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Smart and Scalable Satellite High-Speed Processing chain

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


S4Pro Video

A video will be produced to present the major achievements of the project and how they can impact the space industry ARTTIC will take the lead on this Adequate emphasis will be given both to the technologies development achievements and to the application use cases

Project public website

Rising awareness about S4Pro and the benefits for the society and the European space industry through the creation of a graphical identity and publication of general project information via a public website and social media accounts with key information. During this stage interest among stakeholder will be raised.

On-board Payload Processing Requirements

The corresponding task covers the collection and derivation of the S4PRO payload processing requirements, based on the representative set of applications selected in Task 1.1. It includes the initial definition of benchmarking activities to be carried out. The foreseen activities are as follows: - Provide the different payloads’ on-board processing requirements (DLR, OHB-I, iTUBS, DSI, QAS, ARTTIC). - Collect, compile, harmonise and formalize requirements (ARTTIC). - Analyse them to identify, for each payload, the requirements in terms of data throughput and computational performances (DLR, OHB-I, iTUBS, DSI, QAS, ARTTIC, per area of expertise). - Identify the most suitable radar (DLR) and optical (OHB-I) applications for the S4PRO computing system definition. - Provide feedback in terms of data transfer requirements in possible hardware platform solutions (iTUBS). - Evaluate payload processing requirements and define benchmark activities in view of implementation (iTUBS, DLR, OHB-I, DSI). - Refine requirements for the payload processing on programming and algorithm optimization/parallelization aspects (iTUBS), S4PRO hardware related implementation aspects (DSI). With these information, the task will: - Select a significant subset of payload data processing algorithms suitable for the applications considered in T1.1, such to cover at maximum extent the collected requirements. (DLR, OHB-I, iTUBS, DSI, QAS, ARTTIC, per area of expertise). - Define the preliminary benchmarking plan on programming and algorithm optimization/parallelization aspects (iTUBS), S4PRO hardware-related implementation aspects (DSI). - Coordinate requirements capture and feedback from Advisory Board and the integration of their recommendations in D1.3 (ARTTIC).

On-board Management Software Requirements

The corresponding task regards the definition of the onboard management software requirements iTUBS and spacecrafts mainly onboard interface services iTUBS DSI with regards to the objectives of the project To ensure system scalability these requirements will rely on standards such as CCSDS and ECSS where necessary This task will define requirements for A highlevel and uniform mechanism to communicate between software applications within the spacecraft message transfer services iTUBS QAS A standardized interface to mass memory file and packet stores file and packet stores services packet services memory access services and synchronization services packet encapsulation regarding onboard interfacing iTUBS The approach for the interface between the SDR and the management software and its validation process QAS

S4Pro stakeholders workshop report

A workshop will be organised with future stakeholders in order to present available results and collect feedback This report will be a summary of results and collected feedback

On-board Hardware (Storage and Communication) Requirements

The corresponding task covers the collection of the different communication-related processing requirements and different on-board storage requirements, as derived from the identified subset of applications, payload processing requirements as well as from on-board management software requirements (derived from, respectively, T1.1, T1.3, T1.2). It also foresees the initial definition of benchmarking activities to be carried out, and derives the relevant S4Pro storage requirements. This task will: - List the relevant CCSDS documentation regarding communication from the spacecraft to other spacecraft or to the ground (e.g. Space Internetworking Services, Space Link Services) and translate these into technical specifications for the telecommunication subsystem (QAS, iTUBS) and the data communication system (DSI). - Provide the different application-related on-board storage requirements, starting from the requirements from T1.1, T1.3 and T1.2 (DSI). - Collect, compile, harmonise and formalize requirements (ARTTIC). - Analyze them to identify, for each specific requirement, data throughput/transfer speed and storage size. - Evaluate the feasibility of miniaturization strategies of mass-memory module in order to integrate it with nano-satellite platforms (iTUBS). - Validate the approach for what concerns the interface between the SDR and the on-board storage system (QAS). - Define a preliminary benchmarking plan in order to test the on-board storage capabilities (DSI). - Evaluate the minimum required level of implementation needed to be considered “CCSDS compliant product” for what specifically concerns the telecommunication subsystem (QAS, iTUBS) and the data communication system (DSI). - Coordinate requirements capture and feedback from Advisory board and the integration of their recommendations in D1.4 (ARTTIC).

