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For each of the five territories involved in the project, an in-depth mapping of the main societal actors present on the territories where the experiments will be developed (territorial mileu) will be carried out. The mapping exercise will be led by the research partners, with the support of the related territorial organisations and will use the tools developed in T2.1. The territorial milieux will be mapped through a scoping review of literature, policy reports and online contents, and through direct consultation of territorial stakeholders. In particular the following aspects will be considered in the mapping of territorial milieu. a) The main actors present on the territories where the experiment will take place. A wide set of actors will be considered including those actors connected with RRI keys (such as women, schools and young people, etc.). The actors will be mapped taking into consideration also their visions, orientations, etc. A mapping template will be developed during the kick-off meeting. The collected information will be stored in a database of actors. b) The RRI initiatives (or any of its 6 keys) already present in the territories selected for the experiments (in some cases the whole region). A mapping template will be developed during the kick-off meeting. The collected information will be stored in a database of RRI practices. c) The “territorial factors” cover social, economic, demographic and cultural risks and emerging opportunities which will be identified and analysed for each of the involved territories. Tool: territorial factors observation grid. d) the main “territorial policies” developed by actors at different level of governance (municipality, regions, national and EU) related with the experiment to be carried out. Tool: territorial policies observation grid. All the maps developed in the 5 territories will be collected in a single document by K&I (D2.2). This task will be articulated into the following subtasks: 2.3.1. Map of Territorial Milieu in Central Macedonia (SEERC; M4 – M8) 2.3.2. Map of Territorial Milieu in Emilia Romagna (K&I; M4 – M8) 2.3.3. Map of Territorial Milieu in Trøndelag (NTNU; M4 – M8) 2.3.4. Map of Territorial Milieu in North-East Romania (ESF; M4 – M8) 2.3.5. Map of Territorial Milieu in Gabrovo (ARC Fund; M4 – M8) 2.3.6. Collection in a comprehensive document of the above mentioned maps (K&I; M8 – M9)
Inventory of RRI governance innovation practicesIn this deliverable the knowledge already produced by SwafS - RRI projects will be capitalised in order to identify RRI governance innovation useful in order to develop the transformative experiments. To this end an analysis will be conducted of the final and intermediate results of projects like: FIT4RRI, RRI Tools, RRI practices, STARBIOS2, PROGRESS, RESAGORA, RESPONSIBLE INDUSTRY, FOTRRIS, NUCLEUS, etc. In the task other projects already connecting RRI and S3such as MARIE and THINKING SMART will be analysed.
Map of the state of the art of R&I ecosystem in 5 territorial areasOn the basis of the tools developed in the previous tasks from WP2, for each region the following aspects will be mapped and reported in D2.3: a) Regional R&I assets; b) Research infrastructures; c) Cluster Incubators and Innovation ecosystems; d) Regional scientific production profiles; e) Specialisation indexes; f) SWOT analyses; This task will take into account and complement the existing mapping exercises, and among them the ones produced in framework of Smart Specialisation Platform, the European Cluster Observatory, and the Regional Innovation Scoreboard. On the basis of the results, in each region a “State of the art analysis of R&I ecosystem” will be drafted and a unified report (D2.3 will be produced).
Report on experiences and lessons learnedThis report will summarize the mutual learning activities from TeRRItoria and will report the mutual learning activities from Task 71 and Task 72
Report and sustainability plan of the Transformative Experiment in Central Macedonia RegionReport and sustainability plan of the Transformative Experiment in Central Macedonia Region which will cover the following concepts Experiment Rationale This transformative experiment will develop and activate a Gender Equality Plan for regional RI systems to cope with the underrepresentation of women and socially excluded groups In fact while the Region of Central Macedonia is characterised by a high degree of RI activities the level of attendance of women in STEM specialisation is still low The same may be said in respect to the representation of women as well as socially excluded groups in the higher management levels of RI in both academia and industry The Regional Gender Equality Plan developed in the experiment will address issues like the gender wage gap the hiring procedures for RI staff at both Academic and industry level the issue of the glass ceiling in RI In parallel the Plan will address similar issues for underrepresented population groups like minorities and people with disabilities Territorial Milieu The experiment will be carried out in the whole region and will involve representatives of Academia Industry and civil society of national government active groups of women other representatives of minorities groups disabilities and citizens Expected change The changes may include a the set up and operation of a Quadruple Helix Action Group on RI Gender and Social Inclusion led by the Directorate of Innovation and Entrepreneurships with the participation of representatives of academia industry and civil society b gender and other inclusion indicators adopted in the monitoring of the implementation of S3 process c impacts on the agenda setting for S3 in the next periods
Evaluation schemeThis deliverable will contain the design of an appropriate evaluation scheme, which is capable of embracing the complexities of the implementation of the TeRRItoria activities as well as handling versatility concerning goals and objectives of these change-oriented activities. To this aim, the scheme will identify the most relevant qualitative and quantitative indicators to be applied. As part of this work, careful consideration of indicators related to the Sustainable Development Goals as well as indicators developed by MoRRI (including, but not limited to, GE1, SLSE1, SLSE4, PE1, PE2, PE5, PE7, PE8, E1, OA6, GOV2) will inform the evaluation scheme for TeRRItoria. Also on this basis a set of sustainability indicators will be developed. The evaluation scheme will be drafted by the task leader and discussed with the Consortium members for revisions and approval.
