Periodic Reporting for period 2 - AI4EU (A European AI On Demand Platform and Ecosystem)
Reporting period: 2020-07-01 to 2021-12-31
By offering a core node to access excellent AI personalised resources and tools, the AI4EU On-Demand Platform will strengthen the European community and bridge the gap between research and innovation. AI4EU proposal is built with the following strategic vision. First, we create an AI On-Demand Platform with On-Demand services allowing the user to find resources, assets, talents and test and experiment models, tools, and algorithms seamlessly to pave the way for a future AI Factory floor for the European AI Ecosystem. Second, the project will bring into the AI4EU-On-Demand platform excellent AI assets and resources (model, algorithms dataset sample etc.) and promote the AI European trustworthy model as a strong differentiator compared to other platforms. Third, we showcase the ability of the platform and the community to bring an ecosystem and use the AI-On-Demand Platform to solve AI challenges through industrial pilots on eight domains and a technology transfer program targeting SMEs and start-ups (41 solutions providers have tested the AI-On Demand Platform).
Finally, the project goal is to build a sustainable platform after the end of the project with a governance model supported by the community and the European Commission. A strategic research and innovation agenda is foreseen to work on the future (s) of the AI On-Demand Platform and contribute to this endeavour.
First, the community environment was developed under the Drupal Content Management System. Here, the user can find A.I. community news, events, a catalogue of components (89 assets are available), a demonstration of the pilots, business domains and other features. The hosting of the new CMS system is performed by Netcup, an infrastructure provider based in Germany following the European GDPR. Second, the AI4EU-Experiments provide an environment to design, create and deploy composite A.I. applications built of modular A.I. tools. The software is based on the Acumos framework, an open-source initiative of the Linux Foundation. Two others components have been developed. First, a Single Sign-On to have central user registration and login capabilities. The AI4EU On-Demand platform uses the EU-Login ECAS provided and operated by the European Commission. Second, a Search Component contains several SoA tools for text indexing and retrieval (including NLP capabilities and a chatbot). It acts as an enhanced aggregator of different information sources (textual content of the AI4EU platform, public content related to artificial intelligence provided, scientific index and other external A.I. content when available)
The AI4EU On-Demand Platform is interoperable with six other platforms: BEAT, MUNDI, WEKEO, OpenML, IDSA, Hub'Eau. Other significant results are the creation of an Ethics observatory and a value-based A.I. design methodology, deployment of 8 industrial pilots, and a technology transfer program mentoring 41 solutions providers. In addition, a technical governance Board has been installed. It should continue after the end of the project to ensure sustainability in the short term of the AI On-Demand Platform.