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Certified smart and integrated living environments for ageing well

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Dissemination and Communication plan, activity and performance (final report)

A document presenting the plan of dissemination and communication activities, and reporting on their actual implementation and impact. T5.4

Certification scheme promotional package

A professional-quality promotional toolkit consisting of an official 1-page certificate to be displayed in certified buildings / homes, a certification logo, a poster, digital material, etc.

Exploitation and supporting investment strategy

A strategy document which will present Homes4Life exploitable results, proposed paths for their exploitation, as well as methods and tools for supporting investment in age-friendly housing through retro- and prospective analyses of pilot cases.

Desktop research report

Synthesis of findings from existing documents about future living environments

Homes4Life functional brief

Functional brief/programme of requirements for the Homes4Life certification scheme

Innovation Systems Analyses

Report that defines readiness level in different European regions for the certification schemes.

Working taxonomy

Report with the Homes2Life working taxonomy

Certification scheme - technical reference framework - v0

Implementation of the initial technical reference framework in the ISIA platform.

Homes4Life Stakeholders Community of Interest (intermediate report)

Community of Homes4Life relevant stakeholders, including their contact details and their actual (or potential) interest and actual (or expected) contribution in relation with the project. The information will be stored and managed through a simple CRM tool. The report will include the personal data protection specifications according to GDPR Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

KPI Framework for Smart age friendly living environments

KPIs definition for smart and integrated living environments for ageing well.

Homes4Life Stakeholders Community of Interest (final report)

Community of Homes4Life relevant stakeholders, including their contact details and their actual (or potential) interest and actual (or expected) contribution in relation with the project. T5.1

Certification scheme - technical reference framework - v1

Refined version of the technical reference framework following a series of tests with a set of 10 demo buildings / living environments

Vision Document

Document (10-15 pages) with the Homes4Life visions.

Dissemination and Communication plan, activity and performance report (intermediate report)

A document presenting the plan of dissemination and communication activities, and reporting on their actual implementation and impact. T5.4.

Memorandum of understanding / commitment to invest in Homes4Life-certified age-friendly homes

A set of signed « MoU / commitment to invest letters » from both private and public relevant Homes4Life stakeholders

Certification scheme - technical reference framework – final

Final version of the technical reference framework after integration of stakeholders’ feedback resulting from the wide-spread call for comments

Existing R&I initiatives report

Report on existing relevant R&I projects, especially large-scale pilots on Internet of Things and other projects in the fields of independent living and ageing well.

Certification schemes framework report

Report on existing European certification and labelling schemes for smart living environments

Stakeholder Workshop

Meeting with high-level stakeholders to discuss the draft Homes4Life visions

Homes4Life final event

Final event coordinated by AGE to present the main project outcomes

Promotional video (concept and results)

A short promotional motion-design videos for presenting 1) objectives and outcomes (age-friendly housing) of the project and 2) the Homes4Life process: how to achieve these outcomes. T5.4

Project website, logo, roll-up poster, leaflet and other sustainable promotional goodies

A wide set of tools for supporting the implementation of the dissemination and communication plan.

Promotional videos (concept)

A short promotional motion-design videos for presenting 1) objectives and outcomes (age-friendly housing) of the project and 2) the Homes4Life process: how to achieve these outcomes.


Sustainable Housing Supporting Health and Well-Being

Author(s): Régis Decorme, Silvia Urra, Olatz Nicolas, Carina Dantas, Annelore Hermann, Gustavo Hernández Peñaloza, Federico Álvarez García, Aline Ollevier, M. Charalampos Vassiliou, Willeke van Staalduinen
Published in: Proceedings, Issue 65/1, 2020, Page(s) 12, ISSN 2504-3900
Publisher: MDPI
DOI: 10.3390/proceedings2020065012

Innovation Pathways for Age-Friendly Homes in Europe

Author(s): Frans Sengers, Alexander Peine
Published in: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Issue 18/3, 2021, Page(s) 1139, ISSN 1660-4601
Publisher: Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health
DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18031139

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