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COherent Support for MObility.E Strategy

Periodic Reporting for period 2 - COSMOS (COherent Support for MObility.E Strategy)

Reporting period: 2019-11-01 to 2021-06-30

COSMOS aims at supporting the ECSEL Lighthouse Initiative Mobility.E in its endeavour to accelerate the deployment of clean and automated road mobility solutions and the realisation of the associated socio-economic benefits. For this purpose, the project assists the LIASE in the continuous identification and prioritisation of research topics and the subsequent translation into an action plan to support roadmap implementation. The COSMOS project maps the Mobility.E ecosystem by comparing the strategic research agendas of ECSEL and the European Technology Platforms AENEAS, EPoSS and ARTEMIS-IA involved therein with those of stakeholders further down the value chain, such as ERTRAC, EUCAR, CLEPA, and EATA regarding complementarity and coherence, and it analyses the implementation of these roadmaps into funded projects. This approach shall enable the identification of white spots and gaps and reveal the potentials for bridging these with a dedicated implementation plan. This content-related work is enabled by a set of effective network support measures in terms of stakeholder engagement and collaboration, events and workshops as well as dissemination building an extensive Stakeholder Circle. One of the visible activities supported by COSMOS is the continuation and further development of the ECA 2030 networking events series.
The COSMOS project is divided into a strategy development process and a variety of network support actions.
The Strategy Development Process produced a map of the mobility ecosystem and a continously updated list of R&D&I research priorities and gaps in the R&DI landscape, which were then addressed by the actions of the Implementation Plan, the final result of the project.
Network Support activities were used to expand and strengthen the mobility stakeholder circle, and included the organisation of several collaboration and networking events aimed at defining research priorities and actions for accelerating ECA mobility deployment. In interactive workshops, experts from the diverse technical and non-technical fields of ECA mobility exchanged their views and provided input to Strategy Development and dedicated Mobility.E events served to connect new stakeholders throughout the mobility ecosystem, to identify synergies and share best practives and to achieve alignment of strategies.
The following impacts were addressed:
- Establish goal-driven, federated effort towards a challenging industrial vision to generate European leadership in Electric, Connected and Automated driving, and a strong potential for longer term technological innovation and economic exploitation.
- Show a high degree of involvement and commitment from key stakeholders.
- Increased transnational collaboration between the relevant European initiatives in the field.
- Spreading of excellence on Electric, Connected and Automated driving in Europe.
- Increased awareness of European activities in this field.

At the end of the project the Strategy Development Process was completed with the publication of the Implementation Plan for electric, connected and automated mobility. Exchange and collaboration between stakeholders of the mobility ecosystem was fostered throughout the course of the project with networking and collaboration events and through different Mobility.E Lighthouse dissemination activites.