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Interoperable EHRs at user edge


Software requirements specification of an integrated EHR web app for HCP - V1

It will contain the software requirements specification of the HCP Web App. (T5.1)

Specification of S-EHR mobile privacy and security conformance levels - V2

Second version of D31 it will be updated and improved T31

Software requirements and architecture specification of a S-EHR -V2

Update of D6.1. (T6.1)

Dissemination and Communication Report - V2

Update of D96 T92

Design data mapper and converter to FHIR - V2

Update of D59 T53

Report on stakeholder group activities

Report on the activities of the stakeholder group Output of T93

Design of the data integration platform - V2

Update of D57 T52

Design of libraries for HR security and privacy services - V1

This deliverable will contain the design of security and privacy services, in particular the components and the functional primitives regarding identity management, encryption and consent management. (T3.4)

Definition and design of the methodology and model to make an InteropEHRate impact assessment

Definition of the terms of reference of a socioeconomic impact analysis project and related organisational measures to adopt T84

InteropEHRate final evaluation

The final evaluation of the 3 project pilots according the evaluation criteria defined in T71 T76

InteropEHRate Architecture - V3

Third version of system architecture it will update and improve the deliverable D25 T22

Specification of protocol and APIs for research health data sharing - V2

Update of D48 T43

Emergency pilot report

Report on the execution of the pilot T74

Governance model - V2

Update of D88 T84

Software requirements specification of an integrated EHR web app for HCP - V3

Update of D52 T51

Software requirements and architecture specification of a S-EHR - V1

Software requirement specification of the prototype of a S-EHR mobile app. (T6.1)

Citizen centered medical research pilot report

Report on the execution of the pilot T75

Specification of data encryption mechanisms for mobile and web applications - V2

This deliverable is an updated of D35

InteropEHRate Architecture - V2

Second version of system architecture it will update and improve the deliverable D24 T22

Design of information extractor and natural language translator - V1

Design of a service that will automatically extract structured knowledge from natural language contained in health records Output of T54

Specification of remote and D2D protocol and APIs for HR exchange - V1

This deliverable contains the specification of D2D (based on short-range wireless technologies and in particular NFC) and remote data exchange protocol. (T4.1)

InteropEHRate Standardization report - V2

Update of D86 T83

Specification of consent management and decentralized authorization mechanisms for HR Exchange - V2

This deliverable is an update of D37 T33

FHIR profile for EHR interoperability - V3

Third version of FHIR profile deliverable it will update and improve the deliverable D28 T23

Specification of S-EHR mobile privacy and security conformance levels - V1

This deliverable will define constraints that a SEHR mobile app and SEHR CLOUD have to fulfil to be considered secure reliable trusted and compliant to privacy requirements T31

Design of an integrated EHR web app for HCP - V2

Update of D54 T51

Specification of data encryption mechanisms for mobile and web applications - V1

This deliverable will contain specification of protocols for encryption mechanics for 1 health data storage on mobile devices and cloud services and 2 health data exchange among SEHREHREMRCloud services T32

Design data mapper and converter to FHIR - V1

Design a tool for defining mapping rules for health record data, usable both locally to serve the data integration needs of local services (such as a hospital) and Europe-wide for cross-jurisdictional data exchange (Output of T5.3).

User Requirements for cross-border HR integration - V2

Second version of user requirements deliverable it will update and improve deliverable D21 This deliverable will also contain feedbacks coming on the first versions of the platform T21

Governance model - V1

An agile model of governance to cover the following aspects the participation to the federation to define simple rules to join the EHR federation and to guarantee the coexistence of different levels of interoperability the evolution of APIs and of the InteropEHRate FHIR profile to define how to agree on new versions and how to adopt standards eg from IHE or HL7 FHIR the collaboration with policy makers how to promote with policy makers the adoption of protocols and rules for the sharing of health data Output of task 84

Specification of consent management and decentralized authorization mechanisms for HR Exchange - V1

Specification of consent management and decentralized authorization mechanisms for health record exchange (T3.3)

