The generalization of flush toilets in the 19th century, together with the growth of sewage systems, significantly improved the health of human urban populations. However, these systems came at a huge environmental cost: they pollute large amounts of clean water in a lengthy and energy-intensive process. At Sanisphère we believe it is time for the next great transition in human waste treatment, using on-site waterless vermicomposting of faecal matter. Commonly used in Scandinavian countries, composting toilets have been spreading to the rest of Europe and the US as a solution for remote areas without sewage systems. Indeed, this has been the base of Sanisphère's business model since 1991, installing over 600 stand-alone public toilets in Europe and Canada. However, current systems cannot be installed in multi-storey buildings without a limit on height, and the volume of the composted final product is considerably large, hindering adoption in cities. With Sanibuilding, we have a designed a system capable of overcoming these limitations. Firstly, we will use worms to accelerate the composting process, reducing the volume of the final material. Secondly, we will use several technical innovations including our patented urine and faeces separation device, a large, slow conveyor belt to support the composting process, and a passive ventilation system assuring the absence of odours