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Research And Development with Ion Beams – Advancing Technology in Europe


Multidetector spectrometer for high-sensitivity RBS available for TA at KUL

The efficiency and sensitivity of more widely used IBA techniques will also be enhanced by several developments Cost efficient multidetector systems and electronics for ultrahigh sensitivity Rutherford backscattering IMEC KUL CNRS and forward scattering RBI IST will be developed and made available for TA

Shared Plan for Self-Sustainability of infrastructures developed and published on Ion Beam Web Portal

As Europes ion beam community transits from an advanced to a worldleading community it will need to have a coherent shared plan for selfsustainability which will be published on the Ion Beam Web Portal This will include elements of European and national funding expanded services to industry and a sharedaccess model that better utilises resources and infrastructure to serve emerging niche user markets that are keys to enabling wider European innovation and excellence

At least 15 presentations by consortium members at Fairs and Conferences

The consortium members will regularly attend Fairs and Conferences and hold at least 15 presentations

External Advisory Board installed

At the kick-off meeting an External Advisory Board is appointed, which will regularly assess the project progress

Eight topical Newsletters on ion beam applications issued online

A biannual Newsletter will inform scientists on recent research highlights upcoming events summer schools workshops conferences and call deadlines for ionbeam proposals Every issue will have a Topical Focus eg advanced simulation of ion beam modification single ion implantation for quantum computing quantitative hydrogen determination for novel materials applications of accelerator mass spectrometry in medicine etc written by consortium members

Final Standards and Protocols Report: Quality Assurance Manual updated

The QA manual will be updated throughout the project as required and a final version available in month 36

Capillary-collimated beam spot below 100 nm at low-energy ion beam set-up available for TA

CNRS together with industry partner Orsay Physics will use their expertise in producing ultrathin capillaries to replace the standard apertures of the existing PELIICAEN platform This will not only vastly reduce beam size but also extend the life time of the aperture The development of apertures with long lifetimes and customertailored size will considerably expand the portfolio of techniques offered in TA

Documented procedures and rules for the proposal evaluation as decided at the kick-off meeting of the User Selection Panel

The User Selection Panel will meet for a kick-off meeting to review and agree upon the evaluation procedure and rules. The documentation will be made available to the public.

Quality Assurance Manual available and in use

As the project progresses a unified approach to each particular service and a comprehensive quality assurance and monitoring procedure is developed and published as a manual. This will be a “living document” and will be adapted as new services come on stream from the JRA activities and as the inter-comparisons between groups highlight best practice.

Report on software developments for multi-techniques analysis in a common data evaluation

Software to make use of multi techniques analysis such as IBA and SIMS in a common data evaluation

Summer school 2021 in Finland

In order to boost knowledge on the potential of ion beams four annual Summer Schools will be organized

Summer School 2022 in Italy

In order to boost knowledge on the potential of ion beams four annual Summer Schools will be organized

MeV SIMS system with Reflectron TOF spectrometer and capillary ion beam micro-collimation avail-able for TA

Progress in particle detectors for IBA applications is driven by the need to separate close molecular masses by MeV SIMS and distinguish neighbouring elements in depthresolved analysis by RBS and ERD Small fragmentation high desorption efficiency and minimal sample pretreatment have recently made MeV SIMS very attractive to new users over a wide range of applications Its analytical capabilities will be further explored in particular taking advantage of the possibility of combining it with other IBA techniques Existing MeV SIMS systems will be upgraded to provide higher mass resolution Reflectron mass analyser geometry will be implemented at RBI

Single-ion implantation in the low energy (<20 keV) regime available for TA

In the low energy ion range (<20 keV), where the high spatial resolution (<20 nm), can be obtained using Focused Ion Beam tech-nology, efficiency of single ion detection will be improved and tested using new secondary ion detection systems (SUR, IONOPTIKA) and using highly charged ions (HZDR), becoming available for TA.

User Selection Panel installed

At the kick-off meeting a User Selection Panel is installed

High-intensity proton beam with 300 nm spot size

European users are provided with stateofthe art ion beams constantly being upgraded following the pace of international progress in this field Smaller spot size is generally beneficial but can more easily be achieved for lighter ions protons and low intensities For intense proton beams typically used for PIXE imaging with micrometer resolution the spot size will be reduced to the level of 300 nm

Magnetic spectrometer with Si 128-strip detector for RBS analysis with isotopic mass resolution and nanometer depth resolution available for TA at KUL

High depth resolution RBS will be developed using a magnetic spectrometer combined with a Si strip detector

Virtual spring school 2021 arranged by IST

In order to boost knowledge on the potential of ion beams four annual Summer Schools will be organized

Technology Transfer Workshop held

IMEC has a longstanding experience in dealing with industry and will consequently organize one central Technology Transfer Workshop that will also discuss the industrial needs in the next decade and include relevant stakeholders and members of the external advisory board During this workshop knowledge will be exchanged the newly hired as well as the experienced Innovation Managers will report on their activities and the commercial enterprises participating in RADIATE ie CAEN IONOPTIKA Ionplus and Orsay Physics will present their view of industrial applications of ion beam technology

New AMS isotopes 135Cs and 90Sr, using ion cooling, available for TA

Ion cooling technology has tremendous untapped potential as a solution for various current limitations of ion beam techniques eg to increase sensitivity and applicability of AMS and the reliability of ultralow energy ion implantation In an ion cooler beams are electrostatically decelerated and cooled in a buffer gas Although the technology is well established at radioactive ion beam facilities dedicated to experimental nuclear physics broader application in ion beam analysis IBA and modification of materials is still in its infancy and no commercial provider exists An ion cooler has recently been developed at UW for AMS applications based on IonLaser Interaction Mass Spectrometry The device is used to decelerate negative ions which greatly increases the interaction time with a laser beam up to few milliseconds required for isobar separation By significantly increasing sensitivity this approach has the potential to more than double the number of ultratrace isotopes available to AMS users boosting numerous new application fields and attracting new user communities The exploratory prototype shows good results and so far was commissioned for 36Cl a wellestablished AMS isotope Methods for new isotopes 135Cs and 90Sr will be developed and will become available for TA within the project duration

Report on deep learning approaches to analyse complex RBS/EBS spectra

Deep learning algorithms find widespread use in various fields where modelling algorithms are unsuitable In the domain of ion beam analysis and ion beam modification of materials we have identified two fields where these artificial intelligence approaches will particularly enhance the performance of ion beam methods One field of application is to solve the inverse problem for Rutherford backscattering spectrometry RBS where one has to solve the ambiguity of elemental and depth information mixed together in a single energy spectrum of backscattered particles These data may be supported by multiple technique approach where additional information is obtained from complementary analysis techniques KUL SUR By training the system with the large set of already measured and wellknown samples one can expect the evaluation of new measured energy spectra by the deep learning algorithms This will allow an easier analysis of energy spectra even by users that are not as experienced in data evaluation Using advanced learning methods and network architectures as well as by simultaneously combining spectra from multiple detectors WP21 T223 this approach will be implemented for more challenging measurements eg where signals overlap where the spectra are very noisy due to a low count rate or where the samples exhibit extreme roughness Finally we aim at implementing such networks in elastic backscattering spectrometry EBS where the contribution of nonelastic scattering events makes the operatorbased spectrum analysis very tedious and timeconsuming KUL JYU IST SUR

At least 8 guest researchers have spent at least 3 months at RADIATE partner labs

By the end of RADIATE at least 8 guest researchers holding a permanent position in European or Associated Countries which are not directly involved in RADIATE should have spent at least 3 months at RADIATE partner labs

Polycapillary-WDS detection system for external microbeam available for TA

Polycapillary xray optics will be combined with flat crystal diffraction JSI for inair microPIXE

41Ca measurements available for TA

Based on the strong expertise in sample preparation at HZDR and UBW an efficient routine process to prepare CaF2 sputter samples for the production of CaH3 beams will be established so that 41Ca AMS can be made available for TA

Summer school 2019 in France

In order to boost knowledge on the potential of ion beams four annual Summer Schools will be organized.

