The wind power industry is facing important economic losses due to premature failure of turbines, which leads to long downtime periods and costly O&M activities. That premature failure is frequently caused by damage in the blades coating, that cannot be detected with the standard quality control processes in the industry. das-Nano, aware of this problem, has developed NOTUS, the only inspection tool in the market with the capability of effectively detect internal damage in turbine coating.
In this scenario, das-Nano has developed NOTUS, the first contact-less tool specifically designed for wind turbine inspection. NOTUS can perform deep characterization of individual coating layers of both metallic and dielectric materials, such as coating and paints in wind blades and aero structures. This includes detection of defects on individual layers, gaps between layers, surface erosion and surface roughness. Besides, NOTUS is the first tool in the market with the capability of quantifying inter-layer adherence, being able to anticipate possible defects and, therefore to prevent from downtime and blade changes in already installed turbines.
The objective of the present project is the introduction of NOTUS in the main global reference markets of wind power energy.
Fields of science
Funding Scheme
SME-2 - SME instrument phase 2Coordinator
The organization defined itself as SME (small and medium-sized enterprise) at the time the Grant Agreement was signed.