During the first period, a major activity has been to launch the JTC 2019, evaluate the submitted proposals and select the projects recommended for funding. 82 pre-proposals were submitted to the call, representing a total requested funding of 50 M€. Three scientific evaluation panels, one for each call topic, were set up. 65 proposals were pre-selected and the corresponding applicants invited to submit a full proposal. These full proposals were evaluated and 60 were ranked above threshold. Out of these, 25 projects could be recommended for funding, representing a total requested funding of 16.4 M€. This represents an overall 30% success rate in term of the number of projects and a 33% success rate in term of funding. Besides, communication activities were actively pursued, mainly through the FLAG-ERA web site. In particular, news about theJTC 2017 projects and the selected JTC 2019 projects were published. Regular exchanges with the two Flagships took place at the occasion of FLAG-ERA workshops or Flagship events.