First issue of RADIATE Reports series

The first issue of the RADIATE Report Series is published on the Ion Beam Portal. The RADIATE Report Series is open access consisting of quality-controlled reports of great practical value but not suited for publication in international journals, such as equipment progress reports, laboratory or instrument descriptions, feasibility studies, or practical notes, is set up.

Report summarizing the experimental conditions under which >99% efficiency for single ion hit detec-tion can be obtained

The outcome of the developments and tests carried out in terms of efficiency for single ion hit detection under different experimental conditions ion species ion energy detection system will be compiled in a report

Spot sizes of 100 nm / 1000 nm for low / high intensity heavy-ion beams available for TA

To satisfy the increasing user demand for heavy ion beams with small spot sizes the developments will be pushed towards spot sizes around 100 nm and below 1000 nm for low and highintensity beams respectively

Provision of min.1500 hrs of trans-national access to LIP at ETH Zürich

A minimum of 1500 hrs of trans-national access to LIP at ETH Zürich will be provided

Provision of min. 1400 hrs of trans-national access to IMBL at KU Leuven

A minimum of 1400 hrs of trans-national access to IMBL at KU Leuven will be provided

Provision of min. 1600 hrs of trans-national access to SIBC at SURREY

A minimum of min. 1600 hrs of trans-national access to SIBC at SURREY will be provided

Provision of min. 350 hrs of trans-national access to IBL at IST

A minimum of 350 hrs of trans-national access to IBL at IST will be provided

Provision of min. 1500 hrs of trans-national access to MIC of JSI

A minimum of 1500 hrs of trans-national access to MIC of JSI will be provided

Provision of min. 900 hrs of trans-national access to CIMAP at CNRS

A minimum of 900 hrs of trans-national access to CIMAP at CNRS will be provided

Provision of min. 1500 hrs of trans-national access to VERA at UNIVIE

A minimum of 1500 hrs of trans-national access to VERA at UNIVIE will be provided

Provision of min. 1600 hrs of trans-national access to IBC at HZDR

RADIATE will allow new user groups to conduct their research at IBC. Provision of min. 1600 hrs for trans-national access to IBC at HZDR

Provision of min. 1600 hrs of trans-national access to RBI-AF at RBI

A minimum of 1600 hrs of trans-national access to RBI-AF at RBI will be provided

Software package to combine and analyse a large set of RBS spectra originating from a multi- or segmented detector

Development of software package to combine and analyse a large set of RBS spectra originating from a multi- or segmented detector

Provision of min. 1100 hrs of trans-national access to MLL via UNI BWM

A minimum of 1100 hrs of transnational access to MLL via UNI BWM will be provided

Provision of min. 600 hrs of trans-national access to TL at UU

A minimum of 600 hrs of trans-national access to TL at UU will be provided

Update of the submission, evaluation and handling system based on the feedback from USP and TA quality assessment reports

Appropriate changes in the proposal submission and handling procedures will be applied based on the feedback from the USP during the Midterm Meeting and the TA quality assessment reports

Open access to data taken in user campaigns via the Ion Beam Web Portal according to the Data Management Plan

In progressing towards a sustainable einfrastructure publication and data repositories will be established by the consortium according to the Data Management Plan with the Ion Beam Web Portal providing open access to these data

TRI3DYN made accessible via the Ion Beam Web Portal

TRI3DYN has been developed as a 3D extension of TRIDYN, and will be further developed to obtain robust, generally applicable codes that can be used by non-experts. Together with the codes, common input and output data structures, user manuals and tutorials will be developed and made available via the Ion Beam Web Portal

Simulation and data evaluation software adapted for use via Web Portal

RADIATE will agree on a common extended IBA data format during the first year of the project Simulation and data evaluation software will be correspondingly adapted for use via the Ion Beam Web Portal

Modified molecular dynamics software made accessible via the Ion Beam Web Portal

Modified molecular dynamics software will be further developed to obtain robust generally applicable codes that can be used by nonexperts Together with the codes common input and output data structures user manuals and tutorials will be developed and made available via the Ion Beam Web Portal

Two ion beam video clips for a general audience produced and on-line

Dissemination includes education and outreach to the general public. To tackle this challenge a series of short Ion Beam Video Clips explaining the benefits of ion beam technology to a general audience will be produced and made available.

Upgraded Proposal Submission, Evaluation and Handling system operative via Ion Beam Web Portal

The initially set up proposal submission and evaluation website will be amended and upgraded.

Data Management and Archiving system setup

Research data and results will be appropriately archived on repositories at the facilities where they have been generated

Proposal submission, evaluation and handling system available online

Initial version of common proposal submission, evaluation and handling system is made available to users on the Ion Beam Web Portal

Alumni Network for interaction with industry established on Ion Beam Web Portal

On the long term the interaction between industry and the ion beam facilities will be solidified by personal involvement. Alumni from the ion beam facilities will be employed at different companies and will spread the knowledge of ion beam technology. RADIATE will keep track of them in a dedicated Alumni Network in order to enhance the two-way knowledge transfer between company and ion beam facilities.

Ion beam simulation and data analysis software accessible via the Ion Beam Web Portal

Ion beam simulation software for ion beam transport and tuning, ion irradiation as well as for data analysis is made available to users online

First technology transfer success stories by Innovation Managers published on Ion Beam Web Portal

Innovation managers will write short success stories of their technology transfer activities which will be published as a dissemination action on the Ion Beam Web Portal

Setup of user and JRA publication records on the Ion Beam Web Portal

The publication outcome from TA users and JRA activities will be regularly monitored by the NA Leader, and publication statistics will be made available on the Web Portal

Ion optics and related software made available in Ion Optics Pool via Ion Beam Web Portal

Since ion beam optics is a crucial, common component of these developments, an Ion Optics Pool of expertise will be established within RADIATE and centralize and further develop the expertise on ion optics hardware and on state-of-the-art software for ion optics simulations (COMSOL, WinTRAX and SIMION), as well as on related fields of relevance (electronics, vacuum, molecular gas dynamics, mechanical design, etc.). The findings will be made available on the Ion Beam Web Portal.

Guest Researcher and Twinning Program established and announced on Ion Beam Web Portal

Guest Researcher and Twinning Program is going to be established and announced on the Ion Beam Web Portal. The promotion of ion beam technology and ion beam use to the next generation of scientist is a central goal of RADIATE. In particular scientists from countries without national ion beam facilities are addressed by the dedicated activities. Likewise, a Twinning Program is set up to enable unexperienced potential users to participate in an experimental campaign of an established user group.

First update of the Data Management Plan

The initially set up Data Management Plan will be updated throughout the project A first update will be presented in month 24

Last update of Data Management Plan

The initially set up Data Management Plan will be updated throughout the project


Dosimetry of heavy ion exposure to human cells using nanoscopic imaging of double strand break repair protein clusters

Author(s): Judith Reindl, P. Kundrat, S. Girst, M. Sammer, B. Schwarz & G. Dollinger
Published in: Scientific Reports, 2022, ISSN 2045-2322
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-05413-6

Single Ion Implantation of Bismuth

Author(s): Nathan Cassidy, Paul Blenkinsopp, Ian Brown, Richard J. Curry, Ben N. Murdin, Roger Webb, David Cox
Published in: Physica Status Solidi A, Issue volume 218 Issue 1, 2020, Page(s) 2000237 pages 1-6, ISSN 1862-6319
Publisher: Wiley
DOI: 10.1002/pssa.202000237

Molecular imaging of humain hair with MeV-SIMS: A case study of cocaine detection and distribution in the hair of a cocaine user

Author(s): Luka Jeromel, Nina Ogrinc, Zdravko Siketić, Primož Vavpetič, Zdravko Rupnik, Klemen Bučar, Boštjan Jenčič, Mitja Kelemen, Matjaž Vencelj, Katarina Vogel-Mikuš,J anez Kovač, Ron M. A. Heeren, Bryn Flinders, Eva Cuypers, Žiga Barba , Primož Pelicon
Published in: PLOS ONE, 2022, ISSN 1932-6203
Publisher: Public Library of Science
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0263338

Which is the best ⁹Be carrier for ¹⁰Be/⁹Be accelerator mass spectrometry?