Public Education Materials and Open Data

The deliverable will report on Public Education Materials regarding contents of S4Pro

S4PRO Applications and Mission Scenarios

The corresponding task will - Identify representative candidate Earth Observation (EO) applications, including the collection of the user requirements of the selected applications (OHB-I, iTUBS, DSI, DLR, QAS, ENIT). - Perform roadmap analysis for key-enabling technologies supported by the Union (ALL) - Analyse and organize the user requirements (OHB-I), defining different «technological areas» (SW-iTUBS; Optical - OHB-I; SAR - DLR; Communications - QAS; Payload data processing & communication - DSI), converging the processing chain’s application requirements in a well-representative set of mission scenarios. Identify enabling capabilities/technologies for each identified application regarding on-board processing and communication (DSI). - Analyse relevant available roadmaps, including roadmaps developed in the context of actions for the development of Key Enabling Technnologies supported by the Union (ALL per area of expertise). - Collect, compile, harmonise and formalize requirements (ARTTIC). - Validate requirements (OHB-I with support from ENIT, and relevant partners per specific area: SW-iTUBS; Optical-OHB-I; SAR-DLR; Communication- QAS; Payload data processing&communication-DSI). - Select link scenarios covering the widest range of applications with as little overlap as possible (MECE: mutually exclusive, collectively exhaustive) while being the most likely to be implemented in actual space missions (Optical-OHB-I; SAR-DLR; Communication- QAS; Payload data processing&communication-DSI). - Establish the data link budgets for each of the selected link scenarios, and translates these budgets into performance requirements or specifications (QAS). - Provide input regarding embedded/on-board processing and determine feasibility of on-board processing approaches for the set of applications (iTUBS). - Share the user requirements among the user communities/stakeholders and validate them with the support of the SAB and/or a wide R&D community (iTUBS). Coordinate requirements capture and feedback from Advisory board and the integration of their recommendations in D1.1 (ARTTIC).


Chirp Selection and Data Compression for Spaceborne Wide-Swath SAR in FScan-Mode

Author(s): Scheiber, Rolf; Martone, Michele; Gollin, Nicola
Published in: 13th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, Issue 2, 2021, ISBN 978-3-8007-5457-1
Publisher: VDE

S4Pro: Prototype Implementation of Staggered SAR On-Board Processing

Author(s): Queiroz de Almeida, Felipe; Villano, Michelangelo; Scheiber, Rolf; Krieger, Gerhard; Naghmouchi, Jamin
Published in: 6th Workshop on Advanced RF Sensors and Remote Sensing Instruments, ARSI’19, Issue 2019, 2019
Publisher: Conference: Advanced Remote Sensing Instruments (ARSI)

S4Pro - On-board Payload Processing Requirements

Author(s): Scheiber, Rolf; Queiroz de Almeida, Felipe; Martone, Michele; Villano, Michelangelo; Freddi, Riccardo
Published in: N/A, Issue 4, 2019
Publisher: S4Pro public website

S4Pro Application and Mission Scenrios

Author(s): Freddi, Riccardo; Scheiber, Rolf; Queiroz de Almeida, Felipe; Villano, Michelangelo; Martone, Michele; Longo, Riccardo
Published in: N/A, Issue 4, 2019
Publisher: S4Pro public website

Intellectual Property Rights

PCIe Receiver (FW)

Application/Publication number: DSI- A0240698
Date: 2020-11-02
Applicant(s): DSI Aerospace GmbH

DDR3-SDRAM Memory Controller (FW)

Application/Publication number: DSI -A0240697
Date: 2021-04-23
Applicant(s): DSI Aerospace GmbH

Ethernet Command and Control Interface (FW)

Application/Publication number: DSI- A0240699
Date: 2020-10-26
Applicant(s): DSI Aerospace GmbH

DDR3-SDRAM Memory Controller (FW)

Application/Publication number: DSI -A0240697
Date: 2021-04-23
Applicant(s): DSI Aerospace GmbH

PCIe Receiver (FW)

Application/Publication number: DSI- A0240698
Date: 2020-11-02
Applicant(s): DSI Aerospace GmbH

SDR Hardware Design (Schematics Layout/Gerber Files, BoM, Assembly Drawings)

Application/Publication number: DSI- A0240809
Date: 2021-11-08
Applicant(s): DSI Aerospace GmbH

KU060 SDR IP Core

Application/Publication number: DSI- A0240807
Date: 2022-02-14
Applicant(s): DSI Aerospace GmbH

SDR Hardware Design (Schematics Layout/Gerber Files, BoM, Assembly Drawings)

Application/Publication number: DSI- A0240809
Date: 2021-11-08
Applicant(s): DSI Aerospace GmbH

Ethernet Command and Control Interface (FW)

Application/Publication number: DSI- A0240699
Date: 2020-10-26
Applicant(s): DSI Aerospace GmbH

KU060 SDR IP Core

Application/Publication number: DSI- A0240807
Date: 2022-02-14
Applicant(s): DSI Aerospace GmbH

MMM Hardware (Schematics, Layout/Gerber Files, Bill of Materials, Assembly Drawings)

Application/Publication number: DSI- A0240700
Date: 2020-07-28
Applicant(s): DSI Aerospace GmbH

RTEMS-5 BSP Software Implementation

Application/Publication number: DSI- A0240808
Date: 2022-01-20
Applicant(s): DSI Aerospace GmbH

MMM Hardware (Schematics, Layout/Gerber Files, Bill of Materials, Assembly Drawings)

Application/Publication number: DSI- A0240700
Date: 2020-07-28
Applicant(s): DSI Aerospace GmbH

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