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Sens Solutions Smart Disinfection Platform for Legionella Prevention in Hospital and Hotel water heating & cooling systems.

Periodic Reporting for period 1 - Hydro-S3DP (Sens Solutions Smart Disinfection Platform for Legionella Prevention in Hospital and Hotel water heating & cooling systems.)

Reporting period: 2018-08-01 to 2018-11-30

The legionellosis is responsible for around 2000 deaths in Europe every year,1 resulting in a direct cost of 1B€/year for EU healthcare systems including working days lost.2 While there are specific risk factors, Legionella disease could currently breach out to any type of person during hospitalization, travel and eventually at work. In 2015, 7034 Legionella outbreaks have been occurring in the whole Europe. In general, an atypical pneumonia is caused by Legionella pneumophila bacteria that proliferate faster in artificial water supply system such as in cooling towers (air conditioning system) becoming a critical issue in public health facilities in modern developing country. A 50% of the cases are associated with holidays associated facilities, moreover while 8% of cases are linked to healthcare facilities, the average case fatality of 10% reached up to 30-50% in the hospital-acquired infections.3 More importantly, the current real incidence of legionellosis is unknown because of under-diagnoses with several European studies suggesting that 2% to 5% of cases of community-acquired pneumonia are actually from Legionella, increasing the number of cases between 56,000 to 113,000 annually.4

Hydro-S3DP is a secured IoT solution that allows in situ detection of Legionella proliferation and direct disinfection actuators for bacterial treatment in air conditioning systems. It combines state-of-the-art sensors including an in-house electrochemical sensor, Big Data analysis through Machine Learning Algorithms and state- of-the-art water disinfection systems to enable fast sensing and acting system over Legionella contamination in cooling systems in Hospital and Hotel. In addition, Hydro-S3DP will allow reducing by 30-60% the biocide consumption and by up to 88% the energy require for the cooling tower system circulation with hard water condition (saving reaching up to 70 000€/year), therefore reducing by up to 30% the cooling tower maintenance cost as well as increasing their life span from 5-8 to 25 years. More than an economical solution for heating & cooling systems, Sens Solutions offers a global solution to prevent any Legionella outbreak.
The objectives set in the Part B of the grand agreement are the following:
• The technical feasibility: includes 1) the study the stability of the Legionella sensors over time; 2) the
optimization of the parameters for optimum hardware and software control and 3) the validation the self- learning process of the S3DP. This has allowed us to set-up KPIs for Hydro-S3DP performance, durability and safety.
• Commercial plan and FTO analysis: includes 1) specification of the exploitable products (Market analysis and market trends); 2) target markets (analysis of the competitors, comparison with competitor’s products, SWOT analysis); 3) definition of the commercial Strategy (e.g. promotion and selling framework, commercial exploitation scenarios, marketing plan); 4) legal requirements & regulatory compliance and 5) IPR management assessment.
• Financial plan: includes 1) the determination of the supply chain (including contractual agreements) with a detailed overview of the logistic, equipment to be purchased or to be subcontracted to third party, quality control; 2) the determination of the expected turnover and growth rate expected for the company and 3) the calculation of investment necessary to run the commercialization phase.
The Hydro-S3DP will improve the control of the water systems, in particular it will control in real time the cooling towers, avoiding and getting ahead of any legionella growth and its possible aerial dispersion. The affectation at the level of human health will be highly significant.
At the same time, it will avoid an excessive consumption of energy and it will be possible to optimize all the resources obtaining savings at the level of water replacement and use of biocides and also energy savings.
Hydro-S3DP Legionella smart disinfection system