FHIR profile for EHR interoperability - V2

Second version of FHIR profile deliverable it will update and improve the deliverable D27 T23

Design of a mobile service for data anonymization and aggregation

Design of a services for sharing anonymized and/or aggregated data for research (Output of T6.3)

Design of libraries for remote and D2D HR exchange - V3

Update of D45 T42

Specification of remote and D2D protocol and APIs for HR exchange - V3

Updated of D42 T41

Specification of remote and D2D IDM mechanisms for HRs Interoperability - V1

This deliverable will provide the specification of Identity management mechanics for remote and D2D protocols. (T3.2)

Dissemination Strategy and Action Plan

Dissemination Strategy and Action Plan of the project

Design of information extractor and natural language translator - V2

Update of D511 T54

Dissemination and Communication Report - V1

Report on the dissemination and communication activities done during the project

Design of library for health data sharing for research - V1

This deliverable contains the design of library for health data sharing for research T44

Experimentation scenarios and validation plan

Validation plan describing overall approach adopted, the recruitment process and the assessment criteria. Experimentation scenario will be also described.

Data Management Plan - V1

Data management plan (T1.4)

Design of library for health data sharing for research - V2

Update of D410 T44

Specification of protocol and APIs for research health data sharing - V1

This deliverable will contain the protocol and APIs for research health data sharing T43

User Requirements for cross-border HR integration - V3

Third version of user requirements deliverable it will update and improve deliverable D22 This deliverable will also contain feedbacks coming on the second versions of the platform T21

Specification of remote and D2D protocol and APIs for HR exchange - V2

Updated of D41 T41

Design of libraries for remote and D2D HR exchange - V2

Update of D44 T42

Design of libraries for HR security and privacy services - V2

Update of D39 T34

User Requirements for cross-border HR integration - V1

This deliverable will contain the description of user requirements (including security and privacy requirements) and will define generic user scenarios. (T2.1)

InteropEHRate Standardization report - V1

Description of standardization activities (result of task T8.3).

Report on help desk activities

Report on legal and ethical helpdesk activities T15

Citizen centered healthcare pilot report

Report on the execution of the pilot T73

Design of the data integration platform - V1

Designs the back-end platform (infrastructure and fundamental services) that support the integration and interoperability methods defined in T5.3-6. (T5.2)

Design of libraries for HR security and privacy services - V3

Update of D310 T34

Design of an integrated EHR web app for HCP - V3

Update of D55 T51

Data Management Plan - V2

Update of data management plan. (T1.4)

Design of libraries for remote and D2D HR exchange - V1

This deliverable contains the design of InteropEHRate Health Services (IHS), Health Record Index and Message Broker. The IHS includes a server side component and a client side component. (T4.2).

FHIR profile for EHR interoperability - V1

This document will define a FHIR profile, that is the common data model, based on the FHIR standard. It will constraint (also with possible extension) the structure of FHIR resources in order to define a single possible representation for each kind of health data to be used by the pilot applications defined by WP8. (T2.3)

Design of an integrated EHR web app for HCP - V1

It will contain the design of HCP Web App. (T5.1)

Design of Health Record Index

This deliverable contains the design of a service that indexes all and only metadata shared by any organization or citizen T42

InteropEHRate Architecture - V1

This document will describe the first version of the overall architecture. (T2.2)

Software requirements specification of an integrated EHR web app for HCP - V2

Update of D51 T51

Specification of remote and D2D IDM mechanisms for HRs Interoperability - V2

This deliverable is an updated of D33

Software requirements and architecture specification of a S-EHR - V3

Update of D6.2. (T6.1)

Library and tool for data mapping and conversion - V2

Update of D518 T55

HCP Web app - V1

Prototype of HCP Web app (designed in T5.1): a web app, used by the HCPs to securely exchange health data of their EMRs with any S-EHR (mobile or cloud) and to read health data stored in federated EHRs.(T5.5)

Libraries for encrypted storage and communication in mobile and web applications - V2

Second release of software Libraries for encrypted storage and communication in mobile and web applications. (T3.5)

Libraries for research health data sharing - V2

Update of D4.17. (T4.5)

Mobile service for data anonymization and aggregation

Algorithms for anonymising and/or aggregating the health data of a single citizen and components for mobile. (T6.4)

HCP Web app - V3

Update of D14 T55

Library for information extraction and translation - V1

The implementation of library for information extraction and translation designed in T5.4. (T5.5).

