Periodic Reporting for period 2 - SecureGas (Securing The European Gas Network)
Période du rapport: 2020-09-01 au 2021-11-30
Existing and new Gas infrastructure will have to resist to hazards and absorb their impacts more efficiently and more effectively; accommodate and recover the effects of a hazard more timely and safely; and be designed/restored to coordinate more efficiently across the various phases of a disaster risk management cycle
Project Objectives
To increase Security and Resilience of the EU Gas Critical Infrastructure (e.g. network and installations) from production to transmission up to domestic distribution, by taking into account both physical and cyber threats, as well as and the combination of them.
Concept and approach
Towards a Resilience-Based Management of Gas Assets and Infrastructures: a systemic (multi-hazards, multi-threats) security risk and resilience management approaches, including the combination of physical and cyber threats, their interconnections, cascading effects.
Target End users
Gas Critical Infrastructural operators, Gas and Energy companies, Associations and Agencies in Gas Sector in EU and at National Level, Bodies implementing the CI Directive at National level
As such, whilst WP1 has reached definitive outcomes, all other Work Packages have reached preliminary or interim results and outcomes, that will be consolidated, cemented and further improved in the second reporting period (Month 16-Month 30) of the project.
WP1 started at M1 of the project and ended at M6. WP1 had four main objectives broken down into four tasks: a) to define the SecureGas organizational and operational requirements on the basis of existing requirements for protection of Gas CI and feedbacks gathered by the end-users; b) to define technical requirements; c) to categorize risks and threats to a Gas CI in a suitable form to be adopted by the end-users and d) to identify a preliminary list of KPIs applicable to the security and resilience of Gas CI to be contextualized to the Business Cases.
WP2 started at M2 of the project and ended at M21. WP2 has produced in the 1st reporting period 4 deliverables (D2.1 D2.3 D2.5 D2.6) being public the first two and confidential the remaining two. WP2 is structured so that to be a “recursive” WP for what concerns the Conceptual Model and the High-Level Reference Architecture, being not only relevant WP2 results but also two main project results.
WP3 started at M5 and will end at M24. As such in the 1st reporting period mainly preliminary / interim results have been achieved has reported in the six deliverables submitted so far (D3.1 D3.3 D3.5 D3.7 D3.9 D3.11). Final versions will be submitted by Month 24, integrating the outcomes of the pilot’s activities within WP4-6.
WP4 addresses the customization, deployment and testing of the SecureGas HLRA and the extended components in BC1. It started at M4 and will end at M30.
Within the 1st reporting period, only D4.1 has been submitted. Indeed, all other deliverables will be submitted after M15. The work done so far at WP level has led to definition of architecture as part of the system conceptualization, system requirements and reference architecture definition, re-use of current infrastructure.
WP5 addresses the customization, deployment and testing of the SecureGas HLRA and the extended components in BC2. It started at M4 and will end at M30.
Two deliverables (D5.1 and D5.2) have been submitted in the 1st reporting period, the others are part of the 2nd period. The work done so far in WP5 has led to the customization of SecureGas components to the requirements of the BC2 to make sure, that the SecureGas components can be easily deployed into the existing AMBER infrastructure.
WP6 addresses the customization, deployment and testing of the SecureGas HLRA and the extended components in BC3. It started at M4 and will end at M30.
Within the 1st reporting period three deliverables have been submitted, D6.1 D6.2 and D6.3. D6.1 reported the scenarios as defined by BC3.
WP7 started at M7 and will end at M30. Within the 1st reporting period, three tasks have been started (Task 7.1 7.2 and 7.3) and two deliverables have been produced (D7.1 and D7.2).
WP7 main objectives have been the definition of the Validation Strategy of the project to be taken into account in the deployment (Task 7.1); the preparation of training package to be used towards training the end-users during the deployment phase (Task 7.2); the review and update existing crisis communication frameworks (Task 7.3); the identification of improved methods or means for certification (Task 7.4); the overall evaluation of the project outcomes, as collection and integration of specific evaluations related to the Business Cases to finally deliver a “White paper” addressing recommendations for cyber-physical resilience of EU Gas CI (Task 7.5).
WP8 started at M1 and will end at the project end (M30). The work carried out so far (M1-M15) includes: Visual identity release (logo - templates); Communication material release (business card – rollup – brochure); SecureGas website up and running; the Stakeholders Platform up and running; Social media accounts live, up and running (Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube); two newsletter; 1st SecureGas workshop.
This project overall outcome will be supported by the following main expected results:
• SecureGas Conceptual Model: blue print on how to design, build, operate and maintain the EU gas network to make it secure and resilient against cyber-physical threats
• SecureGas High-Level Reference Architecture: a reference framework for the implementation, integration and interoperability of SecureGas components
• A set of advanced components (covering Situational Awareness, Decision Support, Information Management, Risk and Resilience Management), customized, deployed, demonstrated and validated in the three project business cases, according to policy-relevant scenarios
• A Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) to asset the benefits and impact of SecureGas in the three Business Cases
• SecureGas White paper “Lessons learnt and recommendations for cyber-physical resilience of European Gas Critical Infrastructure”
All results will be assessed or released by the 3 project Business Cases that have been designed to cover the entire value chain of gas and focusing on relevant issues in the sector that can secure a wider replication and usability, beyond the SecureGas perimeter.
• Business Case 1 (BC1) – Located in Greece.
• Business Case 2 (BC2) – Located in Lithuania.
• Business Case 3 (BC3) – Located in Italy.