Report and sustainability plan of the Transformative Experiment in Trøndelag RegionReport and sustainability plan of the Transformative Experiment in Trndelag Region which will contain the following concepts Experiment Rationale In this Transformative Experiment the adoption of Territorial RRI will contribute to fill the gap between sparsely populated areas and the Trondheim area which is home to Norways largest university NTNU and the headquarters of the largest private research institute in the Nordic area Sintef The experiment will activate an action to make knowledge resources centralized in the city enter into a mutually beneficial exchange with Trndelag as a whole by increasing the degree of actual knowledge exchange between the knowledge institutions in Trondheim and local business parks in the outside regionTerritorial Milieu The experiment will be carried out in the Trondheim hinterland and other sparsely populated area in the region The main actors involved will be in NTNU in Trondheim selected business parks in Trndelag and their local partnersExpected change a Development of policies and measures in Trndelag Region to facilitate permanent dialogue between local business parks in the region and NTNU b Trndelag is not yet part of the EUs Smart Spezialization Strategy S3 but is in the process of applying for membership The TeRRItoria project will accompany and support the implementation of the strategy
Report on the European and International exchanges and synergiesIn order to consider the place of RI ecosystems in the larger societal geographical and economic framework in parallel of the activities carried out within each region T42 and T43 a set of activities will be developed by the project at the European and international levels aiming at supporting Regional Organisations Such activities will entail a a design of the exchange activities so that expected outcomes can be maximized b onsite visit program to governance innovation experiences identified in Europe as part of WP3 aiming at concluding cooperation and experience exchange agreements c participation to international seminars or conferences on issues connected with the experiments d Bilateral meetings with other Territorial RRI projects in order to align our workprogram benefit from all the relevant project experiences and avoid overlapping e offer of training activities on RRI for Regional Organisationss staff and stakeholders taking advantage of the material accumulated by projects like RRI Tools and FIT4RRI A report of all the activities carried out under this task will be drafted D43
Map of approaches, policies and tools for Territorial RRIThe Map (i.e report) will identify a “menu” of approaches, policies and tools to be adopted in WP4 for the design of the transformative experiments, and for their implementation in WP5.
