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Smart Autonomous Multi Modal Sensors for Vital Signs Monitoring

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SmartVista (Smart Autonomous Multi Modal Sensors for Vital Signs Monitoring)

Reporting period: 2020-10-01 to 2022-06-30

Each year cardiovascular disease (CVD) causes 3.9 million deaths in Europe and over 1.8 million deaths in the European Union (EU). These are alarming statistics and in most cases the cause is of ventricular arrhythmias. Ventricular arrhythmia is an abnormal electrocardiograph (ECG) rhythm and is responsible for 75%–85% of sudden deaths in persons with heart problems unless treated within seconds. The implantable cardioverter-defibrillator has been considered as the best protection against sudden death from ventricular arrhythmias. Long-term ECG monitoring is the standard criterion for the diagnosis of ventricular arrhythmia.
Numerous ECG sensors are already available on the market; however, such sensors are bulky and suffer from inaccuracies, large power consumption and short battery lifetime. Moreover, the majority of them are based only on ECG monitoring whereas multi-sensor functionality is desirable to holistically monitor several vital signals that can be essential for meaningful home health care, sporting activity and remote patient-doctor communication.
There is a tremendous necessity to develop a personalized multi-modal vital signs monitoring device that is seamlessly integrated with the skin with multi-fold increased sensor accuracy and powered by a battery and with a very low form factor. To address the aforementioned problems, we propose for the first time an electronic smart system with multiple sensors to monitor ECG, respiratory flow, oxygen flow, and temperature. To ensure autonomy of the system, we will customize the design with low complexity analog front-end circuitry and integrate energy harvesting (converting body heat into electricity) module with a self-powered mechanism for a printable battery to prolong battery life.
In conclusion, the SmartVista consortium managed to develop all the individual subcomponents (sensors, micro-thermoelectric generator and battery). The consortium designed a system demonstrator, which is flexible and fully functional. This system is tested in the lab as well as on human-body which is now capable of monitoring ECG, respiration and temperature and being able to charge the battery from the body heat using the micro-thermoelectric generators.
Highlights of work performed by each work package (M1 – M42)
Work Package 1: System Application Design & Specifications
• Review on the ethical and legal studies for the concept of SmartVista project was carried out
• Studies on the requirement specification for SmartVista Sensor System complete
• All the deliverables and milestones has been achieved
• The work was progressed as per the amended technical annex
Work Package 2: Energy Generation and Storage
• We have developed 2 p and 4 n-type electroplated novel thermoelectric materials.
• New fabrication process was developed on 4-inch wafer and delivered micro-TEGs
• New manufacturing processes have been developed to improve performances of ADI chip-scale TEG devices built on 8-inch wafers
• Final iterations completed with full production compatible processing of 8-inch wafer process
• 3D printing using SLA allowed creation of photopolymerizable printed coin-cell batteries for the final demonstrator
• Metal-oxide anodes, cathodes, and sulphur-based cathodes materials were developed to be incorporated into 3D printed cells
• A low-temperature synthetic method was used to create LiCoO2-Co3O4 materials at 300 °C (instead of >1100 °C used commercially)
Work Package 3: Sensors
• Atomistic simulation of MoS2 material shows the change in conductivity with strain and validated for MoS2 based strain sensor
• A number of strain sensors are developed with 1D material, pre-stretched/un-stretched, and few of micro-patterned
• Using developed 2D materials, set of chemical sensors are fabricated to measure glucose and cortisol in sweat
• Optimized growth processes of MoS2 was extended to large scale samples 2x4 cm2, 6 inch and 8 inch
• Chemical sensors with nanoparticles were developed to measure Cortisol by Photoelectrochemical method
• Smart packaging of the Chemical sensors on flexible substrate was developed and realized
• CNT/PDMS strain sensors is being tested in in-vivo real-time testing conditions
Work Package 4: Electronic System Integration
• A 3D design of a substrate was made based on the specification of newly developed components
• A rigid demonstrator was developed and the ECG Holter and the strain sensor functionality have been validated
• The flexible patch was fabricated that can be glued to the chest of a person and was given to each partner
• Adjustments to the dimensions of the flexible shape were made according to the feedback of the partners
• A final flexible demonstrator was developed which includes all functionality as power harvesting, sensors of vital signs and Bluetooth communication
Work Package 5: Testing and Validation
• Each partner completed their individual subsystems and presented their testing regimes for each subsystem and sensor
• Innovative measurement and testing systems created and used within the SmartVista consortium for measurements of each subsystem, sensors and device
• New characterisation system developed to measure the thermoelectric properties of the micro-thermoelectric generators
• Testing of Final full system demonstrator have been finalised successfully
Work Package 6: Dissemination and Exploitation
• High impact of the SmartVista press release
• Successful website launch synchronised with the launch of social media channels
• SmartVista represented at 4 workshops, 24 conferences and published 16 journal articles
• 2 patent applications submitted
• SmartVista advisory board formed with medical professional’s expert in CVD
• Delivery of SmartVista Exploitation strategy and market exploration plan
• Further research activities with industry partners can be carried out in developing, creating and marketing a product or process
• The project outcome enable a new pathway to utilize the technology in photonics industries as a thermal management devices
• The fabricated Cu doped Te thin films showed a power factor of 5.6 mW/mK2 that 3-times higher than the state of the art power-factor for any electrodeposited thermoelectric material in room-temperature
• State of the art 3D printed rechargeable Li-ion and Li-S batteries are developed using standard and aqueous electrolytes which can be a competitive process to a commercial battery fabrication technology
• Impacts include demonstrating the feasibility of powering portable medical device using unique form factor battery cells that are fully recyclable, lighter and more energy dense than metallic coin cells
• The strain sensors using MWCNT exhibits wide sensing range (2 - 180%), and moderately high sensing performance with outstanding durability (over 6000 cycles). A high gauge factor of > 106 is achieved using Ag NWs at 30% strain with good stability (over 100 cycles)
• The chemical sensor package was developed and realized based on flip Chip assembly that necessitate low temperature processing
• Produced 16 peer-reviewed international publications and 2 patent applications, and exploited through 24 conferences and 4 workshops
• Developed smart system is custom designed and integrated with energy harvesting system which can convert body heat to electricity and self-powered 3D printed battery
• The project delivered a human-skin attached wearable multi-sensor system for health care applications
SmartVista Concpet