Periodic Reporting for period 1 - InnoSuppEastMed (Innovation Support Network East Mediterranean)
Reporting period: 2019-01-01 to 2019-12-31
Proposed project will include two acitivity type which are “Key account management under the SME Instrument of Horizon 2020” and “Services to enhance the innovation management capacities of SMEs”
The Common objectives of the project are:
• To stimulate SMEs to expand their businesses and competitiveness.
• To provide non-bureaucratic, easily and swiftly accessible services through the network to be created on the subjects of innovation services.
• Increase in the number of SMEs benefitting from the business and innovation support services of Consortium.
• To promote innovation amongst enterprises and increase the innovation capacity of the enterprises in the context of Horizon 2020, guide enterprises to create innovation partnerships and help them to better access community financing and to stimulate innovative activities.
• To assist Commission to accomplish the objectives of COSME, Horizon 2020 and other EU programmes by SME Feedback activities
• To promote the EU Comission’s andNetwork’s distinct brand and visual identity in its all activities throughout the geographical area covered in this proposal.
• Becoming a focal point for SMEs when EU is at stake by promoting EU programmes,specially HORIZON 2020, with an effective communication strategy.
Specific objectives inline ““Key account management under the SME Instrument of Horizon 2020” are:
• To identify weaknesses in the innovation capacities of the beneficiary that hinder the realization of growth opportunities and of the full commercial potential of SME Instrument participants
• Determine the strong and weak points of the clients and envision the innovation capabilities
• Assign mentors and coaches in order to rehabilitate the weaknesses and upgrade the strengths
• Boost the success probability of innovation processes
• Mediate the mentor and client and sustain while regulating the relations in order to promote success.
Specific objectives inline “Services to enhance the innovation management capacities of SMEs”
• To determine SMEs with significant innovation activities and a real potential for international growth via product, process, service or business model innovation who lack the knowledge, skills or ability to manage innovation activities.
• Provide proven 7 day service packages in accordance with CEN/TS 16555-1 standard.
• To carry out a diagnostic audit of selected SMEs that are capable of growth and successful internationalization in order to develop and implement a tailored action plan.
• To improve the SME’s capacity to manage innovation processes.
• develop and utilize action plans for SMEs with high capacity of internalization
• Deploy CEN/TS standards in innovation management systems
• Seek for opportunities to remove bottlenecks and problems in innovation processes of the SMEs
• Revenue and profit from new goods, services, marketing
• Savings from new process, organization
• Review and actions on intelligence, strategy, collaboration
• Review and actions on innovation management
• Market share increase
• Product quality improvement
• Reduction of material costs per
• Unit of product improvement in the environmental impact or health and safety aspects
• Compliance with legal regulations and standards
• Increased awareness of the European Commission and activities
Consortia could not reached the expected impact as result of the project.