Report and sustainability plan of the Transformative Experiment in the Municipality of GabrovoReport and sustainability plan of the Transformative Experiment in the Municipality of Gabrovo which will contain the following concepts Experiment Rationale The current challenges before the existing innovation ecosystem are related to the lack of public engagement activities to support the implementation of S3 Challenges continuing gap between the educational institutions and local businesses the educational system does not respond to the needs for qualified specialists which results in limited RD expertise in companies The resources and capacity for cooperation between the Technical University of Gabrovo and business are still insufficient There are missing or incomplete data on the local level on the RD activities and the innovation performance of local companies Another challenge is the low awareness of local business about the local S3 and the weak involvement in S3 implementation and there is a continuing lack of knowledge about existing funding opportunities and possibilities for collaboration The stakeholders to be involved in the experiment are the Technical University of Gabrovo the Centre of Competence Eco and EnergySaving Technologies the business community as well as the civil society sector and citizensTerritorial Milieu The experiment will be conducted on the territory of the Municipality of Gabrovo The dissemination activities though will address the territory of the District of Gabrovo which encompasses 4 municipalities Gabrovo Dryanovo Sevlievo and TryavnaExpected Change The Municipality of Gabrovo will focus its TeRRItoria project activities on the RRI key Public engagement aiming to support the implementation of the Plan for Innovations local S3 which is an integral part of Gabrovo Municipal Development Plan for 2014 2020 The first step will be the development of a Municipal Public Engagement Plan with concrete measures to support the implementation of the Plan for Innovations and as well to introduce public engagement as a guiding principle in the future process of designing and implementing the local policy for education research and education
Report and sustainability plan of the Transformative Experiment in Emilia RomagnaReport and sustainability plan of the Transformative Experiment in Emilia Romagna which will contain the following concepts Experiment Rationale The Emilia Romagna Experiment is based on the systematic insertion of RRI in the definition and development of RIS3 with particular reference to Science Education and Public Engagement a Science education In order to connect research and training policies more closely the experiment will try to understand how professional profiles evolve what are the skills and training needs associated with them what tools and actions can be put in place to meet these new needs and how to permanently insert the training actors not only the academic ones in this process and in the definition of the strategy and in its monitoring b Public engagement The experiment will develop an identification and engagement procedure of social stakeholders in S3 in order to create stable and not occasional dialogue and cooperation with the civil society and citizens in all S3 phases Territorial Milieu The experiment will be carried out in the whole region Particular attention will be paid to all the education actors especially to secondary schools and to the hidden societal stakeholders ie those societal actors that may represent relevant citizens point of view but that are not easily identifiable as in case of the associations of patients on issues related to S3 Health and WellbeingExpected change Development of a structured methodology to include the RRI in the definition and development of RIS3 Furthermore the experiment will contribute to the definition process of the new RIS3 to be launched presumably during 2020
Outline of the 5 territorial Transformative ExperimentsOn the basis of the knowledge produced in WP2 and WP3 and of the results the Workshop on Territorial RRI a Concept note for the Transformative Experiments will be developed in parallel in each region involved in the consortium The concept notes will a present the main ideas which the transformative experiments are focused on b describe the itinerary of codesign to be carried out in the task 43 included the list of actors to be consulted On the basis of the Concept notes each region will activate in parallel a process of consultation of regional and territorial stakeholders for a better definition and codesign of the experiments This process has the concrete purpose of designing the 5 transformative experiments through a cocreation process aimed at involving all the principal actors active in the selected Territorial Milieu For each region the following activities will be considered in the codesign process a at least 3 preparatory bilateral meetings will be organised between the regional organisation and the stakeholders b one writeshop involving all the main territorial milieu actors will be organised and carried out in order to produce a participated design of the experiments c on the basis of the writeshop results a draft version of the transformative experiments will be produced d one citizens summit will be organised in the territories 5 citizens summits open to participation of a large public 70100 people in order to present and discuss the draft version of the transformative experiment The final version of the experiment projects will be collected in a single document D42 by DBT
Formative evaluation reportThe formative evaluation will include elements related to implementation barriers and the results will be feed back to the involved partners and stakeholders from the five regions Deliverable 62 will contain the results of the work carried out in Task 62 and will be made available to all parties in M30
Working paper on Territorial RRIAn internal workshop on Territorial RRI will be organised in Bologna at M11, connected to the third steering committee meeting, for sharing within the consortium the results of the Mapping Exercise (WP2 and WP3). The main objective of the workshop would be a reflection on how to adapt RRI concepts and tools to the Territorial level (Territorial RRI) in the experiments. The workshop will be articulated in three section: the first one dedicated to sharing the results of WP1 – Mapping the R&I Ecosystems; the second one dedicated to the presentation of WP2 – Mapping of governance innovation practices; the third one to a discussion with all the partners on how RRI may help to open R&I ecosystems in the 5 territorial areas. The workshop will be carried out on the basis of the Maps developed in WP2 and WP3 and of a draft for discussion. The five RDAs which will be selected by EURADA as third parties will be invited to attend and contribute to the workshop. The results of the workshop will be summarised in a working paper on Territorial RRI (D4.1).
