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CORDIS - Résultats de la recherche de l’UE

NorrDigi revolutionary Energy Saver

Description du projet

Une solution hydraulique novatrice améliore les performances des machines

Le projet Norrdigi, financé par l’UE, aide l’entreprise finlandaise Norrhydro à développer un actionneur hydraulique numérique qui améliore la productivité des machines tout en réduisant considérablement les coûts de carburant et les émissions de CO2. Grâce à ses vérins multichambres, à sa commande de mouvement intelligente, à ses accumulateurs perfectionnés et à ses valves de contrôle directionnel, l’actionneur ne fournira que la puissance nécessaire à un moment donné. Le marché cible initial de cette technologie comprend les excavatrices sur chenilles et les gros équipements de manutention, qui engendrent des coûts élevés chaque année. L’entreprise s’est fixé pour objectif de faire passer son chiffre d’affaires de 19 à 260 millions d’euros d’ici 2025. L’équipe prévoit également d’étendre le champ des applications potentielles aux engins de terrassement et aux machines forestières.


Norrhydro Oy is a Finnish hydraulic cylinder manufacturer. Since 2007, Norrhydro has developed a technology, NorrDigiTM, that has the ability to regenerate, store and share energy by the functions on mobile equipment, such as excavators, the largest market for cylinders. The economic effect of NorrDigiTM is very significant. It requires less space, is cost neutral and has proven 45-60% fuel efficiency improvement and 5-12% productivity gains in side-by-side tests with a standard excavator. NorrDigiTM is a modular control system made of highly engineered hydraulic cylinders, control valves, sensors and electronics in an integrated control package and is patented in all major countries. The initial target market is crawler excavators and large material handling equipment. The current addressable market size is 4,0 billion euros yearly. The first goal is a 5,6% market share by 2025, which means total sales will grow from 19 to 260 million euros in that period. The next target is 15% market share by 2028, which coupled with growth in adjacent markets will amount to over 800 million in annual sales. The imminent market launch is based on finalizing the product designs, testing, production investments and increased marketing. The solution is scalable, and Norrhydro performs an internal investment and LEAN improvement program to meet the increased volume demands. The other main components are modular and come from suppliers who have ample capacity. The direct effect on employment goes from 126 people in 2017 to 700 people by 2025. The SMEI-funding will assist in speeding up the launch, reduce risks, and improve the economics and the environment due to the drastically reduced fuel consumption (emissions). The funds will help securing additional financing which is planned as an IPO in 2020. The team leading the effort consists of dedicated, motivated and highly experienced professionals with long international track records of successful product and technology launches.

Appel à propositions


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Régime de financement

SME-2 - SME instrument phase 2


Contribution nette de l'UE
€ 2 193 537,00

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L’entreprise s’est définie comme une PME (petite et moyenne entreprise) au moment de la signature de la convention de subvention.

Manner-Suomi Pohjois- ja Itä-Suomi Lappi
Type d’activité
Private for-profit entities (excluding Higher or Secondary Education Establishments)
Coût total
€ 3 133 625,00