Periodic Reporting for period 3 - PANTERA (Pan European Technology Energy Research Approach)
Reporting period: 2022-01-01 to 2023-06-30
WP1: The coordination and management of the PANTERA project is covered by WP1, which aims to ensure a successful completion of the project goals on time, within the limits defined by the budgetary framework, and adequate quality in line with the European standards. Under WP1, the task of managing the activities with the advisory board members is also included. The advisory board members were invited and engaged to actively contribute to the PANTERA process objectives. Nevertheless, the related activities were re designed according to the holding context and the project needs taking also in consideration the pandemic situation opening a targeted continuous dialogue with them. With the support of all the consortium, the content and functionalities of the developed EIRIE platform are enriched. EIRIE platform has been developed to be an interactive multi-functional platform that is up and running during this reporting period and it aims at connecting the R&I community of EU to enhance collaboration, strengthen the participation of all Member States in support of the Energy Transition and improve the participation of low-spending countries in R&I activities in the area of Smart Energy Systems. To this end, it offers a bundle of services and functionalities towards ensuring that EIRIE is established as a central reference point of knowledge, aiming to take on board the existing entities and activities in Europe, expanding on them to capitalise on synergies and bring in the interests of low spending R&I countries. WP2: Established communication links with R&I stakeholders, extended the developed a European stakeholders database coming from the low spending countries, identified their needs, challenges and priorities through consultation and open questionnaire processes. WP3: Has provided an extensive analysis of the energy strategy related documents at both national and EU level, developed an innovative top-down and bottom-up approach for effectively identifying the key challenges in accelerating R&I activities in low activity countries and established Regional Desks recruiting stakeholders. Work under WP3 has developed the PANTERA RICAP process (both administrative and technical) to identify the current R&I status and needs to meet the national and EU target on decarbonisation of smart grid network. WP4: Identification of Gaps and Missing Subjects as a rolling process based on reviews and targeted interviews with stakeholders. Also, the administrative and decision-making mechanisms for R&I in different countries have been reviewed and compared. The activity has identified several topics, which are critical for increasing of Smart Grid activities in the target countries both in technical and none-technical areas. WP5: Have organised dedicated workshops which facilitated exchanges of experience and capacities between members of R&I community in collaboration with already on-going activities aiming to wider participation and strengthen objectives. WP6: The main outcomes of WP6 aim to serve the PANTERA process and enrich the EIRIE platform in development and launching PANTΕRA 6+1 approach for raising the regional activities with stakeholders, identifying, coordinating and monitoring of Desks’ activities linked to WP6 objectives, supporting other WPs objectives by including relevant tasks in Desks’ activities. WP7: The objective of WP7 is to deliver a concrete methodology and plan for the future sustainability of the PANTERA platform, beyond the duration of the project. In this sense the WP worked in building a robust exploitation strategy for the PANTERA platform. WP8: The specifications on the collaborative platform together with the functionalities and the tools were finalised, tender was issued, offers received, adjudication was completed and contract awarded. Detailed design moved on and all functionalities developed and set into operation going live in July 2021.
The main impact of this project- that also secures its sustainability-in relation to the identified process taking it beyond the state of the art is composed by the following "arms": Development of a multi-functional openly accessible platform EIRIE with the support of the DG ENER that aims to be a single point of reference for the whole R&I community in Europe and will be hosted by the JRC within their Smart Energy Systems servers. This platform will work to be freely accessible by all existing platforms in Europe for sharing data, information and knowledge. Build the regional desks in cooperation with RIS3 cooperation and local stakeholders aiming to be a constant source for wider collaboration, a strong voice in EU R&I community and the ability of constantly growing for raising impact and visibility. Provision of support and engagement of energy experts of ETIP SNET to continuously work with wider experts within working teams that are formed to serve identified needs for enhancing the capabilities of the multifunctional platform serving the direct needs of the R&I community in Europe. What is of utmost importance is the fact that during this work period, DG Energy has taken a firm decision to offer a sustainable future to the multifunctional platform EIRIE by passing responsibility to the service contract that support ETIP SNET and BRIDGE i.e SPRING to take over at the end of the project and be responsible to maintain operation, enrichment and enlargement, in collaboration with JRC.