Author(s): Merchel, S.; Braucher, R.; Lachner, J.; Rugel, G.
Published in: MethodsX, Issue 8, 2021, Page(s) 101486, ISSN 2215-0161
Publisher: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.mex.2021.101486

LABEC, the INFN ion beam laboratory of nuclear techniques for environment and cultural heritage

Author(s): Chiari, M.; Barone, S.; Bombini, A.; Calzolai, G.; Carraresi, L.; Castelli, L.; Czelusniak, C.; Fedi, M. E.; Gelli, N.; Giambi, F.; Giardi, F.; Giuntini, L.; Lagomarsino, S.; Liccioli, L.; Lucarelli, F.; Manetti, M.; Massi, M.; Mazzinghi, A.; Nava, S.; Ottanelli, P.; Sciortino, S.; Ruberto, C.; Sodi, L.; Taccetti, F.; Mandò, P. A.
Published in: European Physical Journal plus, Issue 136, 2021, ISSN 2190-5444
Publisher: Springer Science + Business Media
DOI: 10.1140/epjp/s13360-021-01411-1

Frequency-dependent stimulated and post-stimulated voltage control of magnetism in transition metal nitrides: towards brain-inspired magneto-ionics

Author(s): Z. Tan, J. de Rojas, S. Martins, A. Lopeandia, L. Abad, A. Quintana, J. Salguero, M. Cialone, J. Herrero-Martín, J. Meersschaut, A. Vantomme, J. L. Costa-Krämer, J. Sort and E. Menéndez
Published in: Materials Horizons, Issue 10, 2023, Page(s) 88-96, ISSN 2051-6347
Publisher: RSC
DOI: 10.1039/d2mh01087a

Highly sensitive ²⁶Al measurements by Ion-Laser-InterAction Mass Spectrometry

Author(s): Lachner, J.; Martschini, M.; Kalb, A.; Kern, M.; Marchhart, O.; Plasser, F.; Priller, A.; Steier, P.; Wieser, A.; Golser, R.
Published in: Int. J. Mass Spectrom., Issue 465, 2021, Page(s) 116576, ISSN 1387-3806
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijms.2021.116576


Author(s): Martschini, M., Lachner, J., Hain, K., Kern, M., Marchhart, O., Pitters, J., Priller, A., Steier, P., Wiederin, A., Wieser, A., Golser, R.
Published in: Radiocarbon, Issue First View, 2021, Page(s) 1-14, ISSN 0033-8222
Publisher: University of Arizona
DOI: 10.1017/rdc.2021.73

Applications of Rutherford backscattering analysis methods to nuclear physics experiments

Author(s): M. Rocchini, M. Chiari, E. Pasquali, A. Nannini, K. Hadynska-Klęk, P. Sona, D. Bazzacco, G. Benzoni, F. Camera, C. Czelusniak, D.T. Doherty, A. Goasduff, P.R. John, M. Komorowska, N. Marchini, M. Matejska-Minda, B. Melon, D. Mengoni, P.J. Napiorkowski, M. Ottanelli, A. Perego, F. Recchia, M. Siciliano, L. Sottili, D. Testov, J.J. Valiente-Doblon, K. Wrzosek-Lipska, M. Zielinska
Published in: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, Issue 486, 2021, Page(s) 68-72, ISSN 0168-583X
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2020.09.021

Initial tests of 26Al fluoride target matrix on MILEA AMS system

Author(s): K. Fenclová, T. Prášek, M. Němec, M. Christl, P. Gautschi, C. Vockenhuber, J. Tecl
Published in: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Issue 503, 2021, Page(s) 45-52, ISSN 0168-583X
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2021.07.008

Range verification of a clinical proton beam in an abdominal phantom by co-registration of ionoacoustics and ultrasound

Author(s): Jannis Schauer, Hans-Peter Wieser, Julie Lascaud, Yuanhui Huang, Marie Vidal, Joel Herault, Vasilis Ntziachristos, Günther Dollinger and Katia Parodi
Published in: Physics in Medicine & Biology, 2023, ISSN 0031-9155
Publisher: Institute of Physics Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6560/acd834

Longitudinally Heterogeneous Tumor Dose Optimizes ProtonBroadbeam, Interlaced Minibeam, and FLASH Therapy

Author(s): Matthias Sammer, Aikaterini Rousseti, Stefanie Girst, Judith Reindl and Günther Dollinger
Published in: Cancers, 2022, ISSN 2072-6694
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/cancers14205162

Measuring the iron content of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra with MRI relaxometry

Author(s): Malte Brammerloh, Markus Morawski, Isabel Friedrich, Tilo Reinert, Charlotte Lange, Primož Pelicon, Primož Vavpetič, Steffen Jankuhn, Carsten Jäger, Anneke Alkemade, Rawien Balesar, Kerrin Pine, Filippos Gavriilidis, Robert Trampel, Enrico Reimer, Thomas Arendt, Nikolaus Weiskopf, Evgeniya Kirilina
Published in: NeuroImage, 2021, ISSN 1053-8119
Publisher: Academic Press
DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118255

An advanced radio-frequency quadrupole ion cooler for accelerator mass spectrometry

Author(s): Schiffer, M., Machhart, O., Priller, A., Herb, S., Hackenberg, G., Heinze, S., Martschini, M., Strub, E., Dunai, T., Golser, R., Dewald, A.
Published in: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Issue 528, 2022, Page(s) 27-33, ISSN 0168-583X
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2022.07.010

Influence of α-Particle Radiation on Intercellular Communication Networks of Tunneling Nanotubes in U87 Glioblastoma Cells

Author(s): Nicole Matejka, Judith Reindl
Published in: Frontiers in Oncology, Issue 10, 2020, Page(s) 1691, ISSN 2234-943X
Publisher: Frontiers Media S. A.
DOI: 10.3389/fonc.2020.01691

Low-Temperature Atomic Layer Deposition of High-k SbOx for Thin Film Transistors

Author(s): Jun Yang, Amin Bahrami, Xingwei Ding, Panpan Zhao, Shiyang He, Sebastian Lehmann, Mikko Laitinen, Jaakko Julin, Mikko Kivekäs, Timo Sajavaara, Kornelius Nielsch
Published in: Advanced Electronic Materials, Issue 8, 2022, Page(s) 2101334, ISSN 2199-160X
Publisher: Wiley-VCH Verlag
DOI: 10.1002/aelm.202101334

Sulfur valence-to-core X-ray emission spectroscopy study of lithium sulfur batteries

Author(s): Marko Petric, Ava Rajh, Alen Vizintin, Sara Drvarič Talian, Robert Dominko and Matjaž Kavčič
Published in: Chemical Communications, Issue 57, 2021, Page(s) 7573-7576, ISSN 1359-7345
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
DOI: 10.1039/d1cc03023j

Quantification of area-selective deposition on nanometer-scale patterns using Rutherford backscattering spectrometry

Author(s): Niels Claessens, Zamran Zahoor Khan, Negin Rahnemai Haghighi, Annelies Delabie, André Vantomme, Wilfried Vandervorst and Johan Meersschaut
Published in: Scientific Reports, Issue 12, 2022, Page(s) 17770, ISSN 2045-2322
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-22645-8

Magnesium-vacancy optical centers in diamond

Author(s): Emilio Corte, Greta Andrini, Elena Nieto Hernández, Vanna Pugliese, Angelo Costa, Goele Magchiels, Janni Moens, Malven Tunhuma, Renan Villarreal, Lino M.C. Pereira, André Vantomme, Joao Guilherme Correia, Ettore Bernardi, Paolo Traina, Ivo Pietro Degiovanni, Ekaterina Moreva, Marco Genovese, Sviatoslav Ditalia Tchernij, Paolo Olivero, Ulrich Wahl and Jacopo Forneris
Published in: ACS Photonics, Issue 10, 2023, Page(s) 101-110, ISSN 2330-4022
Publisher: American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.2c01130

