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CORDIS Web 30th anniversary CORDIS Web 30th anniversary

Strategic Partnership of Emergency Medical Service Practitioners for Coordination of Innovation Procurement

CORDIS provides links to public deliverables and publications of HORIZON projects.

Links to deliverables and publications from FP7 projects, as well as links to some specific result types such as dataset and software, are dynamically retrieved from OpenAIRE .


Interactive Innovation Hub Continuous Update

This deliverable presents the technical framework and architecture as well as the overall design of the platform including mock-ups and use cases. The first report will present the first iteration and the second will detail how the online space has been updated and extended continuously.

iProcureSecurity Online Community of Practice Continuous Update

This deliverable will describe the overall community of practice module including its technical development as well as its implementation by the consortium to attend regular and structured meetings. The first version will present the structure, the plan to steer it and the technical infrastructure, while the later will describe how it was implemented in practice.

iProcureSecurity Online Community of Practice Implementation

This deliverable will describe the overall community of practice module including its technical development as well as its implementation by the consortium to attend regular and structured meetings. The first version will present the structure, the plan to steer it and the technical infrastructure, while the later will describe how it was implemented in practice.

Interactive Innovation Hub Implementation

This deliverable presents the technical framework and architecture as well as the overall design of the platform including mock-ups and use cases. The first report will present the first iteration and the second will detail how the online space has been updated and extended continuously.

Communication Activities Report 1

This report will show how the variety of communication channels and means was used to disseminate information about the project: this contains for example delivered leaflets, newsletters and additional materials for the general public and interested stakeholders, social media activities etc.

Final Event Summary Report

This report will provide information about the implementation of the event, detailing the types of participants involved, the structure, agenda, as well as how it was promoted to attract as many stakeholders as possible.

R&D initiatives’ and providers’ map

Based on the identified methods included in D3.1 and a SWOT analysis, this deliverable will present a strong methodology that will be used in the upcoming case-studies.

Updated analysis report

This report will present updates from all upper findings collected during the implementation.

European Medical Emergency Ecosystem’s Capability Gaps

The case-studies will shortly present different landscapes and challenges/need through Europe that will help in the setting up of the priorities for R&I and structuring a tendering for a PCP phase.

External Event and Engagements Report

These reports will report on the organisation, implementation and general impressions of the annual conference. The final conference will have a wider focus and require more resources in terms of organisation and attendance.

Empirical research report

This report will summarise all conducted interviews by all partners. The report gives an overview of the issues, discusses, aggregates the findings, and shows the types of practitioners that were interviewed.

Revaluation and Validation Report

This deliverable will include a revaluation and a second iteration of all upcoming documents. Its outcome is a ready-to-use file of tender documents which will constitute the basis for the PCP action or can be used by external procurers.

Workshops’ summary report

This deliverable summarises the results of the regional/national stakeholder workshops with external practitioners and other stakeholders. Its content includes a summary of methods for gaps assessment and innovation procurement among different organisations.

Priority Areas for R&I in Medical Emergency Services Report

This deliverable includes the first step into the direction of the technical requirements specifications. It will be built upon the assessment of the field’s capability gaps.

Communication Activities Report 2

This report will show how the variety of communication channels and means was used to disseminate information about the project: this contains for example delivered leaflets, newsletters and additional materials for the general public and interested stakeholders, social media activities etc.

Ecosystem analysis

This report will present the outcomes of the literature review and the desk research, presenting a first review of the gaps and needs of the field.

Synergies with national and regional networks and projects

This deliverable consists on the list of networks and subnetworks and projects (H2020, FP7) identified, their contact details and reporting on the ways they were approached, together with outcomes of the collaboration discussions.

Project website, social media channels and communication activities

The project website will contain detailed information on the aims, objectives, consortium, work processes and the current state of the project. The project website will be created and maintained in the initial phase and later it will be transferred to the Online Information Hub. While the social media channels will provide updated information about all developments throughout the project duration.


Preparedness of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) for Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Author(s): Johannes Braunbruck
Published in: 2020
Publisher: iProcureSecurity

Mutilingual EMS Glossary Effort in iProcureSecurity Project

Author(s): Andres Castilo
Published in: 2020
Publisher: iProcureSecurity

Health emergencies due to climate change: Resilience actions to counteract

Author(s): Johannes Braunbruck
Published in: 2020
Publisher: iProcureSecurity

How To Improve Your Emergency Department Through Lean Management

Author(s): Sandra Rueda Charro
Published in: 2019
Publisher: iProcureSecurity

Emergency Medical Services Systems. An Overview.

Author(s): Vincenzo Costigliola, MD Founder & President at European Medical Association (EMA)
Published in: 2019
Publisher: iProcureSecurity

Quality Indicators In Emergency Medical Services For Patient Safety

Author(s): Andres Castillo
Published in: 2019
Publisher: iProcureSecurity

Hospital-Based Emergency Care: Italy And America In Comparison

Author(s): Elsa Pacella
Published in: 2020
Publisher: iProcureSecurity

Emergency Medical Services And Beyond: Addressing New Challenges Through A Wide Literature Review (Summary)

Author(s): Elsa Pacella
Published in: 2019
Publisher: iProcureSecurity

The ‘Health Emergency’ Of Climate Change

Author(s): Andres Castillo
Published in: 2019
Publisher: iProcureSecurity

Telemedicine In Healthcare

Author(s): Andres Castilo
Published in: 2019
Publisher: iProcureSecurity

Preparedness for telephone dispatch-assisted cardiopulmonary resuscitation in Italy. A National survey

Author(s): Samantha Di Marco1 Nursing Emergency Area Department, Presidio Ospedaliero del Levante Ligure, La Spezia, Italy Riccardo Tucci2 Italian Resuscitation Council, Bologna, Italy Giulia Tonelli3, Giulia Frione3 University of Genova, Genoa, Italy Federico Semeraro4 Department of Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Emergency Medical Services, Ospedale Maggiore, Bologna, Italy Giuseppe Ristagno5 Department of
Published in: Resuscitation journal, 2020, Page(s) Pages 87–88
Publisher: Resuscitation journal

iProcureSecurity – Webinars, outcomes and insights – Critical Challenges And Innovation Needs Of Emergency Medical Services Identified During The COVID-19 Pandemic

Author(s): Johannes Braunbruck
Published in: 2020
Publisher: iProcureSecurity

Distinction between public and private procurement

Author(s): Johannes Braunbruck
Published in: 2020
Publisher: iProcureSecurity

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