Periodic Reporting for period 2 - FCHgo (Fuel Cells HydroGen educatiOnal model for schools)
Reporting period: 2020-01-01 to 2021-06-30
The aim of the FCHgo project was to encourage a culture of ecological awareness and to develop behaviours based upon sound knowledge of key technologies by the coming generations. The project has provided a toolkit for teachers and pupils of primary and secondary schools (educational programme delivery model - EPDM), ensuring technical and pedagogical excellence through a narrative approach. The EPDM was tested and validated during class activities and translated in 10 European languages. It is being disseminated mainly through the FCHgo website. The 1st annual FCHgo award to the best idea to employ FCH-T was launched and completed, further contributing to raise the awareness on FCH-T.
WP2 activities involved a co-design and a co-creation phase of the EPDM, involving both partners and stakeholders. Both phases considered differences in school systems and in age of addressees. After the testing in pilot classes (see WP3), the final version of the EPDM was validated during the FCHgo EPDM validation meeting, thanks to the input of stakeholders and the Scientific Advisory Board members. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, many schools around Europe completely closed. The “FCHgo at Home” initiative was launched by FCHgo, proposing fun activities to explore the ‘energy of hydrogen’ at home. The final EPDM toolkit, translated into 10 languages, includes all the materials to provide physical and emotional involvement for pupils and teachers. It was freely available on the FCHgo website.
During WP3 action, workshops were organized for teachers training in all European partners’ countries, with a wide research-action leading to further widespread dissemination and exploitation of EPDM. During workshops, the EPDM and its framework were introduced, and practical experiments were carried out in order to test materials. The educational activities were completed in all countries, and feedbacks from pupils and teachers were collected and analyzed to gather enough information for the final validation of the EPDM.
WP4 launched an open European contest targeting all school levels, to increase awareness and interest of FCH technologies. With the aim of reaching a larger number of classes and schools and to better organize all the aspects, the consortium decided to anticipate the launch of the contest (World of the future: the best FCH application) to February 17, 2020. The deadline was postponed to March 31, 2021. Dedicated juries with representatives from partners and stakeholders were set up in each country; each age group (8-10, 11-14, 15-18) was awarded separately for the best project at national level. An international award ceremony was held online, awarding the three best projects (one for each age group). The total number of candidate projects was 221, from 3 countries: Italy, Poland, and Turkey.
The activities in WP5 focused on communication, dissemination and exploitation. The project dissemination and exploitation plan has been conceived as a living document, outlining workshops, conferences and other public events for promoting the FCHgo activities. The corporate identity was selected and utilized to create the project brochure and poster. The official FCHgo website was created, providing a good basis for disseminating the project goals to externals and its public recognition. It was continuously updated to the progress and needs of the project, with articles regarding singular project activities (EPDM, classroom activities and award), published also on the project newsletter. Social Media accounts of the project were also opened on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook.
WP6 set out the ethical requirements and their compliance in the project, the risk and data management, engaging actively in respecting a communitarian approach to data safety and ethical and legal implications. The quality assurance of Data Responsibility was also shared in the FCHgo Communication, Dissemination and Impact Working Group and the Policy compliance Responsibility. All FCHgo activities carried out in all partner countries, non-European members included, are compatible with European and international law.
The organization and running of the FCHgo Award will probably continue in 2021 and hopefully beyond. This contest will continue to raise strong motivation among teachers, pupils, local communities and stakeholders. It will also ensure a continuing awareness on FCH-T and its applications, in terms of technological, ecological, economical and societal perspectives.
The FCHgo website will be constantly updated for further 5 years (until 2026) and will continue to act as a point of exchange of educational materials. This will ensure a good project communication to all targets. In addition, it will allow to develop an effective networking and exploitation activity to make the educational materials acquired and used by European primary and secondary school levels, beyond the partners’ countries and project’s duration.