Reporting period: 2019-10-01 to 2020-09-30
The main objective of LEADFLOAT is to impose IDEOL’s technology as the most competitive in the floating wind market by achieving low cost of production, fast and feasible deployment (construction, WT assembly at port, offshore towing & installation, O&M) and optimal operational behavior (damping pool concept).
- Completion of the WP1 on the scale-up, industrialization of the product and supply chain consolidation and we achieved our strategic objective to bring down cost of production estimate below the targeted amount of 1.2MEUR/MW
- Through the operation of Floatgen (2 MW demonstrator in Brittany), IDEOL was able to demonstrate availability greater than 90% which testifies the robust operational behaviour of our damping pool concept.
- IDEOL has carried out dissemination activities directed to both the commercial market as well as the energy policy environment to champion floating wind as a fantastic opportunity to tackle the energy transition. This has resulted in comforting IDEOL as one of the handful global player in this nascent industry. This has also materialised by the signature of a number of Joint Development Agreement over the period positioning the company on >2GW of project opportunities, with:
> Consortium with Elicio and BayWa in Scotland
> Signature of a Joint Development Agrement with a major Japanese player on a 500MW project
> Several MoUs and JDAs in discussion to expand our pipeline
> Realisation of a number of preliminary studies for major utilities
> Active development of our project in California.
As the market takes off commercially, IDEOL will continue to actively secure a large pipeline of projects to be developed.