Synthesis and oxidation behavior of Ti0.35Al0.65By (y = 1.7–2.4) coatings

Author(s): Amir Hossein Navidi Kashani, Stanislav Mráz, Damian M. Holzapfel, Marcus Hans, Lukas Löfler, Pavel Ondračka, Daniel Primetzhofer, Jochen M.Schneider
Published in: Surface and Coatings Technology, 2022, ISSN 0257-8972
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2022.128190

Self-powered proton detectors based on GaN core–shell p–n microwires

Author(s): D. Verheij, M. Peres, S. Cardoso, L. C. Alves, E. Alves, C. Durand, J. Eymery, J. Fernandes, K. Lorenz
Published in: Applied Physics Letters, Issue 118, 2021, Page(s) 193501, ISSN 0003-6951
Publisher: American Institute of Physics
DOI: 10.1063/5.0045050

Detection of 135Cs & 137Cs in environmental samples by AMS

Author(s): Wieser, A., Lachner, J., Martschini, M., Zok, D., Priller, A., Steier, P., Golser, R.
Published in: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Issue 538, 2023, Page(s) 36-40, ISSN 0168-583X
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2023.02.013

Planar Proton Minibeam Irradiation Elicits Spatially ConfinedDNA Damage in a Human Epidermis Model

Author(s): Harry Scherthan, Stephanie-QuintaWagner, Jan Grundhöfer, Nicole Matejka, Jessica Müller, Steffen Müller, Sarah Rudigkeit, Matthias Sammer, Sarah Schoof, Matthias Port and Judith Reindl
Published in: Cancers, 2022, ISSN 2072-6694
Publisher: Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI)
DOI: 10.3390/cancers14061545

Imaging of Organic Samples with Megaelectron Volt Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Capillary Microprobe

Author(s): Brajković, Marko; Bogdanović Radović, Ivančica; Barac, Marko; Cosic, Donny Domagoj; Siketić, Zdravko
Published in: Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, Issue 32, 2021, Page(s) 2567-2572, ISSN 1879-1123
Publisher: ACS Publications
DOI: 10.1021/jasms.1c00200

Low-temperature ALD of highly conductive antimony films through the reaction of silylamide with alkoxide and alkylamide precursors

Author(s): He, S., Bahrami, A., Zhang, X., Julin, J., Laitinen, M., & Nielsch, K.
Published in: Materials Today Chemistry, Issue 32, 2023, Page(s) 101650, ISSN 2468-5194
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.mtchem.2023.101650

Cosmogenic radionuclides reveal an extreme solar particle storm near a solar minimum 9125 years BP.

Author(s): Chiara I. Paleari; Florian Mekhaldi; Florian Adolphi; Marcus Christl; Christof Vockenhuber; Philip Gautschi; Jürg Beer; Nicolas Brehm; Tobias Erhardt; Hans-Arno Synal; Lukas Wacker; Frank Wilhelms; Raimund Muscheler
Published in: Nature Communications, Vol 13, Iss 1, Pp 1-9 (2022), Issue 12, 2022, ISSN 2041-1723
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-27891-4

Alternative approach to populate and study the Th 229 nuclear clock isomer

Author(s): M. Verlinde, S. Kraemer, J. Moens, K. Chrysalidis, J. G. Correia, S. Cottenier, H. De Witte, D. V. Fedorov, V. N. Fedosseev, R. Ferrer, L. M. Fraile, S. Geldhof, C. A. Granados, M. Laatiaoui, T. A. L. Lima, P.-C. Lin, V. Manea, B. A. Marsh, I. Moore, L. M. C. Pereira, S. Raeder, P. Van den Bergh, P. Van Duppen, A. Vantomme, E. Verstraelen, U. Wahl, S. G. Wilkins
Published in: Physical Review C, Issue 100/2, 2019, ISSN 2469-9985
Publisher: American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/physrevc.100.024315

Preclinical Challenges in Proton Minibeam Radiotherapy: Physics and Biomedical Aspects

Author(s): Gerd Datzmann, Matthias Sammer, Stefanie Girst, Michael Mayerhofer, Günther Dollinger and Judith Reindl
Published in: Frontiers in Physics, 2020, ISSN 2296-424X
Publisher: Frontiers in Physics
DOI: 10.3389/fphy.2020.568206

Dependence of Megaelectron Volt Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Secondary Molecular Ion Yield from Phthalocyanine Blue on Primary Ion Stopping Power

Author(s): Marko Brajković, Marko Barac, Iva Bogdanović Radović, Zdravko Siketić
Published in: Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, Issue 31/7, 2020, Page(s) 1518-1524, ISSN 1044-0305
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1021/jasms.0c00080

Comparison and performance of two cosmogenic nuclide sample preparation procedures of in situ produced 10Be and 26Al

Author(s): Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger, Z., Neuhuber, S., Braucher, R., Lachner, J., Steier, P., Wieser, A., Braun, M., ASTER Team
Published in: Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Issue 329, 2021, Page(s) 1523-1536, ISSN 0236-5731
Publisher: Akademiai Kiado
DOI: 10.1007/s10967-021-07916-4

Differential evolution optimization of Rutherford backscattering spectra

Author(s): René Heller, Nico Klingner, Niels Claessens, Clement Merckling, and Johan Meersschaut
Published in: Journal of Applied Physics, Issue 132, 2022, Page(s) 165302, ISSN 0021-8979
Publisher: American Institute of Physics
DOI: 10.1063/5.0096497

Isobar suppression studies for 99Tc detection using Ion-Laser InterAction Mass Spectrometry (ILIAMS)

Author(s): Hain, K., Adler, S., Gülce, F., Martschini, M., Pitters, J., Golser, R.
Published in: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Issue 531, 2022, ISSN 0168-583X
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2022.09.016

Characterization of Li-S Batteries Using Laboratory Sulfur X-ray Emission Spectroscopy.

Author(s): Matjaž Kavčič; Marko Petric; Marko Petric; Ava Rajh; Ava Rajh; Kristina Isaković; Alen Vizintin; Sara Drvarič Talian; Robert Dominko
Published in: ACS Applied Energy Materials, Issue 4, 2021, Page(s) 2357-2364, ISSN 2574-0962
Publisher: ACS
DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.0c02878

Comparison of optical techniques and MeV SIMS in determining deposition order between optically distinguishable and indistinguishable inks from different writing tools

Author(s): Barac, Marko; Filko, Andrijana; Siketić, Zdravko; Brajković, Marko; Ledić, Andrea; Bogdanović Radović, Ivančica
Published in: Forensic Science International, Issue 331, 2022, Page(s) 111136, ISSN 0379-0738
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2021.111136

Probing the spatial dimensions of nanoscale patterns with Rutherford backscattering spectrometry

Author(s): Niels Claessens, Annelies Delabie, André Vantomme, Wilfried Vandervorst and Johan Meersschaut
Published in: Nuclear Instruments and Methods B, Issue 540, 2023, Page(s) 174-181, ISSN 1872-9584
Publisher: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2023.04.036

High-temperature oxidation resistance of ternary and quaternary Cr-(Mo)-Si-B2-z coatings—Influence of Mo addition

Author(s): A Bahr, T Glechner, A Grimmer, T Wojcik, P Kutrowatz, M Podsednik, A Limbeck, M Heller, J Ramm, O Hunold, S Kolozsvári, P Polcik, E Ntemou, D Primetzhofer, P Felfer, H Riedl
Published in: Surface and Coatings Technology, Issue 468, 2023, Page(s) 129733, ISSN 0257-8972
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2023.129733

Tracing Atlantic water transit time in the subarctic and Arctic Atlantic using 99Tc-233U-236U

Author(s): Lin, G., Qiao, J., Steier, P., Danielsen, M., Guðnason, K., Joensen, H. P., Stedmon, C. A.
Published in: Science of the Total Environment, Issue 851, 2022, ISSN 0048-9697
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.158276

A 3D printed pure copper drift tube linac prototype

Author(s): M. Mayerhofer, J. Mitteneder, and G. Dollinger
Published in: Review of Scientific Instruments, 2022, ISSN 0034-6748
Publisher: American Institute of Physics
DOI: 10.1063/5.0068494