Report on dissemination and exploitation of results eventsThe report will provide a summary on the following activities A halfperiod conference to capitalise on the lessons learnedin WP3 and WP4 to launch the experiments in territories A series of workshops in each territory Central Macedonia Emilia Romagna Trndelag NorthEast Romania and Gabrovo to gather stakeholders and carry out the activities foreseen in WP5The participation in external events scientific congress and conferencesThe draft of articles and scientific papers to be promoted and published in accredited journalsSummary of the dissemination communication impact of the projects online means EURADA will handle press office activities The promotion of the project on print journals magazines web radio and TV will be the main aim of the press office All relevant outputs will be publicised through press releases in each partners region showcasing the impact in each territory
Set of mapping of toolsThis deliverable will be devoted to the development of the mapping toolbox to be used in the subsequent task of the WP. The toolbox will encompass two sets of tools:. a) Tools for in-depth mapping of territorial milieu (for Task 2.2): database of actors, a database of RRI practices, territorial risks analysis observation grid, territorial policies observation grid. b) Tools for state of the art analysis on regional R&I system (for task 2.3). The task will take advantage of the tools already developed in the Smart Specialisation Platform, the European Clusters Observatory, the Regional Innovation Scoreboard and Online S3. The tools will be developed by ARC Fund with the help of K&I. A specific session of the Kick-off meeting will be devoted to discuss the preparation of the two sets of tools. On the basis of the outcome of the discussion, the final version of the toolbox will be delivered in M4.
Ethics and Gender-Balance Management PlanDevelop a guideline for ethics & diversity gender monitoring during the project implementation. At the kick off meeting a responsible will be named who will be in charge for addressing all this matters and to report to the SC and the GA. This will lead to the establishment of an Ethics Committee within TeRRItoria.
Report and sustainability plan of the Transformative Experiment in North-East RomaniaReport and sustainability plan of the Transformative Experiment in NorthEast Romania which will contain the following concepts Experiment Rationale The mountain area of our NE Romania presents a number of economic and social disadvantages Organic food production may have a pivotal role in facing these social challenges and thus agrofood sector and the subsector of safefood production are among the priority intervention areas of RIS3 NorthEast In this context the experiment will develop a a platform for innovation brokerage between local population innovators and facilitators to fosters development through innovation at communitymicroregion level b consultative instrument to identify and prioritize needs of innovation in communities c a number of concrete RRI interventions to be implemented in selected spots of the selected territoriesTerritorial Milieu The experiment will be conducted in two local communities Vatra Dornei and CeahlauDamuc areas from the mountain area of NorthEast Romania Among the actors to be involved there are NorthEast Romanias Regional Development Agency CEMONT a knowledge research centre located in Vatra Dornei local association of producers and a Local Action Group consisting of public and private actors from the area local SMEs etc Expected change a Institutional change in the organisation involved in the development and administration of the platform beyond the end of the project b Permanent adoption of the consultative tool leading to change in agenda setting at the local level c a set concrete change in the territory involved
Summative evaluation reportThe results of the summative evaluation will be reported in D63 This report will also include reflections related to the sustainability of the change processes invoked by TeRRItoria which can inform continued attention across the five regions involved
TeRRItoria Policy Recommendations for embedding RRI into the R&I development cycleThe Policy recommendations report will use the experience gained by the mapping exercise and the experiments to address the future of regional innovation and S3 in the light of RRI targeting 3 distinct groups a Quadraple helix stakeholders involved in RI in the local and regional level b National regional and local authorities involved in the proves of regional innovation cycle c The EC and its agencies involved with planning and monitoring RI including the S3 platform of the JRC The aim is to address the future of Smart Specialization Strategy especially taking into account that by the end of the TeRRItoria project the current programming period will be over and S3 in the era of the next programming period 20212027 will be in full operational mode and to access how the introduction of Territorial RRI will change the regional and territorial RI systems to make them more open inclusive and democratic
Report on the Final conferenceThis deliverable will report the final project conference EURADA will organise a final conference in Brussels for around 150200 people to summarise the project present the main results of the project to regional practitioners and link with EC services other EU institutions major stakeholders and researchers A specific panel will be devoted to lessons learned on territorial RRI The five RDAs selected by EURADA as third parties as well as ERRIN will participate as speakers in the final conference and share their experience and lessons learned from their participation in the project
Inventory of bottom-up governance innovation practicesThis deliverable consists of an inventory of governance innovation practices selected among the bottom-up experiences connected with the R&I societal challenges not necessarily labeled under RRI. The sources will be: academic and grey literature, the results of SEISMIC project (collecting a number of social innovations divided for field of application and country), European databases dedicated to different fields: Concerto, ManagEnergy, Energy Cities, Intelligent Energy (Energy); Civitas, Eltis (Mobility), Build-Up, Climate ADAPT (Environment), etc.
