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NOvel Quantum simulators – connectIng Areas

Periodic Reporting for period 3 - NOQIA (NOvel Quantum simulators – connectIng Areas)

Reporting period: 2022-07-01 to 2023-12-31

As one of the most important pillars of quantum technologies (QT), quantum simulators (QS) promise interdisciplinary applications and solutions for fundamental problems of physics, as well as for chemistry, material sciences and optimization problems. There are, however, still areas of contemporary physics and science in general, full of hard to solve/simulate problems that were not yet quantum simulated. One of these areas is attoscience (AS), or more generally ultrafast science, i.e. physics and chemistry of systems interacting with intense and ultrashort laser pulses (from XUV to THz range). AS can be quantum simulated by other systems, and can itself serve as a contemporary platform for QS, where the focus is no more on simulations of systems described by Hamiltonians or Liouville operators, but of generation and control of massively entangled states and theory possible applications. Another area that is still missing connection to quantum simulators is the area of classical and quantum machine learning (ML). ML offers solutions for pattern recognition, or various classification and optimization problems. Our uniquely broad experience motivates us to attempt to unify these areas, aiming at the new field of QS of ultrafast science and quantum learning devices, under the common umbrella of topology and topological effects in physics (TEP), and quantum validation and certification (QVC). The overarching aims are, on the AS side, to investigate and employ topological effects in ultrafast science, especially in strongly correlated few body and many body systems interacting with intense MIR laser/THz laser/XUV sources, and to design quantum simulators of these effects with atomic, molecular, and optical physics (AMO) platforms. On the ML side, we will apply ML methods to problems of quantum many-body physics and QS, based on AMO platforms; conversely, we will transfer quantum many-body techniques, like tensor networks methods to ML problems.

The project is important for the society since it connects fundamental discoveries in AS and QS, but addresses also concrete applications in QT. We connect particular hope with novel ways of generating quantum entanglement and correlations in ultrafast scenario. Understanding dynamics of strongly correlated systems is the clue for the future application of QS and AS. NOQIA is at the frontiers of this research area.
In general, the work performed from the beginning of the project led to over 100 publications, but only part of them were directly and tightly bounded to the goals of NOQIA. The results were presented at numerous international meeting and conferences, seminars etc. We realized a non-trivial dissemination plan toward general public, culminating in a concert at the moist important festival of electro-acoustic music, entitled “Interpreting Quantum Randomness” (

Overall, the major results of the project have been:
- Develop a new, interdisciplinary field, connecting QS and AS, under the common umbrella of topology and topological effects in physics, and quantum validation-certification. Demonstrate novel topological effects in AMO systems/quantum simulators, such as synthetic twisted bilayer systems. Translate and design analogues of novel TEP in QS with AMO platforms to ultrafast science of solid state, and vice versa.
- Address novel challenges that currently arise in AS of solid state, and strongly correlated many/few body systems, such as detection/generation of topological order and/or superconductivity and other exotic quantum phases. Transfer/quantum simulate them into/with AMO platforms, providing validation and certification protocols.
- We studied intensively AS for QS, in various aspects. The most important is the new line of research that allows to use AS as QS directly for generation of massively entangled and superposition states and for detection of topological order.
Finally, we studied intensively AS for QS, in various aspects. The most important is the new line of research that allows to use AS as QS directly for generation of massively entangled and superposition states and for detection of topological order. And also we worked on combining ML methods with tensor networks.
As the published papers prove, we conducted research on the highest international level. The fact that results were published in such top journals proves that what we do clearly goes beyond the state of art. We are clearly opening a new epoque in AS where QED effects play an important, if not dominant role