The Atomki Accelerator Centre

Author(s): S. Biri, I. K. Vajda, P. Hajdu, R. Rácz, A. Csík, Z. Kormány, Z. Perduk, F. Kocsis, I. Rajta
Published in: The European Physical Journal Plus, Issue 136, 2021, Page(s) 247, ISSN 2190-5444
Publisher: Springer Science + Business Media
DOI: 10.1140/epjp/s13360-021-01219-z

Mass Transport via In-Plane Nanopores in Graphene Oxide Membranes

Author(s): T. Foller, L. Madauß, D. Ji, X. Ren, K.K.H. De Silva, T. Musso, M. Yoshimura, H. Lebius, A. Benyagoub, P. V. Kumar, M. Schleberger, R. Joshi
Published in: Nano Letters, Issue 22 (12), 2022, Page(s) 4941-4948, ISSN 1530-6984
Publisher: American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c01615

A generalized fitting tool for analysis of two-dimensional channeling patterns

Author(s): E. David-Bosne, U. Wahl, J.G. Correia, T.A.L. Lima, A. Vantomme, L.M.C. Pereira
Published in: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Issue 462, 2020, Page(s) 102-113, ISSN 0168-583X
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2019.10.029

An ion beam spot size monitor based on a nano-machined Si photodiode probed by means of the ion beam induced charge technique

Author(s): G. Andrini, E. Nieto Hernández, G. Provatas, M. Brajkovic, A. Crnjac, S. Ditalia Tchernij, J. Forneris, V. Rigato, M. Campostrini, Z. Siketic, M. Jaksic, E. Vittone
Published in: Vacuum, 2022, ISSN 0042-207X
Publisher: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.vacuum.2022.111392

Perspectives of cellular communication through tunneling nanotubes in cancer cells and the connection to radiation effects

Author(s): Nicole Matejka, Judith Reindl
Published in: Radiation Oncology, Issue 14/1, 2019, Page(s) 218, ISSN 1748-717X
Publisher: BioMed Central
DOI: 10.1186/s13014-019-1416-8

Developing Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Capabilities for Anthropogenic Radionuclide Analysis to Extend the Set of Oceanographic Tracers

Author(s): Hain, K., Martschini, M., Gülce, F., Honda, M., Lachner, J., Kern, M., Pitters, J., Quinto, F., Sakaguchi, A., Steier, P., Wiederin, A., Wieser, A., Yokoyama, A., Golser, R.
Published in: Frontiers in Marine Science, Issue 9, 2022, ISSN 2296-7745
Publisher: Frontiers Media S.A.
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2022.837515

Effect of Si on the hydrogen-based direct reduction of Fe2O3 studied by XPS of sputter-deposited thin-film model systems

Author(s): Lena Patterer, Eva B Mayer, Stanislav Mráz, Peter J Pöllmann, Marcus Hans, Daniel Primetzhofer, Isnaldi R Souza Filho, Hauke J Springer, Jochen M Schneider
Published in: Scripta Materialia, Issue 233, 2023, Page(s) 115515, ISSN 1359-6462
Publisher: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.scriptamat.2023.115515

Direct evidence of Be as an amphoteric dopant in GaN

Author(s): U. Wahl, J.G. Correia, A.R.G. Costa, T.A.L. Lima, J. Moens, M.J. Kappers, M.R. da Silva, A. Vantomme and L.M.C. Pereira
Published in: Physical Review B, Issue 105, 2022, Page(s) 184112, ISSN 2469-9969
Publisher: APS
DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.105.184112

A parallel-beam wavelength-dispersive X-ray emission spectrometer for high energy resolution in-air micro-PIXE analysis

Author(s): K. Isakovic, M. Petric, A. Rajh, Z. Rupnik, M. Ribic, K. Bucar, P. Pelicon, P. Pongrac, be V. Bocaj and M. Kavcic
Published in: Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy, Issue 38, 2023, Page(s) 1164, ISSN 0267-9477
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
DOI: 10.1039/d3ja00019b

Resistivity contrast imaging in semiconductor structures using ultra-low energy scanning electron microscopy

Author(s): Jozwik, I.; Jagielski, J.; Dumiszewska, E.; Kaminski, M.; Kentsch, U.
Published in: Ultramicroscopy, Issue 228, 2021, Page(s) 113333, ISSN 0304-3991
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.ultramic.2021.113333

Response of Drainage Pattern and Basin Evolution to Tectonic and Climatic Changes Along the Dinarides-Hellenides Orogen

Author(s): Gemignani, Lorenzo Mittelbach, Benedict Simon, Dirk Rohrmann, Alexander Grund, M. U. Bernhardt, Anne Hippe, Kristina Giese, Jörg Handy, Mark R.
Published in: Frontiers in Earth Science, Issue 10, 2022, Page(s) 821707, ISSN 2296-6463
Publisher: Frontiers in Earth Science
DOI: 10.3389/feart.2022.821707

Controls on the 36Cl/Cl input ratio of paleo-groundwater in arid environments: New evidence from 81Kr/Kr data

Author(s): Ram, Roi and Purtschert, Roland and Adar, Eilon M. and Bishof, Michael and Jiang, Wei and Lu, Zheng-Tian and Mueller, Peter and Sy, Adrien and Vockenhuber, Christof and Yechieli, Yoseph and Yokochi, Reika and Zappala, Jake C. and Burg, Avihu
Published in: Science of The Total Environment, Issue 762, 2021, Page(s) 144106, ISSN 0048-9697
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.144106

Depth profiling of Cr-ITO dual-layer sample with secondary ion mass spectrometry using MeV ions in the low energy region

Author(s): Marko, Barac; Marko, Brajković; Zdravko, Siketić; Jernej, Ekar; Iva, Bogdanović Radović; Iva, Šrut Rakić; Janez, Kovač
Published in: Scientific Reports, Issue 3, 2022, ISSN 2045-2322
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-16042-4

Nighttime–daytime PM10 source apportionment and toxicity in a remoteness inland city of the Iberian Peninsula

Author(s): Yago Alonso Cipoli, Celia Alves, Marco Rapuano, Margarita Evtyugina, Ismael Casotti Rienda, Nora Kovats, Ana Vicente, Fabio Giardi, Leonardo Furst, Teresa Nunes, Manuel Feliciano
Published in: Atmospheric Environment, Issue 303, 2023, ISSN 1352-2310
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2023.119771

Detection of Low-Penetrating Ions in Diamond at Room Temperature

Author(s): Milan Vićentijević; Milko Jaksic; Georgios Provatas; Tomislav Suligoj
Published in: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NUCLEAR SCIENCE, Issue 69, 2022, Page(s) 2252, ISSN 0018-9499
Publisher: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
DOI: 10.1109/tns.2022.3208929

Implantation site design for large area diamond quantum device fabrication

Author(s): Milan Vićentijević, Milko Jakšić, Tomislav Suligoj
Published in: Scientific Reports, 2023, ISSN 2045-2322
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-40785-3

Anthropogenic 236U and 233U in the Baltic Sea: Distributions, source terms, and budgets

Author(s): M.Lin,J.Qiao,X.Hou,P.Steier,R.Golser,M.Schmidt,O.Dellwig,M.Hansson,Ö.Bäck,V.-P.Vartti,C.Stedmon,J.Sheg,J.Murawski,A.Aldahan,S.A.K.Schmied
Published in: Water Research, Issue 210, 2022, Page(s) 117987, ISSN 0043-1354
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2021.117987

Lattice Location Studies of the Amphoteric Nature of Implanted Mg in GaN

Author(s): Ulrich Wahl; João Guilherme Correia; Ângelo R. G. Costa; Eric David‐Bosne; Menno J. Kappers; Manuel Ribeiro da Silva; Gertjan Lippertz; Tiago A. L. Lima; Renan Villarreal; André Vantomme; Lino M. C. Pereira
Published in: Advanced Electronic Materials, Issue 7, 2021, Page(s) 2100345, ISSN 2199-160X
Publisher: Wiley-VCH Verlag
DOI: 10.1002/aelm.202100345

