Periodic Reporting for period 2 - CUSTOMISIZE (New tailor-made sizing strategies for recycled carbon fibres to improve the mechanical properties of polymeric and cementitious composites)
Reporting period: 2020-10-01 to 2021-12-31
Afterwards, taking into account the reviewed information new surface treatments and sizings strategies were developed. Comparing the two oxidation treatments (chemical and plasma method) it was demonstrated that plasma oxidation was a better strategy than the chemical oxidation process. Two different sizings were produced for cementitious matrices, i.e. acrylic nanocoating and silanization. Epoxy and PU were considered the thermoset matrices and silanization, amination and POSS sizings were prepared. For thermoplastic matrices (PEKK and PPS) PEI and PI sizings were developed. A complete characterization was carried out, including TGA, DSC, FT-IR, SEM, XPS and water contact angle.
After sizing development, new composite was prepared with re-sized rCF. Polymeric composites included thermoplastic (PEKK and PPS) and thermoset (epoxy) matrices with CF in different forms: woven, non-woven and chopped. Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) and thermal compression were used for woven and non-woven CF. while injection moulding was used for chopped CF composites. A complete characterization was carried out considering key properties, like mechanical properties with iosipescu, ILSS and tensile tests and thermal properties (TGA, DSC) Moreover, SEM was used to analyse fracture surface and characterize CF-matrix interface obtained.
Life Cycle Inventories (LCI) associated to all new CUSTOMISIZE processes have been developed. LCI of CUSTOMISIZE processes allowed to analyse the environmental sustainability profile of the recycled carbon fibres treatments to be used in composites for aircraft (or other) applications compared to conventional processes. The goal and scope of the LCA study, comprehensive description of the CUSTOMISIZE processes and functional unit have been established. From an economic point of view, a Life Cycle Costing (LCC) study have been performed considering the same processes, system boundaries and functional unit as for environmental LCA. Several CUSTOMISZE treatment routes have been defined and CAPEX and OPEX associated to each have been calculated and discussed.
Dissemination activities have been done during the project, such as a poster presented in Ecomondo conference (October 26, 2021) a presentation in Dornbirn (September 15, 2021). Moreover, a flyer was created and distributed in the fairs and workshops where the project was attending.
The global market size of CF was $3.2 billion in 2020 and the use of carbon fibre-reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites is growing. CUSTOMISIZE project results could impact other less demanding sectors like automotive, packaging, energy, defence, construction, and sports equipment.
CUSTOMISIZE project could contribute to reduce the CF environmental impact considering two different aspects. On the one hand, processes have been designed and developed considering environmental criteria throughout their life cycle: These measures lead to significant environmental benefits such as the reduction of its carbon footprint, resulting from the reduced fuel consumption during the use phase of aircraft-CUSTOMISIZE based. On the other hand, giving a second live to CF providing environmental benefits by avoiding the extraction and processing of virgin raw materials, following a circular economy approach.