Libraries for research health data sharing - V1

Software Libraries for research health data sharing compliant to the design of T43 T45

Library and tool for data mapping and conversion -V1

The implementation of library and tool for data mapping and conversion designed in T5.3. (T5.5).


This deliverable is in charge of:(1)connectors among InteropEHRate Health Services (IHS)/InteropEHRate Research Service (IRS) and local EHR(2)mappings among local EHR database schemas and InteropEHRate FHIR profile will be defined, using mapping tools developed within the project(3) the three pilot application, that will be deployed, tested and delivered in the three pilot sites. (T7.2)

Libraries for remote and D2D IDM in mobile and web applications - V2

Second release of Software libraries for mobile and web application for the identity management T35

HR Data Index

Health record data index software. It will be compliant to the design of T4.2. (4.5)

Libraries for encrypted storage and communication in mobile and web applications - V1

Software libraries for encrypted storage and communication in mobile and web applications This software will be compliant to the specification released by T32 T35

S-EHR message broker

Message Broker software compliant to design of T4.2. (T4.5)

Libraries for consent management and decentralized authorization mechanisms for HR Exchange - V2

Second release of libraries for consent management and decentralized authorization mechanisms for HR Exchange. (T3.5)

Library for information extraction and translation - V2

Update of D5.20. (T5.5)

Libraries for remote and D2D HR exchange - V3

Update of D413 T45

Data integration platform for healthcare professionals - V1

The implementation of data integration platform for healthcare professionals designed in T5.2. (T5.5).

Libraries for consent management and decentralized authorization mechanisms for HR Exchange - V1

Software libraries consent management and decentralized authorization mechanisms for HR Exchange. This software will be compliant to the specification released by T3.3. (T3.5)

Libraries for remote and D2D IDM in mobile and web applications - V1

Software libraries for mobile and web application for the identity management. This software will be compliant to the specification released by T3.2. (T3.5)

HCP Web app - V2

Update of D13 T55

Libraries for remote and D2D HR exchange - V1

Software libraries for remote and D2D HR exchange. They are compliant to the design of task T4.2. (T4.5)

Data integration platform for healthcare professionals - V2

Updated of D516 T55

Libraries for remote and D2D HR exchange - V2

Update of D412 T45

Project Branding

For the branding of the project the consortium will identify its values of the project and develop the project visual identity on that basis logo presentation templates graphical charter for the web site and other dissemination material The branding will also be used during the exploitation of the results of the project ie beyond the duration of the project

Project Web Site

Web Site of InteropEHRate project

Project Flyer - V2

Project Flyers to disseminate the project resultsPaperbased materialThe second release will present testimonials from those who have used the outcome of the project

Mid-term public workshop

Public eventsession dedicated to the project will be organized as milestones for presenting lessons learned and interim results of the project The midterm workshop will aim at attracting an audience of 50 persons

Project Flyer - V1

Project Flyers to disseminate the project results. There will be two generations of paper-based material: the first one will be aimed at presenting the project and its ambition.

Final conference

Public eventsession dedicated to the project will be organized as milestones for presenting lessons learned and final results of the project The final conference will be designed to attract an audience of 100 persons

InteropEHRate Open Research Data

This deliverable will contain any data produced by the project that according the Data Management Plan can be shared for research T76

Development and testing environment

This deliverable will contain the implementation and integration roadmap and the hardware infrastructure for collaborative development, deploying. (T2.4)


A Semantic Similarity Evaluation for Healthcare Ontologies Matching to HL7 FHIR Resources

Author(s): Athanasios Kiourtis, Argyro Mavrogiorgou, Dimosthenis Kyriazis
Published in: Digital Personalized Health and Medicine, 2020
Publisher: European Federation for Medical Informatics (EFMI) and IOS Press
DOI: 10.3233/shti200113

