Report on the relevant legal EU framework and assessment of the ethical impact (M6) ELEX It will contain the analysis of the European relevant legal framework and of the impact of rescue operations on data protection, privacy and human rights to identify legal and ethical constraints for ASSISTANCE
Risk & Opportunities Register 3Risk Opportunities Register 3 M30 RISE will include the riskopportunities policy forecasted and detected risksopportunities and the actions descriptions deadlines and responsibilities
Project management handbookProject management handbook (M1) UPVLC– will include all necessary project management procedures (reporting, approvals, etc.) to be performed by consortium members.
Progress report on Gender Dimension Strategy GDSProgress report on Gender Dimension Strategy GDS (M9) UC First version with a methodology for the measurement of effectiveness and impact of different strategies. This report is a first step for Task 8.5.
Progress report on Human Factor in ASSISTANCE impact assessmentProgress report on Human Factor in ASSISTANCE impact assessment. (M14) UC a first version including the state of the art and the methodology to be used for the impact assessment. This report is a first step of the work undertaken in Task 9.4.
Research data management, Open Data and Open Access strategyResearch data management, Open Data and Open Access strategy (M18) ETRA. This document will present the knowledge management strategy and the basic rules to guarantee an open access to the research data retrieved by the project.
Updated Exploitation and Dissemination planUpdated Exploitation and Dissemination plan (M12) ETRA. This will cover (in draft form) individual partner exploitation plans (at component and sub-system) level and a combined system exploitation plan, a plan for targeted dissemination of results to Policy Makers/ Regulators, Industry and End User Customers, and a roadmap to take the outputs of the project to market within 2 years of project end.
Training curricula development and schedulingTraining curricula development and scheduling (M12) AAHD Using a skill-based structure, the document will produce training curricula adapted to the end-users' needs in order to meet their training needs.
Desk-Research Analysis and Identification of SA and Training ToolsDesk-Research Analysis and Identification of SA and Training Tools (M4) PIAP: This deliverable will include the outcomes of the state-of-the-art review and desk research and will reflect the outcomes of task T2.1.
User Requirements SpecificationUser Requirements Specification (M6) ETRA. This deliverable will contain two main elements: Firstly, a set of user requirements, based on the input of different FRs’ organizations, for developing the new SA capabilities. The second element are system requirements for the ASSISTANCE network related to training needs and communcation network. A traceability matrix will be initiated in order to match the User Requirements gathered with the different systems modules developed and ensuring the accomplishment of the user requirements.
Training methodologies and evaluation criteria definitionTraining methodologies and evaluation criteria definition (M7) IFV. In this deliverable will be produced the ASSISTANCE training methodologies for going beyond the current end users training programs and cover the end users’ training needs and targets.
ASSISTANCE SA platform adaptationASSISTANCE SA platform adaptation (M16) UPVLC. In this deliverable will be described in detail the adaptation process of GESTOP SA platform in order to be able to be used with three different working modes tailored to the information needs of each FRs organization (e.g. LEAs. Firemen and Medical emergency services)
Mid-term Dissemination ReportMid-term Dissemination Report (M18) PIAP The report describes all the policy maker, industry and end-user as well as scientific and technical dissemination activities in the first half of the project.
ASSISTANCE SA advanced modules developmentASSISTANCE SA advanced modules development (M21) ETRA. This deliverable will describe the development of the innovative SA capabilities/modules identified by ASSISTANCE project.
Second Annual Management ReportSecond Annual Management Report M24 UPVLC The management reports will include information required in corresponding guidelines of the Horizon 2020 programme and Advisory Board meetings
First Annual Management ReportFirst Annual Management Report (M12) UPVLC The management reports will include information required in corresponding guidelines of the Horizon 2020 programme and Advisory Board meetings.
Final Annual Management ReportFinal Annual Management Report M36 UPVLC The management reports will include information required in corresponding guidelines of the Horizon 2020 programme and Advisory Board meetings
Risk & Opportunities Register 2Risk & Opportunities Register 2 (M18) RISE– will include the risk/opportunities policy, forecasted and detected risks/opportunities and the actions descriptions, deadlines and responsibilities.
