Periodic Reporting for period 1 - FlexMod (A Flexible, Data-driven Model Framework to Predict Soil Responses to Land-use and Climate Change)
Reporting period: 2020-05-01 to 2022-04-30
In this project, the first objective is to develop a soil carbon modeling framework that incorporates measurements and their uncertainties from long-term warming and management experiments. The aim is to use standard statistical and Bayesian methods to calibrate the Millennial model at the site scale as well as using soil C pools that are changing decadally in response to management. The second objective is to incorporate the calibrated Millennial model into the Earth System global land surface model (ORCHIDEE) developed and used at LSCE, the host institution, for building an ensemble of future projections on decadal scales.
The main delivered products are a state-of-the-art soil C cycling model representing measurable pools which is publicly available and constrained by data at global scales, as well as advances in understanding about the capacity of soils to store C and their sensitivity to climate and land management.
The Fellow conducted a global-scale evaluation of Millennial V2 using measurements of soil C fractions at 1300+ sites (Abramoff et al. 2022). The Fellow fit Millennial V2 with and without croplands to determine the effect of agricultural management on model parameters. The Fellow developed a novel method for estimating total litter input using a data product of aboveground litterfall combined with a separate data product estimating the partitioning between above and belowground plant parts. The global evaluation compared Millennial V2 model output to many of the datasets initially identified in Task 2.2 as well as more detailed datasets gathered to evaluate partitioning of C stock into different fractions and the mean residence time. One of the global datasets of soil fraction measurements used is a new synthesis which is currently under consideration at Nature Communications.
The Fellow considered using ORCHIDEE model output as inputs to the model. However, the Fellow identified data products that are more closely related to measurements than is ORCHIDEE model output. Nevertheless, the Fellow is developing an interface system to couple Millennial V2 and ORCHIDEE that goes beyond what was promised in WP2 because rather than running the model offline, the interface will allow data to be passed between Millennial V2 and ORCHIDEE at each timestep and include coupled C and nitrogen cycling. This work will be completed by postdoctoral fellow E. Bruni who will be co-advised by the Fellow and B.Guenet under the H2020 Grant No. 101000289.
CMIP5 simulations were not yet conducted due to the project ending 4 months early, as the Fellow secured a permanent position as an Associate Scientist at ORNL, USA. However, projections of the coupled ORCHIDEE-Millennial in response to changing climate and land use is planned in collaboration with E. Bruni as mentioned above. Relevant to Tasks 2.2 and 2.3 multiple models were fitted including Millennial V2 to decadal-scale soil C stock changes measured at 17 agricultural sites to determine how much additional C is needed to meet the goal of increasing soil C concentration by 4‰ per year, in prep for Global Change Biology (Bruni et al.). Over the time period of the Fellowship, the Fellow has published 2 first author papers, and 1 corresponding author paper. This represents a total of 3 published papers, 1 book chapter in press, 1 book chapter in revision, 3 papers in review, and 4 papers in advanced prep.
The Fellow disseminated her research via publication, her Twitter account, and invited talks at conferences (e.g. American Geophysical Union) and research institutions.
The Millennial model is already being used within multi-model ensemble tools to inform decision makers and improve model fitting processes, as well as provide uncertainty bounds to projections based on differences in model structure. In addition to the example described above, the Millennial model code has been forked 9 times from the original Github repository by other research groups and is being developed into model ensemble tools in Europe and the US. The ability to update projections when new data become available is a fundamental advance that allows modelers to accelerate the pace with which they improve prediction accuracy.