Unravelling the Pleistocene glacial history of the Pamir mountains, Central Asia

Author(s): Stübner, K., Bookhagen, B., Merchel, S., Lachner, J., Gadoev, M.
Published in: Quaternary Science Reviews, Issue 257, 2021, ISSN 0277-3791
Publisher: Pergamon Press Ltd.
DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2021.106857

Estimation of Atlantic Water transit times in East Greenland fjords using a <sup>233</sup>U-<sup>236</sup>U tracer approach

Author(s): Peter Steier; Lorenz Meire; Jixin Qiao; Gang Lin; Colin Stedmon; Mikael K. Sejr; Mu Lin
Published in: Chemical Geology, Issue 607, 2022, Page(s) 121007, ISSN 0009-2541
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2022.121007

Bandgap lowering in mixed alloys of Cs2Ag(SbxBi1−x)Br6 double perovskite thin films

Author(s): Li, Z., Kavanagh, S. R., Napari, M., Palgrave, R. G., Abdi-Jalebi, M., Andaji-Garmaroudi, Z., Davies, D. W., Laitinen, M., Julin, J., Isaacs, M. A., Friend, R. H., Scanlon, D. O., Walsh, A., & Hoye, R. L. Z
Published in: Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Issue 8(41), 2020, Page(s) 21780-21788, ISSN 2050-7488
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
DOI: 10.1039/d0ta07145e

Pushing the limits of 41Ca AMS with CaF2 targets at DREAMS

Author(s): Vivo-Vilches, C., Rugel, G., Lachner, J., Koll, D., Stübner, K., Fichter, S., Winkler, S., Wallner, A.
Published in: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Issue 540, 2023, Page(s) 188-193, ISSN 0168-583X
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2023.02.016

Sputtering Behavior of Rough, Polycrystalline Mercury Analogs

Author(s): H. Biber; J. Brötzner; N. Jäggi; P. S. Szabo; J. Pichler; C. Cupak; C. Voith; B. Cserveny; A. Nenning; A. Mutzke; M. V. Moro; D. Primetzhofer; K. Mezger; A. Galli; P. Wurz; F. Aumayr
Published in: The planetary science journal, Issue 3, 2022, Page(s) 271, ISSN 2632-3338
Publisher: IOP
DOI: 10.48350/179567

Thermal stability of interstitial and substitutional Mn in ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)As

Author(s): T. A. L. Lima, U. Wahl, A. Costa, V. Augustyns, K. W. Edmonds, B. L. Gallagher, R. P. Campion, J. P. Araújo, J. G. Correia, M. R. da Silva, K. Temst, A. Vantomme, L. M. C. Pereira
Published in: Physical Review B, Issue 100/14, 2019, ISSN 2469-9950
Publisher: American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.100.144409

Erbium-ion implantation of single- and nano-crystalline ZnO

Author(s): Cajzl, J.; Nekvindova, P.; Jeníčková, K.; Jagerová, A.; Malinský, P.; Remeš, Z.; Neykova, N.; Chang, Y.-Y.; Oswald, J.; Kentsch, U.; Macková, A.
Published in: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, Issue 464, 2020, Page(s) 65-73, ISSN 0168-583X
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2019.11.039

CeCILE - An Artificial Intelligence Based Cell-Detection for the Evaluation of Radiation Effects in Eucaryotic Cells

Author(s): Sarah Rudigkeit, Julian B. Reindl, Nicole Matejka, Rika Ramson, Matthias Sammer, Günther Dollinger and Judith Reindl
Published in: Frontiers in Oncology, Issue 11, 2021, Page(s) 688333, ISSN 2234-943X
Publisher: Frontiers Media S. A.
DOI: 10.3389/fonc.2021.688333

Characterisation of Channel Waveguides Fabricated in an Er3+-Doped Tellurite Glass Using Two Ion Beam Techniques

Author(s): I. Banyas, I. Rajta, G.U.L. Nagy, N.Q. Khan, V. Havranek, V. Vosecek, M. Fried, Z. Szabo, M. Veres, R. Holomb, L. Himics and E. Tichy-Racs
Published in: Chemosensors, Issue 10, 2022, Page(s) 337, ISSN 2227-9040
Publisher: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/chemosensors10080337

Proton beam range verificationby means of ionoacousticmeasurements at clinicallyrelevant doses using acorrelation-based evaluation

Author(s): Jannis Schauer, Hans-Peter Wieser, Yuanhui Huang, Heinrich Ruser, Julie Lascaud, Matthias Würl, Andriy Chmyrov, Marie Vidal, Joel Herault, Vasilis Ntziachristos, Walter Assmann, Katia Parodi and Günther Dollinger
Published in: Frontiers in Oncology, 2022, ISSN 2234-943X
Publisher: Frontiers Media S. A.
DOI: 10.3389/fonc.2022.925542

Spectral features of Pb-related color centers in diamond – a systematic photoluminescence characterization

Author(s): Sviatoslav Ditalia Tchernij, Emilio Corte, Tobias Lühmann, Paolo Traina, Sébastien Pezzagna, Ivo Pietro Degiovanni, Georgios Provatas, Ekaterina Moreva, Jan Meijer, Paolo Olivero, Marco Genovese and Jacopo Forneris
Published in: New Journal of Physics, Issue 23, 2021, Page(s) 063032, ISSN 1367-2630
Publisher: Institute of Physics Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/ac038a

Chemical Imaging of Organic Materials by MeV SIMS Using a Continuous Collimated Ion Beam

Author(s): Zdravko Siketić, Iva Bogdanović Radović, Marko Barac, Marko Brajković, and Marijana Popović Hadžija
Published in: Analytical Chemistry, 2023, ISSN 0003-2700
Publisher: American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.2c05234

Revealing Inflammatory Indications Induced by Titanium Alloy Wear Debris in Periprosthetic Tissue by Label-Free Correlative High-Resolution Ion, Electron and Optical Microspectroscopy

Author(s): Rok Podlipec; E. Punzón-Quijorna; Luka Pirker; Mitja Kelemen; Primož Vavpetič; Rajko Kavalar; Gregor Hlawacek; Janez Štrancar; Primož Pelicon; Samo K. Fokter
Published in: Materials, Issue 14, 2021, Page(s) 3048, ISSN 1996-1944
Publisher: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/ma14113048

Examining Different Regimes of Ionization-Induced Damage in GaN Through Atomistic Simulations

Author(s): M.C. Sequeira, F. Djurabekova, K. Nordlund, J.-G. Mattei, I. Monnet, C. Grygiel, E. Alves, K. Lorenz
Published in: Small, Issue 18, 2022, Page(s) 2102235, ISSN 1613-6810
Publisher: Wiley - V C H Verlag GmbbH & Co.
DOI: 10.1002/smll.202102235

Direct visualization of highly resistive areas in GaN by means of low-voltage scanning electron microscopy

Author(s): Jóźwik, I.; Jagielski, J.; Caban, P.; Kamiński, M.; Kentsch, U.
Published in: Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, Issue 138, 2022, Page(s) 106293, ISSN 1369-8001
Publisher: Pergamon Press
DOI: 10.1016/j.mssp.2021.106293

Lithium Diffusion in Copper

Author(s): Rico Rupp, Bart Caerts, André Vantomme, Jan Fransaer, Alexandru Vlad
Published in: The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Issue 10/17, 2019, Page(s) 5206-5210, ISSN 1948-7185
Publisher: American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.9b02014

Nanoscale multiply charged focused ion beam platform for surface modification, implantation and analysis

Author(s): M. Lalande, P. Salou, A.Houel, C. Bourrin, A. Keiser, J-B. Mellier, A. Sineau, J-M. Ramillon, T. Been, A. Cassimi, A. Delobbe, S. Guillous
Published in: Rev.Sc.Instrum., Issue 93, 2022, Page(s) 043703, ISSN 0034-6748
Publisher: American Institute of Physics
DOI: 10.1063/5.0078914

Particle Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) for elemental tissue imaging in hip modular prosthesis fracture case

Author(s): Esther Punzón-Quijorna, Mitja Kelemen, Primož Vavpetič, Rajko Kavalar, Primož Pelicon, Samo K. Fokter
Published in: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Issue 462, 2020, Page(s) 182-186, ISSN 0168-583X
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2019.10.019

