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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

Social Observatory for Disinformation and Social Media Analysis


Evaluating Distributed scalable information cascade analysis. 4th section.

This deliverable details the models used for (dis)information cascade modeling at scale and evaluate the potential to scale from mono platform to multi- and interoperable platform and media information flow analysis. This section will focus on action needed in order to establish a robust method to be used in the centers and observatory.

Evaluating safe space solutions including data management and processing setups 1st section

This deliverable details potential safe space solutions from other areas and evaluate the transferability to the area of disinformation monitoring in the observatory and centers.

Final Sustainability Plan

This deliverable includes the final strategy that will be adopted to guarantee the Observatory sustainability and it feasibility.

Report on the centers for excellence studies on online disinformation.Set up and activities.

The deliverable will provide information about the two centers of excellence, about their set up and operational activities

Impact assessment results

Deliverable 5.2 will report the results from the impact assessment and will show the major impacts produced by the Observatory at European level

Research Data exchange (and transparency) solution with platforms. 2nd section

This deliverable compiles the findings and recommended solutions and actions needed in order to construct a sustainable data exchange model for stakeholders, focusing on an differentiated perspective, one for journalists and the broader community, and one for university-based academic researchers.

Social media Observatory Guide

A guideline to use the Observatory will be produced and available for all stakeholders.

Media Literacy Public Activities

The Observatory will organise 2 public events in order to promote Media literacy, following the findings of the Workshops.

Data Intelligence toolkit description

Deliverable D3.2 will be a report containing the description of the architecture, the concept, the models and the design for the realization of the Data Intelligence toolkit

Media Literacy Workshop Series & Reports

The Observatory will promote 10 stakeholder meetings between experts at the European level. Every one of them will publish their findings and recommendations in a Final Report.

Algorithms of Data Intelligence, Complex Network Analysis, Artificial Intelligence for the Observatory AI Driven

Deliverable D 3.2 will be a report containing the analyses, state of the art and study carried out in the 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 tasks related to Complex Network, Data & Geo Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence algorithms.

Outlier (disinformation) detection solution. 3rd section

This deliverable details the tools and work done on outlier detection and evaluate the transferability to disinformation and the potential actions needed in order to carry out effective detection.

SOMA impact assessment methodology

Deliverable 5.1 will describe the methodology for the SOMA impact assessment. The methodology description will contain 10 Source Transparency Indicators and variables that will be use to measure the impacts of SOMA during the project lifetime and which will form the Source Transparency Index (STI).

The measure of online disinformation

Deliverable 5.3 will be a Whitepaper, reporting main evidences from the analysis performed in WP5 in order to provide measures and data on the effects of the disinformation on three topics to policy makers trying to influence decision making through the use of data collected during the project.

Data Intelligence toolkit V1

Deliverable D3.4 will be a software implementation of the AI Driven Observatory in which the algorithmic studies of the previous tasks will be applied (1st version)

Data Intelligence toolkit V2

Deliverable D3.4 will be a software implementation of the AI Driven Observatory in which the algorithmic studies of the previous tasks will be applied (final version)

EU Platform for Social Media Innovators

The platform for European social Media innovators will be made by virtual tools like mailing lists and team communication softwares to assure a constant exchange of informations, but also by practical initiatives like periodic meetings between the projects, building into the Observatory something similar to the International Fact-Checking Network’s activities at the global level.


Different types of COVID-10 misinformation have different emotional valence on Twitter

Auteurs: Charquero Ballester, Marina1; Walter, Jessica G.1, Nissen, Ida A.; & Bechmann, Anja
Publié dans: Not available, 2021, ISSN 2167-0811
Éditeur: aarhus

Partisan Polarization is the primary psychological motivation behind “fake news” sharing on Twitter

Auteurs: Osmundsen, M., Bor, A., Vahlstrup, P.B., Bechmann, A. & Petersen, M.B.
Publié dans: American Political Science Review, 2021, ISSN 2167-0811
Éditeur: aarhus

Tackling Disinformation and Infodemics Demands Media Policy Changes

Auteurs: Bechmann, A.
Publié dans: Digital Journalism, Numéro in press 2020, 2020, ISSN 2167-0811
Éditeur: Taylor & Francis

Democracy and disinformation: a turn in the debate

Auteurs: Bechmann, A. & O’Loughlin, B
Publié dans: 2020
Éditeur: Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie van Belgie voor Wetenschappen en Kunsten (KVAB)

Performance Analysis of Fact-checking organizations and initiatives in Europe, Disinformation and Digital Media as a Challenge for Democracy

Auteurs: Pavleska, T., Skolkay, A., Zankova, B., Riberiro, N. & Bechmann, A.
Publié dans: 2020
Éditeur: Intersentia

Big Data: A Focus on Social Media Research Dilemmas

Auteurs: Bechmann, A. & Kim, J.Y.
Publié dans: 2019
Éditeur: Springer


Auteurs: Bechmann, Anja
Publié dans: 2021
Éditeur: Aarhus Universitetsforlag

Beyond Fact-Checking: Network Analysis Tools for Monitoring Disinformation in Social Media

Auteurs: Guarino, S., Trino, N., Chessa, A., & Riotta, G.
Publié dans: 2019
Éditeur: Springer Cham.

Characterizing Networks of Propaganda on Twitter: a Case Study

Auteurs: Guarino, S., Trino, N., Celestini, N., Chessa, A., & Riotta, G.
Publié dans: Submitted to Applied Network Science. Springer, Cham., 2020
Éditeur: Springer Cham


Auteurs: Marina Klitsi, Simona De Rosa, Luca Tacchetti, Silvia Cavasola, Lynge Asbjørn Møller and Nikos Sarris
Publié dans: 2020
Éditeur: icme

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