Health Record Index: Secure Access of Cloud-Stored Healthcare Data

Author(s): Athanasios Kiourtis, Argyro Mavrogiorgou, Konstantinos Vidakis, Dimosthenis Kyriazis
Published in: The Importance of Health Informatics in Public Health during a Pandemic, Issue Volume 272, 2020, Page(s) 221-224
Publisher: IOS Press
DOI: 10.3233/shti200534

A Secure Protocol for Managing and Sharing Personal Healthcare Data

Author(s): Athanasios Kiourtis, Argyro Mavrogiorgou, Sofia-Anna Menesidou, Panagiotis Gouvas, Dimosthenis Kyriazis
Published in: Integrated Citizen Centered Digital Health and Social Care - Citizens as Data Producers and Service co-Creators – Proceedings of the EFMI 2020 Special Topic Conference, 2020, ISBN 9781643681443
Publisher: IOS Press
DOI: 10.3233/shti200701

Improving Health Information Exchange through Wireless Communication Protocols

Author(s): Athanasios Kiourtis, Argyro Mavrogiorgou, Dimosthenis Kyriazis, Alessio Graziani, Francesco Torelli
Published in: 2020 16th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob)(50308), 2020, Page(s) 32-39, ISBN 978-1-7281-9722-7
Publisher: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/wimob50308.2020.9253374

A Comparative Study of Short-Range Wireless Communication Technologies for Health Information Exchange

Author(s): Konstantinos Vidakis, Argyro Mavrogiorgou, Athanasios Kiourtis, Dimosthenis Kyriazis
Published in: 2020 International Conference on Electrical, Communication, and Computer Engineering (ICECCE), 2020, Page(s) 1-6, ISBN 978-1-7281-7116-6
Publisher: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/icecce49384.2020.9179478

Delivering Reliability of Data Sources in IoT Healthcare Ecosystems

Author(s): Argyro Mavrogiorgou, Athanasios Kiourtis, Dimosthenis Kyriazis
Published in: 2019 25th Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT), 2019, Page(s) 211-219, ISBN 978-952-69244-0-3
Publisher: IEEE
DOI: 10.23919/fruct48121.2019.8981527

IoT Devices Recognition through Object Detection and Classification Techniques

Author(s): Argyro Mavrogiorgou, Athanasios Kiourtis, Dimosthenis Kyriazis
Published in: 2019 Third World Conference on Smart Trends in Systems Security and Sustainablity (WorldS4), Issue Annual, 2019, Page(s) 12-20, ISBN 978-1-7281-3780-3
Publisher: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/worlds4.2019.8903926

Identification of Bluetooth-Enabled IoT Devices Through Syntactic Similarity Techniques

Author(s): Argyro Mavrogiorgou, Athanasios Kiourtis, Marios Touloupou, Dimosthenis Kyriazis
Published in: 2019 Eleventh International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN), Issue Annual, 2019, Page(s) 200-205, ISBN 978-1-7281-1340-1
Publisher: IEEE
DOI: 10.1109/icufn.2019.8806153

Bringing health data back to people

Author(s): Tino Martí
Published in: Data Saves Lives Blog, 2020
Publisher: Data Saves Lives

Project Description

Author(s): EHTEL
Published in: 2019
Publisher: EHTEL

InteropEHRate: your health data with you - anytime and anywhere

Author(s): Lucie Keunen, Vicent Keunen
Published in: 2019
Publisher: A7

InteropEHRate, per la condivisione sicura dei dati clinici

Author(s): Engineering
Published in: 2019
Publisher: Engineering

The importance of cross-border regional healthcare for the nursing profession

Author(s): EFN
Published in: 2019
Publisher: EFN

Votre dossier médical voyagera bientôt avec vous

Author(s): CHU Liege
Published in: 2019
Publisher: CHU Liege

InteropEHRate project description

Author(s): University of Viena
Published in: 2019
Publisher: University of Viena

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