Secondary Ion Yield and Fragmentation of Biological Molecules by Employing 35 Cl Primary Ions within the MeV Energy Domain

Author(s): Boštjan Jenčič, Primož Vavpetič, Mitja Kelemen, Primož Pelicon
Published in: Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, Issue 31/1, 2019, Page(s) 117-123, ISSN 1044-0305
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1021/jasms.9b00019

Nano-hillock formation on CaF2 due to individual slow Au-cluster impacts

Author(s): Szabo, G. L.; Lehner, M.; Bischoff, L.; Pilz, W.; Kentsch, U.; Aumayr, F.; Klingner, N.; Wilhelm, R. A.
Published in: Nanotechnology, Issue 32, 2021, Page(s) 355701, ISSN 0957-4484
Publisher: Institute of Physics Publishing
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/ac037e

Element separation chemistry and cosmogenic 10Be dating of a ferromanganese crust

Author(s): Koll, D., Wallner, A., Battisson, S., Fichter, S., Fifield, L. K., Froehlich, M. B., Lachner, J., Merchel, S., Pavetich, S., Rugel, G., Slavkovská, Z., Tims, S. G., Ziegenrücker, R.
Published in: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Issue 530, 2022, Page(s) 53-58, ISSN 0168-583X
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2022.08.017

Determination of Deposition Order of Toners, Inkjet Inks, and Blue Ballpoint Pen Combining MeV-Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry and Particle Induced X-ray Emission

Author(s): Katherine Louise Moore, Marko Barac, Marko Brajković, Melanie Jane Bailey, Zdravko Siketić, and Iva Bogdanović Radović
Published in: Analytical Chemistry, Issue 91,20, 2019, Page(s) 12997–13005, ISSN 0003-2700
Publisher: American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.9b03058

Enhancing the luminescence yield of Cr3+ in β-Ga2O3 by proton irradiation

Author(s): M Peres, D M Esteves, BMS Teixeira, J Zanoni, LC Alves, E Alves, LF Santos, Xavier Biquard, Z Jia, W Mu, J Rodrigues, NA Sobolev, MR Correia, T Monteiro, N Ben Sedrine, K Lorenz
Published in: Applied Physics Letters Volume 120, Issue Volume 120, 2022, ISSN 0003-6951
Publisher: American Institute of Physics
DOI: 10.1063/5.0089541

Correlative Imaging of Trace Elements and Intact Molecular Species in a Single-Tissue Sample at the 50 μm Scale.

Author(s): Janella de Jesus; Catia Costa; Amy Burton; Vladimir Palitsin; Roger P. Webb; Adam J. Taylor; Chelsea J. Nikula; Alex Dexter; Firat Kaya; Mark A. Chambers; Véronique Dartois; Richard J. A. Goodwin; Richard J. A. Goodwin; Josephine Bunch; Melanie J. Bailey
Published in: Analytical Chemistry, Issue 3, 2021, ISSN 1520-6882
Publisher: American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.1c01927

Muonic x-ray spectroscopy on implanted targets

Author(s): Michael Heines, Luke Antwis, Silvia Bara, Bart Caerts, Thomas E. Cocolios, Stefan Eisenwinder, Julian Fletcher, Tom Kieck, Andreas Knecht, Megumi Niikura, Narongrit Ritjoho, Lino M.C. Pereira, Randolf Pohl, André Vantomme, Stergiani M. Vogiatzi, Katharina von Schoeler, Frederik Wauters, Roger Webb, Qiang Zhao and Sami Zweidler
Published in: Nuclear Instruments and Methods B, Issue 541, 2023, Page(s) 173-175, ISSN 1872-9584
Publisher: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2023.05.036

Observation of the radiative decay of the 229Th nuclear clock isomer

Author(s): Sandro Kraemer, Janni Moens, Michail Athanasakis-Kaklamanakis, Silvia Bara, Kjeld Beeks, Premaditya Chhetri, Katerina Chrysalidis, Arno Claessens, Thomas E. Cocolios, João G.M. Correia, Hilde De Witte, Rafael Ferrer, Sarina Geldhof, Reinhard Heinke4, Niyusha Hosseini, Mark Huyse, Ulli Köster, Yuri Kudryavtsev, Mustapha Laatiaoui, Razvan Lica, Goele Magchiels, Vladimir Manea, Clement Merckling, L
Published in: Nature, Issue 617, 2023, Page(s) 706-718, ISSN 0028-0836
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-05894-z

Mechanical and microstructural analysis of tungsten exposed in JET deuterium plasmas

Author(s): R Kerr, Y Zayachuk, A Widdowson, E Alves, N Catarino, S Lozano-Perez, DEJ Armstrong
Published in: Nuclear Materials and Energy, Issue volume 35, 2023, Page(s) 101420, ISSN 2352-1791
Publisher: Elsevier Limited
DOI: 10.1016/j.nme.2023.101420

Direct Structural Identification and Quantification of the Split-Vacancy Configuration for Implanted Sn in Diamond

Author(s): U. Wahl, J. G. Correia, R. Villarreal, E. Bourgeois, M. Gulka, M. Nesládek, A. Vantomme, L. M. C. Pereira
Published in: Physical Review Letters, Issue 125/4, 2020, ISSN 0031-9007
Publisher: American Physical Society
DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.125.045301

Acid−Base Mediated Ligand Exchange on Near-Infrared Absorbing, Indium-Based III−V Colloidal Quantum Dots

Author(s): Jari Leemans, Kim C. Dümbgen, Matthias M. Minjauw, Qiang Zhao, André Vantomme, Ivan Infante, Christophe Detavernier, and Zeger Hens
Published in: Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2021, ISSN 0002-7863
Publisher: American Chemical Society
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.0c12871

Novel <sup>90</sup>Sr analysis of environmental samples by Ion-Laser InterAction Mass Spectrometry

Author(s): Maki Honda; Martin Martschini; Oscar Marchhart; Alfred Priller; Peter Steier; Robin Golser; Tetsuya K. Sato; Tsukada Kazuaki; Aya Sakaguch
Published in: Analytical Methods, Issue 14, 2022, Page(s) 106383, ISSN 1759-9660
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
DOI: 10.1039/d2ay00604a

MeV-SIMS TOF Imaging of Organic Tissue with Continuous Primary Beam.

Author(s): Jenčič, Boštjan; Vavpetič, Primož; Kelemen, Mitja; Vencelj, Matjaž; Vogel-Mikuš, Katarina; Kavčič, Anja; Pelicon, Primož
Published in: Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry,, 2019, ISSN 1044-0305
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1007/s13361-019-02258-8

The dual ion beam microprobe

Author(s): Milko Jakšić, Georgios Provatas, Iva Božičević Mihalić, Andreo Crnjac, Donny Cosic, Toni Dunatov, Oleksandr Romanenko, Zdravko Siketić
Published in: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Issue 539, 2023, Page(s) 120, ISSN 0168-583X
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2023.03.031

Fluorine-based color centers in diamond

Author(s): Ditalia Tchernij, S.; Lühmann, T.; Corte, E.; Sardi, F.; Picollo, F.; Traina, P.; Brajković, Marko; Crnjac, Andreo; Pezzagna, S.; Pastuović, Željko; Degiovanni, I.P; Moreva, E.; Aprà, P.; Olivero, P.; Siketić, Zdravko; Meijer, J.; Genovese, M.; Forneris, J.
Published in: Scientific Reports, Issue 10, 2020, Page(s) 21537, ISSN 2045-2322
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-78436-6

Total Knee Replacement with an Uncemented Porous Tantalum Tibia Component: A Failure Analysis

Author(s): Samo K. Fokter, Nenad Gubeljak, Esther Punzón-Quijorna, Primož Pelicon, Mitja Kelemen, Primož Vavpetič, Jožef Predan, Luka Ferlič and Igor Novak
Published in: Materials, Issue 15, 2022, Page(s) 2575, ISSN 1996-1944
Publisher: MDPI Open Access Publishing
DOI: 10.3390/ma15072575

