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CORDIS - EU research results
CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Support to Reinforce the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Communication and Outreach Plan
Mapping the Landscape Final Liaison Report

Mapping the Landscape Final Liaison Report Colead beneficiaries are UKRI and Athena RC

Communication and Outreach activities report
Update of ESFRI branding and promotional material

Summary report on updated set of ESFRI branding and promotional material

National Roadmap Process Best Practice meeting 2

Summary report of dedicated meetings

Final report on Communication and Outreach activities
Chair Handover Guide

Support to the Chair Handover Guide

3rd EoE workshop and report

Delivery of third EoE workshop and subsequent publication of results

Mapping the Landscape Intermediate Liaison Report

Mapping the landscape intermediate liaison report, covering e-infrastructures related to ESFRI and liaison and awareness-raising supported by StR-ESFRI2. Co-lead beneficiaries are UKRI and Athena RC.

ESFRI 2017-2018 Biannual Report

ESFRI 2017-2018 Annual Report (published June 2019)

National Roadmap Process Best Practice meeting 3

Summary report of dedicated meetings

Info-Day Workshop - Launch Roadmap 2021 process

Summary report on Info-Day Workshop for launch of Roadmap 2021 process

ESFRI Roadmap 2021 Launch

Launch of the ESFRI Roadmap 2021

Update of the Communication and Outreach Plan
ESFRI 2019-2020 Bi-annual Report

ESFRI 20192020 Biannual report published June 2021

1st EoE workshop and report

Delivery of first EoE workshop and subsequent publication of results

Stakeholder liaison plan

Stakeholder liaison plan. Co-lead beneficiaries are UKRI and Athena RC.

2nd EoE workshop and report

Delivery of second EoE workshop and subsequent publication of result

National Roadmap Process Best Practice meeting 1

Summary report of dedicated meetings.

Project Established - Kick-off meeting

Kick-off meeting between consortia members, ESFRI Chair, ESFRI StR-ESFRI2 liaison, EB representative and ESFRI Secretariat, to welcome new faces, outline the project and build relationships between STR-ESFRI and ESFRI

Technical integration of MOS Parts A+B+C and release of MOS+

Technical integration of MOS Parts A+B+C and release of MOS+. Dissemination type part public, part confidential

MoS Helpdesk

Release of the MOS+ Helpdesk and ticketing systems for effective communication and tracking of bug notifications and requests/suggestions. Dissemination type part public, part confidential.

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