to if we are to prevent irreversible and dangerous environmental change. We Value Nature has thrown considerable light on how more businesses can be supported in their natural capital journeys, but efforts and financial resources need to be urgently and substantially scaled up.
Over the 42-month project period (Nov 2019-Apr 2022), We Value Nature has developed and delivered a wide range of resources supporting businesses embarking on their natural capital journey. We Value Nature took a behavioural change approach and developed a simplified natural capital uptake journey, and clarified key barriers at each stage of the journey, which has underpinned all We Value Nature output. Key output has included development of three training modules, applicable to all sectors, which help businesses to overcome barriers to uptake, in particular at the early stages of their natural capital journey. The modules raise understanding of natural capital and nature-based solutions and support businesses in making a first natural capital assessment. We adapted these modules to the specific needs of the food and beverage sector and the finance sector, and to integrate biodiversity considerations. These modules were delivered in face-to-face and virtual business trainings and train-the-trainer sessions to expand outreach, thereby reaching many hundreds of trainees, and adapted to a Coursera online self-paced training course that secured over 500 learners in the first 6 weeks of posting. We also delivered a series of virtual office hour calls providing a safe space for focussed discussion among network participants of key issues, and a series of bespoke helpdesk calls supporting individual businesses.

Additional resources developed by We Value Nature include: (1) an online media library which makes available a range of video, photographic and infographic resources, that businesses and others can use and adapt free of charge under a Creative Commons licence; (2) our interactive Natural Capital Journey tool facilitating access to appropriate resources at various stages of the uptake journey; (3) a series of blogs offering insights into key issues; (4) a series of Natural Capital Stories (video and pdf) offering inspirational case studies; and (5) a number of think pieces including a paper on the risks to biodiversity of expanded uptake of natural capital approaches, and a position paper on Improving Natural Capital Data Flow between Governments and Businesses.

We Value Nature was very active in supporting and energising the European 'network of networks', notably through close collaboration with the Capitals Coalition (the key pre-existing network of networks), through running many events including a 10-Day Challenge of 40+ webinars in collaboration with leading network participants, numerous other webinars and sessions at the EU Business and Biodiversity Summits (2019, 2020, 2021), an Innovate4Nature event providing a blueprint for NbS accelerator events, a series of Dialogues with the natural capital and NbS community, and meetings with its Advisory Panel (mostly businesses) and Academic Review Board.

Key areas of progress beyond the state of the art include:
• A novel theory of change and 'natural capital uptake pathway' providing a framework for action to accelerate business uptake of NC thinking.
• Analysis of >100 case studies on NC assessments and of network consultations, identifying key barriers to uptake amd enablers to address these barriers.
• New business-oriented natural capital training modules, adapted to various training periods, and to both business training and train-the-trainer sessions
• A novel Coursera self-paced online training course on ‘Valuing nature and people for business decision-making’
• ‘Virtual office hour' peer-to-peer trainings
• An Open Media Library offering open access to natural capital media content under a Creative Commons licence
• 'Natural capital stories' providing insights on business uptake.
• A series of inspirational blogs addressing key issues through a business lens

• An expanded cohort of individuals, within businesses, equipped to accelerate business uptake of natural capital approaches.
• An expanded cohort of trainers equipped to support businesses in their natural capital journeys.
• An expanded number of businesses which have started their natural capital journey and are moving towards a first natural capital assessment and/or uptake of nature-based solutions.
• An increasingly active and vibrant European natural capital network of businesses and other organisations
• A set of training modules, a Coursera course and related training resources to support businesses on their natural capital journeys
• A portfolio of inspirational ‘Natural Capital Stories’ (videos, pdfs) showcasing business operationalization/mainstreaming of natural capital.
• A series of inspirational blogs providing insights on various aspects of business uptake of natural capital assessment, natural capital accounting and nature-based solutions.
• A series of papers on key issues including: (a) further research and innovation funding needs to support the business transition to nature-positive; (b) needs for improved data flow on natural capital between governments and businesses; (c) risks to biodiversity arising from accelerated uptake of natural capital approaches.


Over the medium- to long-term, WVN will deliver impact through enhancing the efficiency and efficacy of capacity-building to support accelerated uptake of natural capital assessment, natural capital accounting and nature-based solutions by businesses, thereby helping to attain more rapidly a critical mass of businesses in support of the necessary transition to nature-positive.
We Value Nature's interacitve Natural Capital Journey tool
The model: Natural capital thinking for better decision making (by Natural Capital Coalition)
Entry points for natural capital in the food and beverage sector
We Value Nature theory of change
We Value Nature uptake pathway
Nature-based solutions and natural capital