Upgrade of the external beamline at the microanalytical center of the Jožef Stefan Institute

Author(s): Isaković Kristina; Petric Marko; Rupnik Zdravko; Šmit Žiga; Pelicon Primož; Kelemen Mitja; Vereš Matej; Pongrac Paula; Vavpetič Primož; Kavčič Matjaž
Published in: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, Issue 510, 2022, Page(s) 69-75, ISSN 0168-583X
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2021.11.002

Polychromatic angle resolved IBIC analysis of silicon power diodes

Author(s): M. Pezzarossa; E. Cepparrone; D. Cosic; M. Jakšić; G. Provatas; Milan Vićentijević; Ettore Vittone
Published in: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Issue 36, 2021, ISSN 0168-583X
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2020.12.006

MeV TOF SIMS Analysis of Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Compounds in the Low Energy Region

Author(s): Barac, Marko; Brajković, Marko; Bogdanović Radović, Ivančica; Kovač, Janez; Siketić, Zdravko
Published in: Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry, Issue 32, 2021, Page(s) 825-831, ISSN 1879-1123
Publisher: ACS Publications
DOI: 10.1021/jasms.1c00006

Probing the Cr3+ luminescence sensitization in β-Ga2O3 with ion-beam-induced luminescence and thermoluminescence

Author(s): D. M. Esteves, A. L. Rodrigues, L. C. Alves, E. Alves, M. I. Dias, Z. Jia, W. Mu, K. Lorenz, M. Peres
Published in: Scientific Reports volume 13, Article number: 4882 (2023), Issue 13, 2023, Page(s) 4882, ISSN 2045-2322
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-31824-0

Multielectron ionization contributions in valence-to-corex-ray emission spectra of third-row elements

Author(s): Matjaž Kavčič, Marko Petric
Published in: X-Ray Spectrometry, 2022, Page(s) 1-7, ISSN 0049-8246
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
DOI: 10.1002/xrs.3322

An ultra-stable gold-coordinated protein cage displaying reversible assembly

Author(s): Ali D. Malay, Naoyuki Miyazaki, Artur Biela, Soumyananda Chakraborti, Karolina Majsterkiewicz, Izabela Stupka, Craig S. Kaplan, Agnieszka Kowalczyk, Bernard M. A. G. Piette, Georg K. A. Hochberg, Di Wu, Tomasz P. Wrobel, Adam Fineberg, Manish S. Kushwah, Mitja Kelemen, Primož Vavpetič, Primož Pelicon, Philipp Kukura, Justin L. P. Benesch, Kenji Iwasaki, Jonathan G. Heddle
Published in: Nature, Issue 569/7756, 2019, Page(s) 438-442, ISSN 0028-0836
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1185-4

Strong absorption and ultrafast localisation in NaBiS2 nanocrystals with slow charge-carrier recombination

Author(s): Yi-Teng Huang; Seán R. Kavanagh; Marcello Righetto; Marin Rusu; Igal Levine; Thomas Unold; Szymon J. Zelewski; Alexander J. Sneyd; Kaiwen Zhang; Linjie Dai; Andrew J. Britton; Junzhi Ye; Jaakko Julin; Mari Napari; Zhilong Zhang; James Xiao; Mikko Laitinen; Laura Torrente-Murciano; Samuel D. Stranks; Akshay Rao; Laura M. Herz; David O. Scanlon; Aron Walsh; Robert L. Z. Hoye
Published in: Nature Communications, Issue 13, 2022, Page(s) 4960, ISSN 2041-1723
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group
DOI: 10.17863/cam.88764

Development of MeV TOF-SIMS capillary microprobe at the Ruđer Bošković Institute in Zagreb

Author(s): Marko Brajković, Marko Barac, Donny Cosic, Iva Bogdanović Radović, Zdravko Siketić
Published in: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, Issue 461, 2019, Page(s) 237-242, ISSN 0168-583X
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2019.10.006

Error Rates in Deterministic Ion Implantation for Qubit Arrays

Author(s): B. N. Murdin, Nathan Cassidy, David Cox, Roger Webb, Richard J. Curry
Published in: Physica Status Solidi B, Issue Volume 258 Issue 6, 2021, Page(s) 2000615 pages 1-8, ISSN 1521-3951
Publisher: Wiley
DOI: 10.1002/pssb.202000615

Evaluation of a sensitive, reasonable, and fast detection method for ⁵⁵Fe in steel

Author(s): Merchel, S.; Rugel, G.; Lachner, J.; Wallner, A.; Walther, D.; Ziegenrücker, R.
Published in: Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Issue 330, 2021, Page(s) 727-735, ISSN 0236-5731
Publisher: Akademiai Kiado
DOI: 10.1007/s10967-021-08000-7

Ensemble RBS: probing the compositional profile of 3D microscale structures

Author(s): Niels Claessens, Pierre Couture, Jonathan England, Rita Vos, Thomas Hantschel, Wilfried Vandervorst, André Vantomme and Johan Meersschaut
Published in: surfaces and interfaces, Issue 32, 2022, Page(s) 102101, ISSN 2468-0230
Publisher: Elsevier
DOI: 10.1016/j.surfin.2022.102101

Late Pleistocene glacial advances, equilibrium-line altitude changes and paleoclimate in the Jakupica Mts (North Macedonia)

Author(s): Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger, Z., Temovski, M., Kern, Z., Madarász, B., Milevski, I., Lachner, J., Steier, P.
Published in: CATENA, Issue 216, 2022, ISSN 0341-8162
Publisher: Elsevier BV
DOI: 10.1016/j.catena.2022.106383

Processing of Korolevo samples aimed at AMS determination of in situ 10Be and 26Al nuclides and their purity control using follow-up mass spectrometry scans

Author(s): Jan Kameník, Roman Garba, Konstanze Stübner, Johannes Lachner, Georg Rugel, František Veselovský, John D. Jansen, Vitaly Usik & Jan Kučera
Published in: Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Issue 332, 2023, Page(s) 1583, ISSN 0236-5731
Publisher: Akademiai Kiado
DOI: 10.1007/s10967-022-08738-8

CrystalDraw: A Computer Model to Model Crystal Structures, Axial and Planar Channelling Directions and Crystal Alignment For Channelling Experiments

Author(s): England, Jonathan; Ellis, A.; Piper, K.
Published in: Radiate Report Series, Issue 2, 2020
Publisher: RADIATE
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3935379

Increasing the negative ionization yield for the efficient detection of 233U and 236U by AMS: Radiate Report Series Report R-003

Author(s): Kern, M., Hain, K., Prášek, T., Steier, P., Wiederin, A., Golser, R.
Published in: Radiate Report Series Report R-003, 2022
Publisher: NSP, CNRS, Sorbonne University, Paris
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6256794

RADIATE Report R001. How to write and submit Radiate Reports

Author(s): Vickridge, Ian
Published in: RADIATE Report Series, Issue 1, 2019
Publisher: CNRS-INSP
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3337946

Challenging studies by accelerator mass spectrometry for the development of environmental radiology: Status report on the analysis of 90Sr and 135Cs by AMS

Author(s): Honda, M., Martschini, M., Wieser, A., Marchhart, O., Lachner, J., Priller, A., Steier, P., Golser, R., Sakaguchi, A.
Published in: Proceedings of the 2021 Symposium on Nuclear Data, 2022
Publisher: YAMAGUCHI, Y., MEIGO, S.
DOI: 10.11484/jaea-conf-2022-001

Investigation of 54Fe(n,γ)55Fe and 35Cl(n, γ)36Cl reaction cross sections at keV energies by Accelerator Mass Spectrometry

Author(s): Zuzana Slavkovská, Anton Wallner, René Reifarth, Stefan Pavetich, Lukas Bott, Benjamin Brückner, Kathrin Göbel, Kafa Al-Khasawneh, Dominik Koll, Silke Merchel, Markus Reich, Meiko Volknandt and Mario Weigand
Published in: EPJ Web of Conferences, Issue 232, 2020, Page(s) 02005
Publisher: EDP Sciences
DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/202023202005

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