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Innovating support ecosystem of creative SMEs at regional level

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - CREATINNO (Innovating support ecosystem of creative SMEs at regional level)

Reporting period: 2019-01-01 to 2019-12-31

The Creatinno project was established through cooperation of three institutions: CzechInvest, Beaz Bizkaia and Creative England. All three home countries these institutions – the Czech Republic, Spain and the United Kingdom – rank among the advanced economies Nevertheless, there is a common awareness of the need of continuous improvement. These countries are seeking greater economic competitiveness. The strategy is to discover the business potential of entrepreneurs and investors and the goal is to use trends in progressive sectors of the global economy.

In all of the partner countries, there are already activities being undertaken by the agencies seeking support of SMEs operating in the CCI field. However, the support system in not yet adequately developed and it does not grasp all of the potential that the CCIs possess. Therefore, it is important to develop and enhance the current services aimed at supporting the CCIs to more effectively exploit the possibilities and strengths of SMEs involved in the CCIs. The objective of the project is to develop the current CCI support policies in partner countries and thus increase the competitiveness and business skills of cultural and creative SMEs on the national and European scale with focus on the Spanish, British and Czech markets.
The outputs were based on the Twinning+ methodology among the three partners of the Creatinno consortium (CzechInvest, Creative England and BEAZ Bizkaia). This methodology is based on sharing problems, good practices, experience, know-how and knowledge between two or more entities.

The results of the project encompass raise in awareness of the CCIs in the regions, the transfer of good practices in support for SMEs’ innovation via cross-cultural cooperation, mutually beneficial relationships among the partners in Europe,
enhanced communication among institutions supporting the CCIs and identification of needs.

The target groups of the project are creative SMEs, innovation agencies, regional stakeholders and policymakers.

The result of the implemented peer-review and learning process is the Design Options Paper (DOP). The DOP serves as a “cookbook” for other innovation agencies and institutions in Europe. It provides guidelines for designing and implementing support programmes and services for CCI SMEs in order to exploit their full potential.

The DOP is the result of 12-month project. Over the course of that period, three workshops took place in each partner country, where the relevant activities and discussions were undertaken also with stakeholders. The DOP has been disseminated internally and externally through regionals network of contacts, websites, social medias or during regional activities.

The results of the project Creatinno and best practices from all of partner institutions as well as stakeholders were presented in the conference called Creatinno which took place in Prague in December 2019.
Via the workshops and peer-learning activities, the knowledge and skills of innovation agencies and also other stakeholders has been enhanced, network of skilled individuals has been established and the possibilities of creative SMEs support were identified. Moreover, the awareness about the CCI policy has been increased through the conference Creatinno and it is expected to increase even more through the dissemination of the DOP and other activities where the results of the project will be promoted.

The expected impact regarding the knowledge and skills improvement of the innovation agencies (minimum 30 people) has been already fulfilled via the workshops. Promotion of good practices to SMEs and regional stakeholders
(minimum 30 people) and possibilities of CCI SMEs support has been also fulfilled via the conference. The result of the project (DOP) has been disseminated to the regional policy makers communicated to regional policy makers which will help to set appropriate policies in the region.

In the 2 years following the end of the project, it is expected that 300 CCI SMEs will be supported by activities od innovation agencies.
The Creatinno conference