The video stories will contain dissemination extracts from all the key points of the project implementation
Project websiteThe website will be designed in accordance with the visual project identity, and all the public project materials will be accessible from the website, which will also cross-link from/to other channels used for the project. It will be maintained and updated until the end of the project and kept alive for at least 3 years after the natural contractual end of the project.
The specific data which is concerned for the open research data pilot is the actual project outputs digitally in terms of knowhow strategies as well as the project platform software containing all its relevant content The specific strategy taken by TeRRItoria is described by the OpenAIRE platform and consists of firstly the development of the DMP D13 and then of the selection of the suitable data repository such as Zenodo free or re3dataorg The overall policy framework for TeRRITorias open access will be governed by the H2020 open access strategy httpeceuropaeuresearchparticipantsdocsh2020fundingguidecrosscuttingissuesopenaccessdatamanagementopenaccessenhtm
Jakobsen, Julia; Jørgensen, Marie Louise
Published in:
Issue 3, 2021
Mezzana, Daniele; Caiati, Giovanni; Berliri, Maresa
Published in:
Issue 4, 2020
Eleftherakis, George; Michali, Maria; Zaharis, Nikos
Published in:
Koleva, Desislava; Nenkova, Sevdalina
Published in:
Filimon, Agatha; Rey, Radu; Mitrea, Claudiu
Published in:
Caiati, Giovanni; Mezzana, Daniele
Published in:
Issue 1, 2019
Brandstetter-Kunc, Adam; Ipolyi, Ildiko; Lesur, Marion
Published in:
Lesur, Marion
Published in:
Issue 2, 2019
Berker, Thomas; Foslie, Gleny
Published in:
Mezzana, Daniele; Caiati, Giovanni; Berliri, Maresa; Signore, Paolo
Published in:
Issue 1, 2019
Eleftherakis, George; Zaharis, Nikos; Michali , Maria
Published in:
Issue 1, 2019
Michali, Maria; Eleftherakis, George
Published in:
Ravn, Tine; Christensen, Malene Vinther
Published in:
Issue 1, 2020
Brandstetter-Kunc, Adam
Published in:
Issue 1, 2019
Christensen, Malene Vinther; Ravn, Tine
Published in:
Issue 1, 2021
Kozarev, Ventseslav; Damianova, Zoya
Published in:
Issue 2, 2019
Christensen, Malene Vinther; Ravn, Tine; Mezzana, Daniele; Berliri, Maresa
Published in:
Pantazi, Kallitsa; Pappa, Eleni
Published in:
Kozarev, Ventseslav; Mezzana, Daniele
Published in:
Issue 4, 2019
Mancinone Kristian
Published in:
Holtrop, Tjitske and Meijer, Ingeborg and Otero-Hermida, Paula and Amanatidis, Anestis and Buongiovanni, Chiara and Casale, Donatella and Colonnello, Claudia and Deserti, Alessandro and Feudo, Fabio and Hartman, Alan and Hörlesberger, Marianne and Ipolyi, Ildiko M. and Nguyen, Nhien and Nieminen, Mika and Quinti, Gabriele and Ravn, Tine and Rizzo, Francesca and Schmittinger, Felicitas and Steinha
Published in:
The Proceedings of the REvaluation Conference 2021|22, Issue fteval Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation (53), 2022, Page(s) pp. 77-84, ISSN 1726-6629
Maria Michali ; Thalia Kallia ; Daniele Mezzana ; George Eleftherakis
Published in:
[New] Normal Technology Ethics: Proceedings of the ETHICOMP 2021, 2021, Page(s) 206-208, ISBN 978-84-09-28671-3
Universidad de La Rioja
Maria Michali ; George Eleftherakis
Published in:
Paradigm Shifts in ICT Ethics: Proceedings of the ETHICOMP* 2020, 2020, Page(s) 69-72, ISBN 978-84-09-20272-0
Universidad de La Rioja
Maria Michali ; Thalia Kallia ; Daniele Mezzana ; George Eleftherakis
Published in:
Moving technology ethics at the forefront of society, organisations and governments, 2021, Page(s) 347-358, ISBN 978-84-09-28672-0
Universidad de La Rioja
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