Evaluation ReportEvaluation Report M36 RISE This deliverable will provide the description of the evaluated data and a thorough analysis from a techeconomic perspective
Best practices HandbookBest practices Handbook M30 UC including a list of ASSISTANCE end users past experiences in relation to societal aspects and a selection of best practices to be used as a guideline produced under Task 84
Data Management PlanData Management Plan (M6) UPVLC– will include information required in the Guidelines on Data Management in Horizon 2020 and it will be maintained during the whole project life cycle.
Validation Plan ReportValidation Plan Report M28 CATEC The deliverable will describe the validation plan development
PCP and PPI preparation Plan for Commercialisation and Market EntryPCP and PPI preparation Plan for Commercialisation and Market Entry M36 ETRA This will document provide a detailed road map for preparing both a PPI and a PCP lead by some of the ASSISTANCE end users in order to transform the outputs of the project in real products really useful for the different FRs organizations This will include customer needs competitor analysis barriers to market entry and mitigation measures etc The document also will include a Business Plan that will incorporate the individual partner exploitation plans
Human Factor impact assessmentHuman Factor impact assessment M36 UC Final version with the evaluation and assessment results of the human factor perspective during emergencies including gender dimension This deliverable acts as outcome of Tasks 84 and 85
Report on Gender Dimension Strategy GDSReport on Gender Dimension Strategy GDS M24 UC This report will include the approach for the measurement of effectiveness and impact of gender dimension according to Task 85
Report on data protection, privacy & ethical impactReport on data protection privacy ethical impact M28 ELEX It will contain the results of the assessment of the impact of rescue operations in relation to the ASSISTANCE technology on privacy data protection and human rights
Final Dissemination ReportFinal Dissemination Report M36 PIAP The report describes the policy maker industry and enduser as well as scientific and technical dissemination activities carried out in the second half of the project
Risk & Opportunities Register 1Risk & Opportunities Register 1 (M6) RISE– will include the risk/opportunities policy, forecasted and detected risks/opportunities and the actions descriptions, deadlines and responsibilities.
UAVs integrated into the system, (M21) CATEC. This deliverable will present the UAVs control system and its interfaces to the ASSISTANCE SA platform.
Robots integrated into the systemRobots integrated into the system, (M21) PIAP. This deliverable will present the robots control system and its interfaces to the ASSISTANCE SA platform.
Mission plannerMission planner, (M21) VAS. This deliverable will present the software for gathering on-field data and mission planning.
Final SA Platform Integration (M24) UPVLC. In this deliverable the whole integration process of the ASSISTANCE SA platform different elements will be described based on the system architecture proposed in T2.4.
Robust Land Mobile Communications Infrastructure DevelopmentRobust Land Mobile Communications Infrastructure Development (M21) VAS. This deliverable will describe de deployment of a hybrid and secure deployable land mobile network.
Adapted unmanned platformsAdapted unmanned platforms M13 CATEC This is a physical solution accompanied by the text description of the made adaptations
Project website (M3, updated) PIAP. This will be platform supporting dissemination activities (public) and communication within the consortium (consortium partners access only)
Javier González-Villa; Arturo Cuesta; Daniel Alvear; Adriana Balboa
Published in:
Applied Sciences, Issue 3, 2022, ISSN 2076-3417
Arturo Cuesta; Daniel Alvear; Antonio Carnevale; Francine Amon
Published in:
Safety, Issue 8, 2022, ISSN 2076-3417
F. Latosinski, A. Cuesta, D. Alvear
Published in:
Safety Science, Issue 132, 2020, Page(s) 104983, ISSN 0925-7535
Elsevier BV
Debora Robles, Manuel Esteve, Federico Carvajal, Israel Pérez.
Published in:
Proceedings of the 17th ISCRAM Conference – Blacksburg, VA, USA May 2020, 2020, Page(s) 928-936
Amanda Lee Hughes, Fiona McNeill and Christopher Zobel
Antonio Carnevale, Andrea Iannone, Arturo Cuesta Jimenez
Published in:
CyberEthics Lab
Jildou Visser (in cooperation with Eric Didderen - IFV, Robbert Heinecke – Gezamenlijke Brandweer and Tina Mioch - TNO).
Published in:
Brand&Brandweer, Issue Nummer 4 April 2020, 2020, Page(s) 38-39
Sdu Uitgevers
A. Ticheler
Published in:
Department of Psychology
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