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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Identifying Marginal Lands in Europe and strengthening their contribution potentialities in a CO2 sequestration strategy

Description du projet

Explorer le potentiel en matière de durabilité des terres marginales

Les terres marginales (TM) présentent peu sinon aucune valeur agricole ou industrielle. Les experts estiment toutefois que ces terres pourraient constituer des puits de carbone appropriés grâce à des projets de boisement/reboisement. Le projet MAIL, financé par l’UE, vise à favoriser le recours aux TM comme puits de carbone en encourageant les activités liées à la sylviculture et à l’agriculture. Le projet vise à détecter et à classer les TM montagneuses et semi-montagneuses afin de mettre en place une plateforme régionale en ligne contenant des données, une méthodologie et des applications qui peuvent s’avérer précieuses pour les experts et les décideurs politiques. MAIL est un consortium pluridisciplinaire comprenant six partenaires chevronnés dont la collaboration débouchera sur l’acquisition de nouvelles compétences et connaissances en matière de gestion durable des TM.


Marginal Lands (MLs) could offer suitable carbon sinks by afforestation/reforestation projects without being competitive to food production, conforming to EU/Global policies. The main objective of MAIL is to trigger utilization of MLs as Carbon Sinks by activities related to forestry and agriculture. The project aims to detect and classify mountainous and semimountainous Marginal Lands (m/sm MLs), in order to deliver a web-based regional platform with data, methodology and applications which will be valuable for policy makers, stakeholders or researchers.
MAIL will assess MLs’ presence, distribution and suitability in smart and efficient way, considering that marginality differs within European bioclimatic zones. It will detect MLs through multiple layer analysis of existing EU/Global scale datasets (land cover, land use, soil or climatic information, etc.) and will further examine, validate and classify MLs, through field stratified sampling, into Carbon sequestration capacity categories.
In pilot areas MAIL will augment the achieved accuracy by using enhanced spatial and radiometric resolution of full free and open access satellite datasets. Furthermore, it will propose actions that have to be taken in order to increase Carbon sequestration capacity and it will evaluate their feasibility by using a set of criteria for accurate cost estimation. Finally, it will deliver developed methodologies, algorithms and techniques on a web-application platform for on-demand production of thematic maps within Europe.
MAIL consists by a multidisciplinary Consortium of 6 experienced partners, from 4 EU Member States, and gathers the expertise required for identifying, mapping and assessing MLs as a potential Carbon Sinks. The seconded staff will exchange individual skills, competencies, thoughts, innovations, or ideas and through collaboration will acquire new skills concerning MLs management and will become more flexible, productive and efficient.


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 165 600,00

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Βόρεια Ελλάδα Κεντρική Μακεδονία Θεσσαλονίκη
Type d’activité
Higher or Secondary Education Establishments
Coût total
€ 165 600,00

Participants (5)